a little something

the other type of cinderella

so this will mostly be in your POV again :) thanks 



so, pretty much my life is what you call the evil stepsister of cinderella. the only problem is, the people dont even know the truth. you see, i have kinda been living in the shadows of my gorgeous stepsister who got the title cinderella. you want me to introduce her to you? fine. She is really pretty, kind, has nice attitude, and she has no boyfriend. NOT. most of those were lies. see, she made this rumor about me in her school, i bully her because i hate her looks because i am plain and ugly, she also said that i was stealing all of her boyfriends that is why she never wants to get one because 'she dosent want her heart broken', she makes me look bad at everyone in her school. well, now it is really bad.why you ask? see i graduated from middle school and now will be a freshman. and in who's in that school too? yep yer right. my sister.

______________last night_________________________________

"omygod! what mom? i dont believe you! you ! why enroll that biatch in our school? she isnt supposed to ruin my life and reputation there too!" miss cinderella said also know as jangmi

"yes jangmi i know that she is totally different from our family but we have to do someting about it dont worry in school you can just ditch her and do whatever you want okay? mommy loves you honey. oh and your dad is out on a business trip so spend as much money as you want." god these two make a great evil duo.

"hell no...." she thought about something. how i know this? she had that evil look in her face."ohh well nothing we can do about it. thats fine then. i am going to make her life a living hell" she laughed creepily. 

"yes dear, whatever you say i can help you too. i know that she bullies you and all. cant help it. her mother probably was one too. so thats why you can do whatever you want with her." i saw the she devil coming up and was bringing bags with her. what is she up to now?

"hey get up and pack your things. you arent living here anymore" she shouted

"what why? this is my house. if anyone should be leaving it should be you. you arent the one paying for this house!."

"and you arent too sweetie so get out."

"then where the hell am i supposed to live?!" 

"tsk. thats your problem sicko. thats what you get for bulling my precious daughter. you and your anger issues! look what you did to her! get out of here!" 

"and if i dont?"  ..................... *kicked out of the house with my bags and money*  "i see so thats what will happen"

"*sigh* alittle visit to houses wont mind" i walked around the neighborhood and nothing. so when i reaced near te supposed school i go to i saw an empty house and though i would buy it. so i did. it was small and it was really cheap. so i still had a lot of money thinking from my bank account and all.in no time i was able to make the house like home. though i miss my other home. nothing i can really do about it. thats life. but im guessing it will be worse tomorrow since it is the start of school with all those darting eyes and scary people. got to live it. 




school started. as i thought everyone started bashing me and throws hate letters and started bullying me saying "how does it feel to get bullied" while my sister was crying with a fake bruise on her face. gotta admit she does good make up works.

i entered the classroom and saw so many new people well duh i mean like obviously they are new to me. we started introducing ourselves and this guy caught everyones attention.he became popular after a day man i mean like wow. 

"move it biatc"


continued tomorrow sorry if its short i ust needed to do something urgent

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shiningdorks #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^