Prank Wars

Sunshine Inn
When Fo opened her eyes in the morning, the only thing she saw was Minho... literally. They were laying face to face with only a few inches of separation. He had his arm thrown around her waist and was hugging her to him. When she tried to move back she found that she couldn't. Something was blocking her from the back. She craned her head back to look behind her and found Key curled up against her back. As she was getting comfortable in preparation of the wait she'd be going through before they woke up, she saw black on her arm from the corner of her eye. She looked down at her arm. After she read it she stared at her arm in disbelief. Written across her arm in sharpie was Jonghyun's name in big, bold letters. "JONGHYUN!!!!" Fo screeched as she was jumping up out of bed to go kill him. Her movement jarred the two sleeping boys who snapped awake. Although she was incredibly furious at Jonghyun, she knew she had to check Minho's and Key's temperatures to make sure they were back to normal before she went after him. After she confirmed they were okay she stormed down the stairs to find Jonghyun calmly sitting at the table eating eggs. "Is this an open declaration of war J?!" Fo asked him in anger. "Maybe it is" he snapped back. Fo just stalked off while snapping back at him, "Just you wait." Jonghyun grinned while watching her stride off. Fo went to her room to grab her bags of dried coloring. She keeps it in her room because Avy likes to dye things green so Fo took it away from her when she dyed Fo's favorite clown pants. She then proceeded to sneak into Jonghyun's bathroom. She went in and popped the top of the shower nozzle off. She stuck a bag of blue coloring on the inside and placed the covering of the nozzle back on. After Fo was finished in Jonghyun's bathroom she went back down stairs and walked into the livingroom. Everyone was sitting around in the livingroom watching TV. When Fo looked over at Avy and Taemin she noticed that they were slightly red. Fo wanted to know why but decided to question Avy later when the boys weren't around. Fo walked over to the couch and plopped into the space between Key and Junghyun. "Hi Umma!!" she says to Key as she "accidentally" bumps hard into Junghyun. "Great" he says, "now I have to go take a shower." Fo glares at his retreating back as he walks up the stairs to his room. The other boys get up to go out and meet their manager. After they left Fo let out the smile she'd been holding in. "Why do you look so happy?" Avy asks in a worried voice. Fo then proceeds to tell her about the prank she's pulling on Jonghyun. Avy looks thoughtful for a minute and then asks to borrow the grin dye. When asked why, Avy just grinned. Fo couldn't deny Avy because she herself had used the dye for evil so she handed the bottle to Avy who rushed up the stairs and headed to Onew's room. Fo sat back and the TV to listen to music. Suddenly a yell could be heard above the music. Fo sat smirking on the couch while waiting for Jonghyun to come down. He came storming down the stairs a few minutes later. Fo looked over at him and then started laughing. She laughed so hard that she started to cry. Avy came down to see what was going on and started laughing when she saw Jonghyun. "Laugh while you can" Jonghyun said to Fo and then he plopped onto the chair in the corner of the livingroom. "Whatever you say my little smurf" Fo responds to him with a smile. The front door then opened and the boys walked in. They took one look at Jonghyun and started cracking up. "I'm guessing Fo got to you" Key said while holding his sides and laughing. Jonghyun glared at everyone and then stalked out of the livingroom. After their laughter had died down, Onew headed up to take a shower. Taemin went to make himself a sandwich and Minho plopped onto the couch next to Fo. Key sat on the other side of her and began to congratulate her for her brilliant prank. Out of nowhere a green Onew ran down the stairs in nothing but his shorts. Fo looked over at Avy and the. Because she was, everyone else looked at Avy. "I thought he would look cute green and I was right" Avy said with a blushing smile. If Onew hadn't been green everyone would have saw that he was also blushing at her cute comment which was why he didn't get mad at Avy. Suddenly Tae started shrieking from the kitchen. When everyone ran in to see what wad going on they saw him running around the kitchen holding his mouth. He wouldn't respond when people asked what was wrong and the Fo noticed a misplaced bottle of hot sauce. Fo quickly grabbed a loaf of bread and made Tae eat some. After a few pieces of bread he had calmed down and talked. "I don't know what happened. After I made my sandwich I went to grab some water. When I came back and took a bite of it my mouth started burning like it was on fire!" Fo glanced in the direction of Jonghyun's room with a thoughtful look on her face. 'So this is how he wants to play' Fo thinks to herself. "Let's play a game!" says Minho excitedly. Lately he's opened up more and is acting more like himself,  which was actually kinda spazzy. Everyone, but Junghyun of course, went into the livingroom to play a game of Just Dance. They played it for a couple hours and then decided it was lunch time. Avy went to see what there was to eat and found nothing good. She decided to go to the store. Tae and Onew went with her but everyone made Onew promise to wait in the car for them. Key went upstairs to his room and Minho headed outside to work out in the backyard. Fo decided to get another prank ready for Jonghyun. She put Saran covered the livingroom doorway with saran wrap coated in honey. Then she got a fan and bag of feathers set up near the doorway with a trip wire that would make the fan go off. When she heard footsteps approaching she ran and hid behind the couch. She heard a muffled yell and then the fan went off. Fo jumped out from behind the couch and yelled "ha!" Everything worked out according to plan except for one small miscalculation. Minho, and not Jonghyun, was standing in the middle of the livingroom spiting out feathers that got in his mouth. He glared at Fo and began menacingly walking towards her. She slowly began to back away while apologizing to him. When Fo realized she was cornering herself she tried to run by him but he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. Minho then proceeded to carry her up to his room, throw her in his closet, and lock the door. He walked out of his room to see everyone standing there looking at him in shock. Fo was screaming at him from the closet. "No one let her out" Minho told them in a stern voice and then went to take a shower. Inside the closet Fo was fuming. Then an evil smile lit up her face 'cause she remembered she had a pair of scissors in her pocket. Later after his shower Minho realized he forgot to grab a shirt. He headed to his closet. When he unlocked and opened the door Fo was sitting in the middle of the closet with a frown. "You can go now" he told Fo with a smile. She got up and stalked out of the room. Minho grabbed one of his favorite shirts and pulled it over his head. When he got it on he realized he was feeling a slight breeze along his stomach. When he looked down he found a long jagged cut on the front of his shirt. From downstairs Fo heard Minho yelling her name. She started laughing and then yelled back to him, "serves you right for locking me in the closet with your clothes!" Key and Jonghyun came down the stairs. Key had helped Jonghyun remove the purple dye. "There Dino, you're back to normal now I suggest you be careful with who you mess with. Fo looked at them with a smile, "Dino?" Jonghyun looked at Key with an annoyed expression. "What's wrong J-Saurus. If you keep frowning your gonna get wrinkles" Fo said. Jonghyun chose to ignore Fo for the time being because he was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. He went into the kitchen, got a drink of water, and then went back up to his room. Everyone else went into the livingroom to watch Tv before bed. Minho sat on the opposite side of the room from Fo and occasionally they would glare at each other. After a hour of TV the boys and Mace went off to bed. When she was sure everyone was upstairs and in their rooms Avy pulled some ropes from behind her back. Since Fo knew Avy's mind really well she instantly knew what the plan was. They smiled at each other and then headed up to Jonghyun's room. 
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I'm guessing no sequel... No one commented...


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Woooohpeasants342 #1
Woooh booooook to read!!
I love this story!!!!