I hate you~

First Love


You groaned as the sunlight flashed in your eyes and you use a pillow as a protector. Your mom shouted and her voice filled entire house.


“Hyo Mi~! It's already 7 a.m! Don't you have school today?” You yawning and rubbed your eyes. You are too sleepy because you stay up late last night watching movies, playing online game. You dont want to get up from bed. Ahhh~ I need more sleep! Why we should have school?


Your mom knocked at your bedroom door so loudly. “Hyo Mi~! Get up palli~! You will be late for your school.” She shouted behind the door. You sat up lazily and stretching your body. “I hate to get up in the morning just to go to school” You mumbled.


You take a shower and wearing your school uniform. You let out a big sigh while standing in front of the mirror tie up your hair. You hate facing those arrogant-hot-obnoxious guys and girls in your school. They are just attention seekers. They will do everything for attention. But you have no choice, at least you still have Eun Ah, your best friend.




“Hyo Mi-ah!” You heard someone screaming your name. You looked up and saw Eun Ah stood in front school gate and waving her right hand to you. You just giving her a thin smile. You saw some people looked at you weirdly. “Durr people, please doing your own business and Eun Ah, stop waving at me.” you just said it in your brain, no one heard it only you.


“Hey what's up?” You greeted her as you held her hand and walked together to the class. “Hyo Mi, I got something to tell you. There is new student transfers to this school. And the good news is it was a boy!” Her voice rose to high-pitch and she covered with her hand. “Sorry~ I was too excited.”


“Like I care Eun Ah? You know me well right?” You opened your locker and put the bag into it.

“Hyo Mi, when you will have a boyfriend? Please be a lady, stop playing games, and stop wearing this cap.” She said while tried to grab your cap. You caught her hand before she could to take off your cap.

“Dont touch my cap. This is me. I just being myself Eun Ah. I dont like to be fake just like other people in this school.” She just smirked at you.


“Okay okay. You win.” She raised white flag. She knows she cant win when talking about your appearances. You just being yourself. Is it wrong?



“I want to introduce to all of you our new student. He was transferred from Chungju High School. Jong In, please introduce yourself.” You woke up from a deep sleep when you heard Mrs Hye Jin's voice.


“My name is Kim Jong In. I hope we can be a good friend.” He looked at you and smiled. Your heart were pounding so hard when you saw his smile. “What the hell? It just a smile.”

“Can I sit beside you?” His voice snapped you into reality.


“Err.. yes sure.” You were stammering while answered his question. “Yo Hyo Mi~ calm down! It just a guy. You have seen many handsome guy and he just one of them.” You tried to calm yourself.




“Hyo Mi, someone said that new student was in your class. Is that true?” Eun Ah said while munching her lunch.


“Yah pabo~ Please talk when you finish eating. Its disgusting.”

“Sorry~ so how is he? His name is Jong In right?”

“Yes~ he just fine.” You just shrugged to her question.


“OMO! OMO! Is that Jong In?” You looked to where Eun Ah pointed.

“Yes. He is Jong In.” You just let out a big sigh and you saw Jong In smiled at you.
“OMO! He smiles at you Hyo Mi~! OH MY GOD! I think he likes you.” She said while covered his face, feeling shy maybe.


“Paboya! Stop with this ridiculous things and finish your lunch.” You slightly slapped at her face.




It was already two months since Jong In entered your school. You went to meet Eun Ah when break time but accidentally bumped into Jong In. He was surrounded by many girls. “Handsome guy, like usual. He just same like other guys in this school. Love attention, love to flirt.”


“Hyo Mi~!” You heard someone calling your name. You turned your head and saw Jong In was running toward you.


“Hey~ Can we go lunch together?” He said as he taking his breath.

“No~ I'm not eating. I just want to meet my friend. Okay see ya.” Before he could say anything, You just walked and leave him behind.




Finally, your school ended. You walked home alone. All of sudden, someone bumped into you and you lost your balance but someone hugged you from behind. Your cap take off from your head, reveal your beautiful hair. You were too shock and you eyes were blurry, cant clearly see who just save you.


“I guess I just save you.” It was Kim Jong In and he was smirking at you! You just sat up and walked without looking back. You were too embarrassed. And suddenly, you felt someone held your hand. KIM JONG IN HELD YOUR HAND!

You tried to pull your hand away from him but he held your hand tightly.

“You owe me.” He said.
“What??” You feel angry.

“I like you.” You feel your cheeks turned to pink.
“Since I just save you, can you do me some favor?” He still held your hand.

“What now?” You gave him a death glare.
“Please be my girl. I like you and I know you like me too.” He takes your hand to his lips and kiss it softly. You feel so hot and your cheeks was red like tomatoes. You dont answered his question but suddenly you feel his lips on you.

“I take your silent as yes.” He said as grab your cap from your hand.
“I take this as gift.” He screamed at you while waving your cap as he running away from you



***Sorry if this story is not really good.. It was my first time writing oneshot :(


here Kai for all of you :))



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Chapter 1: wow! was nice!!! :)
Chapter 1: wow......very good story..congrat.
hanyanhae #3
Chapter 1: what a cute story love it <3 please write another story about kyung soo too hehe
Chapter 1: done read this and wow like kairalavender said, he stole the first kisseu *o*
Chapter 1: waaaaa it's so sweet x3
I just become super fangirling...
kyaaaaaaaaa so sweet so sweet x3
Chapter 1: He stole the first kiss! Stole mine too! XD