Sit down Taemin ah

Your story

"Taemin ah!" Key called out to his son. Taemin came running in the living room, wearing blue skinny jeans and a black American Eagle hoodie, ready to leave.

"Yes Umma?" Taemin asked, fixing his hair. Key nervoulsy wiped his hands on his apron.

"Minnie, we need to have a talk..." Key said, holding his hand out to a chair across the table. Taemin smiled.

"If it's about drinking, I know mom I won't be dri-"

"No, no. It's about something else. Please sit." Key said, sitting in his own chair. Taemin shrugged sitting down across from his mom.

"I hope it's not about ." he joked, Key smiled.

"No, no." he said. Slience settled between them as the tea in the pot boiled slowly. Taemin tapped his fingers on the table.

"So... What's up?" he asked, not liking how his umma looked uncomfortable. Key sighed.

"Since your older now... I feel like you should know..." he said, playing with his hands. Taemin blinked.

"Know what?"

"That... your adopted..." Taemin's eyes widen, stareing at his umma in shock.

"I-I'm what?" his voice shook. Key shifted his eyes, not wanting to see the hurt in his son's eyes as he rubbed his thumbs together. That sat in slience again, it was a couple seconds but to Key it felt forever. The pot started steaming, wakeing them both back to reality.

"Tea's done." Key said standing up, standing from his seat. His feet carried him quickly to the steaming pot, turning off the heat. Key poured the hot water on the tea bags and sighed, maybe he shouldn't have said something.

"So.. umma and appa is not Key and Jonghyun... Umma... who is?" Taemin asked standing up, voice soft. "Who are my birth parents?" Key slowly turned to Taemin. "Umma..."

"Heechul and Jaejoong sunbaenim." he said. Taemin stared at Key, mouth open.

"H-Heechul and Jaejoong Sunbaenim..." he said, sitting back on his chair. "Heechul and Jaejoong sunbaenim..." Key slowly walked over, setting a cup of tea infront of Taemin. Taemin laid his head on his hand, resting his elbow on the table. "I thought me and Heechul looked the same just by chance..."

"I know it's hard baby." Key said looking at his tea. Taemin's hand rubbing over his eyes then down his face, covering his mouth.

"This is so..."


"Yeah... and your telling me this on my birthday?"

"I felt like you should know." Key said, meeting eyes with the younger boy. They stared at each other. Taemin sighed, rubbing his nose.

"So... how did this all came to be?" he asked. Key looked down at his tea.

"Well... from what Heechul sunbaenim told me..."


"No Yunho! That's not the problem!" Jaejoong hisses in his phone. "The problem is that you and Yoochun are getting way to friendly!" he paused listening to his boyfriends explantion. "I'm not being overly senstive! If you feel that way then go hang out with Yoochun!" Jaejoong hung up his phone, muttering curses at his man. Jaejoong ploped the phone on the seat next to him a hugged his pillow, grumbling. "Stupid Yunho." suddenly his phone went off, letting Jaejoong know that he had gotten a text. He glared at it, expecting a text from the dancer but instead it was from Heechul.

Hee-ah <3: Joongie~ Let's go have a drink! :)

Jaejoong smiled at the message. He really needed a drink and someone to vent to about Yunho. Also it'd be nice to meet up with his bff! Jaejoong replyed and got up, running to his room to pick out a outfit.


"Joongie!" Heechul waved as Jaejoong walked into the bar. Jaejoong smiled when he finally saw his friend.

"Chulie ah!" Jaejoong opened up his arms, wanting to embrace his friend. Heechul stood up and walked into his arms, the friends hugging each other.

"Oh, ive missed you. Kiss, kiss." Heechul said, making a kissing noise as he bumped Jaejoong's cheek with his, Jae doing the same.

"Kiss, kiss. I havn't seen you in a while, what have you been up to my friend?" Jaejoong asked, taking his seat at the bar. Heechul sat down.

"Oh you know, stuff. Like I got this knew cat, oh he's so cute!" Heechul said, opening his phone to show him the picture of the cat. However, the cat wasn't what caught Jaejoong's eye. Jaejoong gasped.

"Omo! Is that a engagement ring?" he asked. Heechul smiled, moving his phone so he could fully show his friend the ring.

"Oh it is! Hankyung finally got his chinese on one knee and asked me to marry him." Heechul said. Jaejoong grabbed his friend's hand.

"Omo it's so pretty. Aw, your so lucky." he said, letting Heechul's hand go. Heechul turned to thank the waiter when their drinks finally came, taking his drink.

"What? Hasn't Yunho gotten down yet?" he asked. Jaejoong pouted, takeing his own drink.

"Ugh, I don't even want to talk about him." he hissed, sipping his drink. Heechul set his drink down.

"Omo! Did you two break up?" he asked. Jaejoong shook his head.

"No... well not yet." he said. Heechul gasped.

"Huh? Why? What's going on?" he asked, covering his mouth. Jaejoong pouted setting his drink down.

"Because recently he's getting real friendly with Yoochun! Like holding hands, rubbing backs, smiling fondly! Like ugh! And he keeps telling me their just friends. What friends are all touchy!?" Jaejoong hissed, throwing his hands around in his anger. Heechul nodded.

"Oh, I totally understand! Like a couple days ago I got into a HUGE fight with Hannie because him and Swion were way to close on the couch! Like why is Swion laying on his arm like they're a couple!?" Heechul said, explaining his own stuff. "I know Swion is after him." Jaejoong gasped.

"How horrible!" he said. Heechul's eyes widened in agreement.

"I know right! How can you cuddle with someone else that isn't your soon to be wifey!?"

"Ugh! Men!" Jaejoong hissed, downing his drink in one shot. Heechul pouted, looking at his phone.

"And i've been texting my hubby all hour and no responce... Oh! He texted me!" Heechul face brightened up, opening up his phone. Jaejoong pouted, laying on his hand. Life is not fair. However, Heechul's face dropped. Jaejoong eyed him.

"What's up?"

"Oh, my god!" Heechul hissed. "He said he was at the movies with Swion! THE MOVIES WITH SWION! With SWION! And they went to see a scary movie! How can he be in a dark room with that man!? Ugh!" Jaejoong eyes widen as his friend kept ranting.

"I can't believe him!" Jaejoong replied. Heechul covered his face in frustration.

"Ugh! What a totall head!" his hands went to his cheeks, eyes widen "What if they kissed!?" Jaejoong covered his mouth.

'"Omo don't say that!" he said. Heechul opened his phone and started typing away angerily. At that moment Jaejoong's phone went off, he opened his phone to see a message from Yunho.

My Baby<3<3<3<3: Hey babe, I'm goint to be praticing with the guys in the dance studio for our next gig. Let's talk thigs out tomorow ok? Love you

Jaejoong's eyes narrowed.

"Dance studio?" his eyes widen. "Oh hell no!" Heechul looked at him.

"What?" he asked. Jaejoong showed him the text.

"Yoochun is part of his dance crew!" Heechul eyes widen.

"Omo! I can't believe him! Knowing how you feel about him and Yoochun!"

"I know!" Jaejoong hissed. Heechul's phone went off, he picked it up.

"Oh HELL no." he hissed. Jaejoong blinked.

"What he say?" he asked. Heechul showed him the text.

"He said i'm over reacting! OVERREACTING!" He yelled. Jaejoong mouth dropped.

"Oh hell no! These boys are just! UGH!" he hissed. Heechul slammed his phone shut, shoving it into his pocket before turning to the bar tender. "Excuse, but we need another round over here."

"Sure, what do you want?" the bartender asked. Heechul and Jaejoong looked at each other before looking back at him.

"Whatever is strongest."


"And so his said... meow!" Jaejoong started cracking up. Heechul then followed after him, laughing at his own joke. Jaejoong slapped his own leg.

"Oh Chunnie! Your the best!" he said, Heechul flipped his hair.

"Oh I know, but it doesn't seem like my man knows what he gots!" Heechul hissed. Jaejoong nodded.

"I know, I mean you know how many guys are after my y ? These boys are fools!" he said, both of them drunk off their minds. Heechul nodded, slaming down his now empty glass.

"Man, we should just ditch them and we get together! That'd show them!" Heechul sputtered out.

"Yeah! That'd show them!" Jaejoong said downing his full glass. Heechul eyed his empty glass before turning to Jaejoong.

"You know, you are very y." he said swirling his finger on the table. Jaejoong smiled setting his drink down.

"You are too." he said stareing at his friend. Heechul ran his finger over his friends lip.

"Too bad Yunho is a fool." he whispered, Jaejoong stuck his tounge out to his his friend finger.

"So is Hankyung." he whispered before on Heechul's finger. Heechul bit his lip, watching Jaejoong. He took his finger away and replaced it with his mouth. Th two boys started to make out, tounge dancing while hands traveled each other. When they remebers breathing was something they needed, they broke aprat, just stareing at each other. Jaejoong smirked, standing up while dumping a wad of cash on the bar table. Heechul blinked. Jaejoong pulled his friend up before picking him up like a bride. Heechul started to giggle as he move foreword to kiss his friend's lips. Jaejoong bit his as he started walking out of the bar.

"Come again!" The bartender called out.


Jaejoong groaned, the sunlight meeting his face. He moved over, snuggling into the pillow witha upset sighed. His head was pounding and his back stung. A groan next to him alreted him that he wasn't alone. It didn't sound like Yunho. Jaejoong lifted his head from the pillow to see Heechul, lips swollen and cut while a big hickey was on his neck and bite marks on his jaw line also his hair was a mess. Jaejoon blinked. Why was Heechul in his bed? Why did he look like that? Like he just had... Jaejoong's eyes widen. No he didn't. Jaejoong shot up, the blanket exposing his upper body, he held up the blanket to see if he was under also. Yup, and from the looks a little Jae he had a fun time last night. Jaejoong's mouth dropped, letting go of the blanket. Jaejoong frooze at the movement next to him, a sleepy moan filling the room. Heechul rubbed his eyes, he looked at Jaejoong with tried eyes.

"Morning Joongie..." he mummbled sitting up, he rubbed his right eye looking at his friend. "You have scratches on your back... and extreame bed head." he smiled "Funny, you looke like Hannie when me and him get done haveing..." his eyes widen. Jaejoong watched as Heechul started touching his face, his chest, then he himself lefted up the covers to see that he was as well. "Omo... did we..." Jaejoong sighed.

"Looks like it..." he said. The two sat there, starein infront of them, letting the information and hangover sink in. Heechul groaned, covering his face.

"Oh god... how am I going to tell Hankyung? How are you going to tell Yunho?" he asked moving his hands to his cheeks. Jaejoong sighed, flinching at the pain in his back.

"I don't know.. ouch. Man you really did a number on my back." Jaejoong hissed, trying to rub the pain on his back. Heechul looked at it.

"Sorry, I get really into it." he said, rubbing the scars making Jaejoong hiss in pain once more. Heechul sighed, falling back on the bed. "Damn..." Jaejoong sighed as well.

"There no way we can hide this Chunnie..." he said. Heechul nodded.

"I agree..." they both stayed slient. Heechul sighed. "Well, the sooner we tell the better." Jaejoong nodded.

"Yeah... let me go get my phone." he said, sliding out of the bed, holding his head. The hangover super strong. Heechul watched as Jaejoong walked over to the cloths that were scattered all over the room.

"Grab my phone too please... you left me paralyzed" Jaejoong smiled.

"Must of done a good job then." he joked. Heechul chucked a pillow at him.


"Your what?!" Jaejoong asked, mouth hanging open. Yunho stared at his boyfriend confused, sipping on his morning coffee. Heechul sigh through the phone.

"Yah! Do I have to say it again!?" he asked, annoyed. Jaejoong mouth was moving while flusterd sounds came out of it.

"I-its just... wha... are you... are you sure?" he asked. Heechul sighed, annoyed again.

"Yes i'm ing sure! The stupid pregency test has a damn plus sign!" he yelled. Jaejoong flinched on the phone. Yunho set his coffee on the table. Jaejoong cleard his throat.

"A-re you sure it's not Hankung's?" Jaejoong asked, his voice softer.

"Have you and Yunho had since we told them?" Heechul asked annoyed. Jaejoong shook his head.

"N-no..." he said. Yunho blinked in confusion, crossing his arms.

"Well same with me. So it can only be yours!" Heechul said. Jaejoong mouth dropped. He just knocked up his best friend. Jaejoong covered his eyes while he let out a groan.

"... have you told Hankung?"

"He already knows. He was the one who made me take the test."

"What are we going to do?" Jaejoong asked panic in his voice. Yunho attention was fully on his boyfriend now. Heechul groaned.

"I don't know. I won't abort it though but i'm not ready for a kid." Heechul said. Jaejoong covered his mouth as he closed his eyes as a sigh came out.

"I'm not ready either..." he said. Heechul sighed.

"I know... I just thought you should know.. since it is yours... your not mad are you?" Jaejoong shook his head, a small smile appearing on his paniced face.

"No, no. I'm happy you told me... thanks Channie. We'll figure this out." he said. Heechul gave a hopeful sound.

"I know, I'll call you later ok?"


"Bye." Heechul line dropped as Jaejoong stood there frozen for a second. Yunho stood up.

"Jae... what's wrong?" he asked, "What did Heechhul say?" Jaejoong arm dropped, his phone hitting the floor. Yunho turned his boyfriend around so they were facing each other. Jaejoong wouldn't meet his face, shock on his face, reality sinking in. Yunho got worried. "What's wrong? Did Heechul dump you?"

"Heechul is... Heechul is.."

"Heechul is?" Yunho asked, fearing that death would be coming out of his mouth. Jaejoong meet eyes with Yunho, tears building up.

"I'm sorry.. we shouldn't of."

"Kim Jaejoong, what's wrong? What happen to Heechul?"

"Heechul is pregent." Yunho eyes widen. Shock, anger, and saddness over took him. Yunho hands dropped.

"Heechul is pregent..." he repeated. Jaejoong covered his face, scared to see his lovers face. Yunho leaned against the counter in shock. Jaejoong lowered his hands.

"I don't know what to do Yunho, I'm not ready for a baby." Jaejoong said. Yunho covered his mouth as he blew air from his nose before lowering it.

"Heechul should be pregent with Hankung's kid not yours!" he hissed. Jaejoong flinched at Yunho's voice. They were still buliding trust again since he cheated on Yunho with Heechul and this news is not helping them. Yunho sighed rubbing his eye. "Just... just tell him to abort it or something." Jaejoong eyes widen.

"No, I won't tell him that!" he said. Yunho looked at him.

"What then? Are you two going to take care of it then? Remember Jaejoong what you two did was a mistake, and were still working on the trust, Heechul and Hankung are still working things out! You think this baby coming will help either of them!? You want Hankung to want to watch this baby grow up that's not his? This baby will be a constant reminder of what you two did to us!" Yunho yelled. Jaejoong narrowed his eyes at Yunho.

"Yes, what we did was wrong but I will not kill off a baby! Espically MY baby!" he yelled back. Yunho scoffed.

"Your baby shouldn't of happen Jaejoong!"

"But the thing is Yunho, that baby is happening! And I refuse to kill off a innocent life because of our mistake!" Jaejoong snapped back. Yunho growled. Jaejoong crossed his arms. Yunho groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Think about it Jae, how are you two going to raise it? Hankyung will have to deal with the fact the first kid he has with Heechul is your baby, calling you daddy while he takes care of it when your not around! Is that fair to Hankung?"

"It's not fair to him, but it's also not fair to the baby." the two stared each other down.


  Heechul stared at his phone as he sat in the doctors office. He couldn't believe that he is pregent with Jaejoong's child. Heechul covered his face while rubbing his eyes. This is not helping him and Hankung work things out.

"Here." Heechul looked up to see his lover holding out a water bottle to him. Heechul smiled, taking the bottle.

"Thank you." he said. Hankung smiled back a nodded before taking his seat next to him.

"So, did you tell Jaejoong?" Hankung asked, opening up his bottle of coke. Heechul nodded, playing with the cap to the bottle.


"How he take it?"

"Shocked." Heechul said, a bittersweet smile on his face. It faded as  he covered his eyes with one hand, rubbing them. "I just can't believe this is happening." Hankung nodded.

"Yeah. I know." he said, rubbing Heechul's back. He knew Heechul felt horrible, he was pissed off and very hurt but he knew how much Heechul would feel worst. So Hankung gave him another chance, he did love the boy very much and knew the other felt the same. Of couse him and Jaejoong are on bad terms, even when Jaejoong got on his knees and beg for forgivness. For a while it seem to smooth over, it was slowly healing between them... until Heechul got pregent. It was a huge slap in the face to Hankung when his fears were confirmed, it just ment his nightmare was still going. But when he saw Heechul sob at the results he knew he wasn't the only one hurting, so he wanted to support Heechul as much as he could. He bets YunJae are having shocks too. "We'll get through this."

'I'm so sorry Hannie." Heechul said, tears briming his eyes. Hankung smiled at him.

"I know baby." he pulled his lover closer. "I know." Heechul snuggled into his embrace thanking god for the most understanding boyfriend ever.

"Kim Heechul." the nurse called out. Heechul flinched at his name. Hankung pulled away first, grabbing Heechul's hand.

"Come on, let's go." he said. Heechul nodded.



  "The doctor will be here shortly." She said smiling. Heechul nodded at her.

"Thank you." he said. The nurse smiled as she left the room. Hankung smiled patting the bed.

"Hop up love." he said. Heechul smiled and nodded, climbing onto the bed. Hankung held his hips, "Becareful of the baby." Heechul smiled, a bittersweet feeling tingling in his body.

"I will." he said. The couple sat in slience as Heechul played with his hands. Hankung rubbed his thigh as they waited for the doctor.

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim, you not pregent." Heechul and Hankung heard out side your door. They both perked up at the conversation.

"Oh no..." Key said, covering his face. Jonghyun rubbed his wife's back.

"It's ok Key ah, well just have to keep trying." he said in a soothing voice. Key wiped his tears and nodded.

"Ok." he said. The doctor shook hands with Jonghyun and Key while giving them tips on how to make a baby. Heechul eyes meet Hankung's. His lover smiled and nodded.

"I'll be right back." Hankung said kissing Heechuls forehead. Heechul smiled and nodded.

"Hurry back." he said. Hankung nodded while hurrying out the door to the JongKey couple. Heechul smiled, touching his stomach. The doctor walked in witha smile.

"Hello mr.Kim, shall we see how far you are along with your baby?" he asked. Heechul nodded.

"Yeah, however it's not my baby."


 "-And then, 5 months later you popped out. I was scared that either Jaejoong or Heechul would change there minds and want to keep you. But they wanted you to have a stable home. However, they couldn't keep their eyes off your so it became a open adoption." Key said, rubbing his cup with a smile. Taemin was stareing at his full cup of tea, watching his steam rise.

"Wow..." he said. Key smiled.

"They loved you very much Taemin. Remember that, it just wasn't there time yet." he said. Taemin meet eyes with Key then smiled.

"I know, but honestly umma I think I was always ment for you. Heechul may have carried me but your my umma forever and always" he said. Key's eyes widen in shock while tears fell.

"Taemin ah." Taemin smiled, standing from his seat and walking over to Key, kneeling down so he could hug his umma.

"Your the best birthday gift I ever got Umma." he said smiling. Key smiled while he cried into his sons head.

"Taemin ah." he cried out holding Taemin closer. Taemin rubbed his back.

"I love you umma."



Done! My first fanfic! Be nice T^T


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Chapter 1: lovely ^_^
SimplyAsian #2
Chapter 1: To be honest I hate mpreg but this story was interesting. It's still a mystery why Taemin does look like Heechul
Chapter 1: Beautiful! 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
licPanda #4
I liked it :)
doyce228 #5
Chapter 1: so this is how Taemin got that pretty face, strong attitude and smexy moves XD
thanks so much for sharing this. sorry for saying this but there are some grammatical and spelling errors here and there. you should frove read it soon :)
all and all, this is lovely <3

thanks for sharing this! :D