Shattered Promises

Shattered Promises

First Promise:

I was heading to the playground with my mother following me. I tried to pull her hand because she wouldn't walk quickly enough. "Mommy, can you please walk faster?" I asked as I pouted. I really like the playground because my mommy says that there's always going to be little kids there to play with. I like playing with them. They let me borrow their toys!

Mommy laughed, walking a little bit faster. "You know, honey, the playground won't go anywhere. Be a good boy and walk slower before you trip," she said and I nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked alongside her. "My little Woohyun's so cute," she cooed, smiling down at me. I winced as she pinched my now rosy cheeks.

I started to jump up excitedly when the playground came into view. I immediately heard the laughter and the chatter as we got closer. "Let's go, mommy, let's go!" I tugged on the edge of her shirt before running off, hearing her laugh before I got too far. My eyes twinkled as I stared at the view in front of me. I saw my friends playing together, and I ran towards them. "Sunggyu-hyung!"

He looked up with a smile, his eyes looking like they were closed. "Hi, Woohyun. Want to play with us?" he asked as he gestured towards the other boys. They were playing with cars and trucks, and I immediately nodded. "These are my friends Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong. You've met them before right?"

I smiled at them before saying, "Yes, I did. Hi, hyung." I waved at Dongwoo-hyung before turning to the others, "Hi, guys." I was older than the others. I was seven-years-old and Sunggyu-hyung was eight. I quickly sat down with them, and little Sungjong passed me a red truck. "Whose is this? It's pretty cool," I said and Myungsoo raised his hand.

"It's mine. My dad bought it for me when he went to the States," he explained with a half-smile. Myungsoo's extremely quiet, and he doesn't usually talk. I thought that he hated me when I first met him because he wouldn't smile or talk to me. Now that we know each other, though, he's starting to become more sociable.

Hoya pushed Myungsoo away with a grunt and pulled out a red convertible. "My mom got me this when she went to Europe," he gloated, sticking his tongue out at poor Myungsoo. I laughed at his actions, and he sat back down comfortably. Hoya and Dongwoo-hyung are one of the funniest. Sungyeol's pretty funny too. He likes making people laugh.

Sungyeol cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Guys, sorry, I farted so it might stink a little," he announced, grinning from ear to ear. He liked making us suffer because he enjoys it. He's like the group's idiotic clown, but he's actually really smart. Sungjong, the unlucky one, moved away from Sungyeol when the smell of his foul smelling gas reached him.

Sungjong pinched his nose, trying not to smell any of Sungyeol's fart, but failing miserably. "Yuck, hyung. What did you have for lunch? It smells really bad," our maknae complained as he leaned on Myungsoo, trying to get away as much as possible.

Sungyeol smirked. "I had beans and eggs. Jealous?" he asked and Sungjong shook his head, his pale face getting whiter and whiter as more time passed. Dongwoo-hyung quickly got up and walked over to the sandbox, far from Sungyeol. The rest of us followed, leaving Sungyeol to bathe in his own fart. 

I glanced around me and my eyes stopped on a pretty girl sitting alone on a bench. She was wearing a pretty dress and her hair was in pigtails. It seemed like she wasn't with any of her parents either. She looked so sad, and from where I was, I could see tears running down her cheeks. I looked around for my mommy and I found her reading a book. I wanted to ask her if she knew why the girl was sad, but I decided against it.  

I looked at my friends as I took a small yellow car from Sungjong's pile. "Be right back, guys," I told them before getting up and dusting my shorts. I didn't like seeing my mom cry so it was only normal for me to not want to see the pretty girl cry. I slowly walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and I realized that she has been crying for a long time based on how puffy and red her eyes looked. She sniffled and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "Why are you crying?" 

She gave me a sad smile and I sat down beside her. I held out my handkerchief, and she smiled gratefully as she took it. I could hear my friends giving us wolf whistles, with Hoya being the loudest. I glared at them before turning my attention back to the girl. "I-it's my parents. They w-won't s-s-stop fighting," she said in between sniffles. Her voice was rough and hoarse from crying. 

I turned to look at my mom and she smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up. She knows that I don't like seeing others cry. I smiled back, wiping some of her tears away. She had pretty much stopped crying. "What's your name?" 

She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "My name's Mi Young. You?" Her voice was not as shaky as before. I looked at her face and I could see that she was starting to feel better. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to get rid of the tangles. 

"My name's Woohyun. You know, your parents shouldn't fight if it just makes you sad," I said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. "I'll be your prince from now on, Mi Young. I promise to make you happy," I smiled, getting up before holding out a hand. "Want to play with us? A girl can always play with cars." I reached into my pocket and handed her the yellow car. 

She gently took it and her eyes widened in excitement as she stared at the toy car in her hands. "Sure," she replied with a smile. 


Second Promise:

It's been years since I first met her. It was our first year in Middle School and Mi Young told me that she was going to the same school as me. I was happy, really happy. I was sad when I found out that she went to an all-girls school before. But now that she's not, I was excited and nervous at the same time. What if she finds out how low my grades are? It's pretty embarrassing. 

My friends and I had remained as a group for the longest time. We still hang out a lot, and now, all of us go to the same school. Sungjong might be in a lower grade, but we still see each other a lot. Hoya and I have most of our classes together, and I don't like it. He keeps on asking me if I could do his homework for him if he was too lazy. 

Sungyeol was skipping to class and nearly tripped because of Myungsoo's foot. Those two act like a married couple at times, but I find it cute. They're obviously best friends, though, no matter how much they annoy each other. I was closest to Sunggyu-hyung. Even though he was a few months older than me, he treated me like his brother. I could tell him anything, and he wouldn't judge.  

School was over, and the day went by pretty fast. I only had to introduce myself and figure out the best way to get to all of my classes on time since they were all pretty far apart. I was by Mi Young's locker because she had told me to wait for her. I've been standing here for about ten minutes now and she still hasn't shown up. 

I looked at my watch and sighed. "Where is she?" I asked myself before stepping out of the school doors. I heard a scream and some rustling in the bushes. I quickly ran when I heard the screams getting louder and louder. I slowed down when I realized whose voice it was. "Mi Young!" 

I pushed past some of the passersby and quickly ran through the bush. I panted as I looked at the angry mob of girls surrounding Mi Young. They probably didn't know I was here because they didn't look at me. "I heard that you're friends with Woohyun-oppa and the others. Stay away from them. They don't like you," one of the girls said and I gritted my teeth in anger. 

Were my fan girls hurting her? Mi Young whimpered, her uniform creased and her eyes filled with tears. "Stop, please. We're just friends." I could see scratches on her arms and I saw her swollen lip. She looked beaten up. I clenched my fists until they were as white as paper. 

A girl was about to slap her, but I stopped her hand before it landed on Mi Young. "Stay away from her," I ordered, my voice low and deadly. I knew that they heard me because some were starting to shake in fear. I gave them all a glare before grabbing Mi Young's hand, looking at the scratches. "What did they do to you?" I could see scratches all the way to her upper arm. 

I pulled her into a hug and she started to cry. The girls had started to back away when I glared at them. Some had run off, afraid of what I could do to them. "T-thanks for saving me, Woohyun," she cried, gripping my shirt. No matter how many times I told her to call me oppa, she never wanted to. "I was so scared," she whispered and I started to caress her hair. 

"Don't worry, I'm here. Don't cry, Mi Young," I shushed her, rubbing her back. The remaining girls had left, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn't want this to happen ever again. "Mi Young, I promise to protect you. You have nothing to worry about now. I won't let them touch you again," I said, holding on to her more tightly. 

"You promise?" she squeaked, her voice breaking a little. I really hated seeing her cry. Nothing good ever happened when she cried. 

I nodded my head as I lifted her head up, wiping her tears. "I promise, Mi Young. Have I ever broken a promise?" I asked and she shook her head. I smiled at that and helped her get up. "Come on, let's get those wounds treated so that we could go out for some ice cream," I told her, seeing her eyes brighten. 

"Ice cream?" she asked, jumping up and down before wincing once her ankle started to hurt. I just laughed because she didn't know that she had injured her ankle. "Let's go," she said with a groan. She lead the way to my house, limping slightly, and I just followed with my hands in my pockets. I'm just glad that she's okay. She was holding on to her aching arm as she walked. She was wobbling a little, but she never lost her balance. 

My mom opened the door saw Mi Young's wounds right away. "Oh dear, what happened to you?" she asked as she covered with her hand in shock. "Come in, we have to get you cleaned up. Tell me what happened to you, Mi Young," she said, running towards the bathroom to get the first-aid kit. 

I walked in and saw my mom looking like she ran a marathon. "Mom, what's wrong?" I asked with a giggle before turning to look at Mi Young who looked like she was going to pass out any minute now. "Are you okay?" I walked towards her and looked at her worriedly. She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Just remember what I told you, okay? I'll protect you, Mi Young. I promise to protect you," I emphasized, letting her know about my plans to protect her. 

"Thanks a lot, Woohyun," she replied with a smile. My mom ran back with a basin full of warm water and a towel. She grabbed the first-aid kit and instantly treated Mi Young's wounds by starting with her busted bottom lip. "Ouch!" she winced, gripping her skirt tightly. 

My mom shushed her. "Hold still, dear. Oh God, this looks really bad," she said. 


Third Promise:

Today was the day of the camping trip. Since my friends and I are juniors, we finally got to go on one. Sophomores were able to go as well.

Each year, about 250 students get to go on a trip. Fun, huh? This year, they've decided to have a camping trip on one of the most famous camping sites. The place was really big and trees were everywhere. No wonder this place was famous. A lot of people have told legends about these woods, and I shuddered at the thought. People have gone missing as well.

I was looking around me as I carried my belongings, keeping an eye out for an animal that might pop out of nowhere. "Hyung! Hurry up! If you continue to walk this slow, you're going to get lost," Sungjong called, stopping a few feet away from me. "Come on!" he yelled, motioning me to come over to where he was.

I nodded my head and fastened my pace. I glanced at Mi Young who was smiling happily while she walked. I stared and started to slow down when I heard Sungjong sigh. "I won't get lost, don't worry," I said, waving him off. He shrugged and skipped away to where the rest were. I walked beside Mi Young and smiled at her. "Are you excited?"

"Is it too obvious?" she asked shyly, her cheeks turning into a light shade of pink.

I laughed lightly, casually putting my arm on her shoulder. "Not really. Not when you're smiling like an idiot," I said sarcastically and her eyes darkened. "I'm kidding. I actually think it's cute," I admitted, pinching her cheek and trying to hide the blush forming on my face. "Everyone's excited, you know?"

She shrugged in reply, struggling a little because she was carrying three heavy-looking bags. "God, these are so heavy. Why did I even bring all of this stuff?" I scoffed as I punched her lightly on the arm. "What?" she asked with a glare.

I raised my hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything, nothing at all. Girls, really," I whispered the last part before I whistled to myself. I avoided her gaze and I could feel her glaring daggers on me. "You know it's b-bad to stare," I said shakily. I glanced at her for a moment and saw that she was panting. "Need help?" I asked, looking down at her hands.

She breathed in a sigh of relief and nodded. "Yes, thank goodness," she muttered when I took two of the bags from her. I was glad that I only brought one bag. "We're almost there," she said, staring straight and squinting her eyes. She shook her head distastefully. "What's Sungyeol doing now?" she groaned, and face palmed.

I looked at the spot where Hoya and the others stood, and I almost burst out in laughter. Sungyeol was high up on a tree branch, and it seems like he couldn't get down. "That idiot," I uttered to myself, laughing slightly. I could see Hoya rolling on the ground while clutching his stomach from laughing too much. Sunggyu-hyung looked worried and rubbed his forehead continuously. The teachers just shook their heads at Sungyeol before walking away.

Myungsoo was finally able to convince Sungyeol to jump down instead because if he doesn't, no one would be willing to save him. And he was right; he's always been right. Sungyeol leaned against a tree after he jumped down, breathing heavily as he clutched his chest. "That stupid boy," Mi Young muttered as we passed by Sungyeol and the rest of Infinite.

Apparently, Sungyeol had heard and started to chase Mi Young. "Guys! Get back here! We're almost there!" I yelled, making them come back laughing. And sure enough, a good ten minutes later, we arrived. I reached into my pocket and tried to look for my phone. I gasped when I realized that it wasn't there. "Oh God, oh my God. Please don't tell me I lost it," I said in a hopeful tone. I tried to look for it in my bag and didn't find it there. "Mother fu—"

I was cut off by Mi Young putting her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Woohyun?" I buried my face into my hands before gripping my hair tightly in frustration. "What is it?"

"I lost my phone," I replied with a groan as I sank to my knees. "I know it's somewhere in these woods though."

She patted my cheek and I looked up. "I'll help you look for it. Do you want to?" she asked with a smile and I immediately stood up. I nodded vigorously and she nodded back. "Let's go then. Hold on, stay here, I have to ask the teachers first," she told me before leaving. A few minutes later, she came back and nodded at me. "They said yes. Now, I think we should go that way," she pointed to the right and I looked. It was where we came from earlier.

"Alright, let's go." She grabbed my sleeve and pulled me along. I had to stop myself from pushing her away because I was walking sideways and with her pulling me, it just felt very uncomfortable. "Can you please let go of my sleeve?" I asked, and she turned around with an eyebrow raised. I pointed to the hand on my sleeve and she let go with a huff.

She spun on her heel and started to walk once again. "Come on, I don't have all day," she said, her eyes looking everywhere for my phone. "Now, where could it be?" She put her finger on her chin as she started to think. "You know what, we should split up. You go right and I'll go left. Make sure you won't get lost, okay?" she asked and I hesitantly nodded.

"Be careful, Mi Young," I whispered and she smiled at me before waving. I walked slowly and tried to search for my cell phone. I glanced around me, making sure that I checked every tree, every flower, and every piece of soil. Yes, I practically tried to look everywhere. "Where did that little thing run off to?"

I don't know how long I had been walking around, but I noticed that it had started to get dark. I decided to go back to camp and just forget about the phone. I walked back as I sighed loudly. Once there, I saw Sunggyu-hyung eating hotdogs with the rest of Infinite. "Hey, have any of you seen Mi Young?" I asked, looking at each of them.

They all shook their heads and I felt a painful tug in my chest. "No, we haven't seen her at all since you left. I thought you were with her though?" Dongwoo-hyung asked, looking worried. I shook my head as I explained to them how we split up so that it would be easier to find my cell phone. "Has she contacted any of you?" he asked the group.

Hoya stood up, "No, she didn't. She hasn't texted me all day, and she hasn't replied to any of my messages either." He looked at me with a determined look on his face. "We should go look for her. She might be lost or something. Everyone, bring your cell phones so that we could split up. Woohyun-hyung and I will go together since he doesn't have a phone," he explained and everyone else nodded in response. "Let's go," he ordered. And with that, all of us left with Hoya and I heading north.

As we continued to walked farther and farther, it started to get quite dark. I was really worried about Mi Young. Then, a second later, we heard cries coming from our left. Hoya and I looked at each other and nodded. "It's Mi Young. Let's go!" We quickly ran through all of the trees and bushes until we found her laying down on the ground as she sobbed. "Mi Young! Are you okay?"

Without a warning, she pulled me towards her and hugged me. "I was so scared. I thought no one was going to look for me," she whispered, holding on to me tighter. I was glad that it was dark because I started to blush. I just wish that she wouldn't be able to feel my heart thumping inside my chest. What's this feeling? "Please, don't leave me ever again..."

"I promise to never leave your side, ever. You can count on me, Mi Young. You will never feel scared with me by your side. I promise you," I told her with a smile. The tears have stopped falling and I felt her smile. I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and told her that everything's going to be okay.

Hoya pointed to his phone and I nodded. He walked away and contacted the others. "We shouldn't have split up. We wouldn't have found my phone anyway," I uttered, frowning a little. I felt her reach into her pocket and pull something out. It glistened under the moonlight and I recognized my cell phone. "Oh my God. You've got to be kidding me! You found it?"

"Yes, I found it on the ground. You should be careful next time."


Final Promise:

It was a beautiful day outside and it was the day that we decided to audition.

Senior year was over and most of the students were preparing to go to a university. However, my friends and I decided to graduate and pursue our dreams of becoming idols. We had wanted to audition once we finish high school so that if we all get accepted, our dreams would come true almost immediately. Sungjong had wanted to quit school once we finish because he wants to be an idol as well.

The auditions were over and we were all nervous. They were still deciding whether they should accept us or if they should turn us down. "Hyung, I'm scared. If we don't get accepted, everything that we've been through would be for nothing," Sungyeol grumbled, clenching his fists. He might be the most childish, but he does work hard.

I patted him on the back. "Don't worry. We got this," I said, giving him a small smile. Even though I said that, I wasn't too sure myself. I admit that we did good, really good, but that doesn't mean we will get accepted. Sungyeol nodded as he breathed hard, trying to slow the banging of his heart.

Sunggyu-hyung sighed and we all looked at him. "Imagine how awesome it would be if we become an idol group. Now that we have a chance, I want to take it. I won't let them give someone else that chance," he spoke with a hint of worry in his voice as well as determination. That's why we all want him to be our leader. He's very optimistic and determined.

We were all seated on two separate couches, deep in thought. This was our dream and we shared it. If one of us doesn't make it, we will all reject their offer. We will perform as seven, fight as seven, and dream as seven.

We all looked up when we heard footsteps approaching. My heart began to beat faster and faster, and I realized that the person walking was the one who will tell us if we got in or not. "Hello, guys. Did you wait long?" We all shook our heads and he laughed. "A lot of people auditioned, but the seven of you have the most potential," he said, and I had to smile at that.

Myungsoo cleared his throat and smiled. "Thank you. So, are we...?" he inquired, gaining him a small smile from the older man. 

He nodded in reply and I started to jump up and down. My heart calmed and all of the worries I had earlier had disappeared. "Yes, all of you are now under Woollim Entertainment. I'll be your manager. Call me Jungryeol-hyung or just hyung," he explained, shaking each of our hands. "Now, I'll let the seven of you celebrate. I expect all of you to be here at eight on Monday." We all nodded in reply as he waved, leaving us there.

"Oh my God. I'm so happy!" Hoya began to hug all of us. He was the one that choreographed our dance, and we should all thank him later. Without his amazing choreography, none of this would have happened. "Am I dreaming? Pinch me," he said and I pinched him hard. "Ouch, I didn't know that you were really going to pinch me!"

I laughed, and we had a group hug. Our dreams were coming true. As I pulled out of the hug, I said hesitantly, "I have to go now. I have to tell Mi Young everything."

Sungjong scoffed. "Everything?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. They all knew about my feelings for her. They always tease me whenever I'm on the phone with her and frankly, she doesn't notice. I blushed as I thought about her and nodded my head. Sungjong patted my head with a smile. "Good luck, hyung," he said.

I smiled at all of them shyly. "Thanks. I'll see you all later." With that, I took off with a wave. I looked at my phone and saw that Mi Young had texted me. I immediately opened it as I ran towards our meeting place. I had asked her to meet me at the boardwalk.

From: Mi Young
I'm already here. Where are you?

To: Mi Young
On my way. Sorry, I'm going to be a little late.

I face palmed when I realized that I forgot to buy flowers. I ran to the nearest flower shop and bought a bouquet of red roses. I started to run as I went outside, the cool wind whipping at my face. 

I ran for a few more minutes and stopped once I got to the boardwalk. My eyes searched for Mi Young and I realized that she was the only one there. The sun was setting, giving her face an orange glow and making her even more beautiful. As I saw her leaning against the railings, my heart started to beat faster. "Mi Young," I called and she looked at me.

She glanced down to my hands and saw the flowers. "W-what are t-those for?" she asked, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Woohyun? W-w-what are the flowers for?" she asked again when I didn't reply. I started to walk towards her with a cheeky smile. "Woohyun?"

Once I was in front of her, I took her left hand and planted a kiss on it. She looked at me in shock, and formed an 'o'. Right at that moment, I wanted to kiss her, but I stopped myself. I pulled her into a hug instead and inhaled her scent. She smelled good, really good. "I love you, Mi Young," I whispered into her ear before pulling away. I gave her the flowers as she stood frozen to the ground.

"I— Can you repeat that?" she asked and I blushed. It was hard to say it the first time, but she's making me say it again. With that, I planted a soft kiss on her lips and closed my eyes. At first she didn't respond, but moments later, I felt her lips move against mine and I smiled against her lips. I pulled away and told her those three words again. "I love you too, Hyun-oppa."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond shocked. I never knew that she loved me back and she had called me 'oppa' for the first time. But at that moment, everything seemed so perfect. Everything seemed so surreal, and I felt like I was going to wake up and realize that this was all a dream. I knew it wasn't because as she proceeded to kiss me again, I knew that this was real.

"What happened during the auditions?" she asked as I wrapped an arm around her waist.

I laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "My dreams came true today, girlfriend," I replied in a husky voice, sending shivers running down her spine. "You don't know how happy I am today."

I saw the confusion written all over her face as she looked at me. "Dreams?" asked Mi Young softly, knowing that my only goal was to become a singer. She didn't know that her becoming my girlfriend was another one. "What are you talking about, Hyun-oppa?" I blushed at the nickname. No one called me 'Hyun' and now she's starting to call me that.

"You," I replied, pulling her in for a kiss. "I promise to love you forever. I'll love you now and will continue to love you for the rest of my life."

But sadly, that was all in the past. I wish I had the power to turn back time.

I had lost her because she had left me. I didn't know that she was leaving. I don't even know where she is. She's just... gone. For two whole years, no one had been able to contact her. Hoya doesn't even know where she is and he used to talk to her a lot. She left without telling me and I thought that I was her boyfriend. Did she not trust me anymore? Did she not love me? I thought she did.

Was it because I was starting to get really busy? I know that I've been a terrible boyfriend because I would always say 'no' whenever she asks me if I wanted to go somewhere with her. It's not my fault. This has been my dream. And now that we've debuted, I thought she would come back. She knows that I wouldn't be as busy as before so, where is she? Even our fans have noticed my sorrow.

I was sitting alone at the dorm as I looked at her picture. Does she even think of me? I think about her every single day. If only I treated her better. If only I took care of her more. If only I didn't break my promises. Yes, I broke them, but not all. I broke the majority of them.

"I promise to make you happy." - As I started to get busier and busier, she had begun to feel neglected. I didn't even notice because I would always be too tired to think or do anything. She had ignored my calls and never replied to my messages. At first, I thought that she was just busy, but I realized that she wasn't. She still went to university, and it was summer back then. I never even asked her about how school was for her. How bad of a boyfriend was I? How could I have done that to the girl that I loved the most?

"I promise to protect you." - When my fan girls found out that I was going to be an idol, they started to show more hatred towards Mi Young. And believe it or not, it was worse than before. I was never there to protect her. I could only call her and ask if she was okay. I like my fans, but I didn't like the way they treated my girl. I felt useless and powerless when I heard her cry and complain to me on the phone. I hurt her, and it hurt me as well. How could protecting someone be this hard? Back then, I could only hope that she wouldn't have any serious injuries.

"I promise to stay by your side." - Her dad moved to the US a year after we had started dating. I assumed it was because of how he always fought with his wife. They got divorced and Mi Young had started to feel really sad, depressed even. Then six months later, her mom had told her that her father had died. Mi Young began to distance herself from everyone else a few days later. Even I couldn't talk to her properly. She was really close to her dad. And when she told me about her dad and how sad she was, I knew that I couldn't do anything. I was too busy and I actually didn't know how I could help.

There was one promise that I never broke and that's the final promise. I will never stop loving her. She will always be the one that would light up my world that's full of darkness. She will always be the one to bring a smile to my face. She'll be the one that I'd think about all day. And no matter how much I want to forget about her, I can't. I know I can't. My feelings for her are real and no one can tell me otherwise.

"Woohyun-oppa, do you love me?" she asked as she looked into my eyes. I nodded, running a thumb across her cheek as a tear fell from her eye. "Then, why... Why are you acting like this? Where's the Woohyun-oppa that I know?" she asked. I stared into her brown orbs and searched her eyes, trying to look for clues. I didn't know why she was acting like this.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "What are you talking about, Mi Young? You know I love you, and you know that I'm still the same person," I whispered, squeezing her hands. She shook her head, and more tears started to fall from her eyes. My heart began to beat faster, and it tore at the sight. "What's wrong, Mi Young? Tell me."

It was getting darker and darker. The stars had started to become visible as the sun disappeared. "I'm nothing to you..." she replied. And with that, she ran away from me as fast as she could. Tears blurred my vision and I sank to the ground. I think I know the reason why she would think that. Mi Young, don't you know that you're everything to me?

"What have I done?" I muttered to myself before everything turned black. I just lost her...

I was always tired and I never had time for her. How stupid was I? I always wondered if going after my dream was worth losing the person I love the most.

I was left with a broken heart. She never came back to me after she ran. She left my life in a snap and I felt alone. "Why, Mi Young? I never meant to break my promises," I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. My heart was in pain and I was never able to fall asleep without thinking about her. I was sorry; I know I was. I wanted her to know everything—my reasons, my worries, and my pain.

Forgive me, I have done something that I will regret for the rest of my life.

I tried to move on, but I knew I can't. My friends and I used to go to clubs so that I could find a girl, but I couldn't bring myself to like any of them. They weren't Mi Young. They could never make me happy. Mi Young was my life, and without her, I might as well be dead. She could be the only person to bring me back; to bring back the old me.

I can't tell you how much I miss her. I know that I was starting to lose hope. I have been waiting for more than two years. I, Nam Woohyun, could never be the same again. My heart was taken away from me and I just can't take all of the pain away myself. I didn't want Mi Young; I needed her. "Please, come back..."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I brought the picture closer to my chest. I knew that it was my fault; it has always been my fault. I could never blame her, no, she never did anything bad. I had to pay for not giving her the love that she deserved. How could a guy like me go for a girl that's completely out of my league?

My heart started to hurt and I closed my eyes, trying to remember her face, her smile, her voice, and her remarkable personality. Why was she so perfect? I never thought that a girl could break all of my barriers and make me experience love for at least once. But, that girl is the only one I want to fall in love with and no one else.

A knock on the door reached my ears and I sighed, wiping my tears with the back of my hand as I stood up. It was probably Infinite. Don't they have keys? My cell phone started to vibrate and I fished it out of my pocket. It was a message from Sunggyu-hyung.

From: Leader Gyu
Hey, we have a surprise for you! Have fun!

What did he mean by that? I shrugged as I headed towards the door, not bothering to check who it was before opening it. As I looked at the girl standing there, I gasped, almost dropping my phone. "W-what— Oh my God," I muttered, rubbing my eyes to see if I was dreaming. "Is that really you?"

Mi Young smiled, putting her hand on my cheek and searching my face. "I told Hoya that I'm back. Have you been cr—" she didn't get to finish her sentence because I immediately pulled her in and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. Oh, how I missed the taste of her soft lips. She responded to the kiss and I felt her wrap her arms around my neck as she deepened the kiss.

I pulled her into a hug after I pulled away. "Where have you been? Why did you leave me?" I asked, my voice shaky. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. "You have no idea how broken I was when you left. Please, don't tell me that you're going to leave me again. You know I love you more than anything. So please, Mi Young, stay. I don't want to lose you," I told her, hugging her tighter.

She laughed slightly. "I'm sorry about what I said before. You were too busy for me, and I thought that you didn't care about me anymore. I didn't tell you that I was leaving because I didn't want to worry you. I went to the US to visit my dad's grave, but I ended up staying there longer. I was offered a job there as well, but I decided to come back for you. I'm sorry for not contacting you, I lost my cell phone. I have a new one though," she explained and I nodded. Softly, Mi Young added, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, you know that. I promise you forever with nothing getting in our way. I promise to always be yours." With that, I brought her in for another kiss, slamming the door closed behind her. All I know is that my first love is the only one for me.

Yes, it's over. Pretty long, huh?
Well, it was my first time writing a one-shot so I hope it's good. It's also my first time to finish a story. Haha. :S
Thanks for reading this long one-shot. :)

Word Count - 6, 560
Date Started - 05/24/11
Date Finished - 05/31/11

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kissabletaetae #1
Chapter 2: great and nice!
nice fic~!
-xMomo #3
Awesome fanfic *0*
Your fic is amazing! I loved it! <333
Nice work!! Keep writing those wonderful stories! ♥
Your story is nice and simple... its was really cute...make another one...
and i thought she was never gonna comeback<br />
<33333333<br />
i love this!<br />
great job!
<3 <3 <3~~<br />
i love this story! ^^ hope you will write another oneshot kkkkk XD
OMO!!!!!!DAEBAK!!!!<3<br />
I love how you listed the promises!^^<br />
and when Infinite and her were little,lol<br />
they were so cutee!I was sad at how he broke his promises to her<br />
but in the she came back to him(:<br />
Woohyun<33<br />
It was nice read:DD