Iron Planet

Fight To Survive And Love

~ Chapter 1 (Iron Planet) ~

In Iron Planet, there who live in that planet will have amazing and powerful power. Iron Planet is very popular planet in Earth. Who live on this planet are people that have chosen only. People in Earth work hard to be chosen the one of Iron Planet people. They practice their power over and over to be the one of Iron Planet people. When time come, only 10 people will be chosen but who is don't will live in Earth for life.

In Practice Room.

" Hyung, you wouldn't be able to beat me." Said Kai to Chanyeol. "YAH!!! Of course I can't beat you because you use your power to beat me and get you feet off me!!!" Chanyeol push Kai and try to stand up. " Okay okay, I will not using my power again." Kai smile and help Chanyeol stand up from the floor. " Is everything okay here?" Suho jog to Kai and Chanyeol. "Yeah, everything is fine." Kai answer. "No its not. My back is hurt you know." Chanyeol said. Kai laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Chanyeol asked. "Nothing." Kai answer and wipe his tears and help Chanyeol sat on the beach."You should get practice back, Kai." Suho said and gave Chanyeol a bottle of water. Chanyeol reach the bottle from Suho. "Ne, hyung." Kai said and run to Baekhyun and Xiumin.

"Hey yo wassup!" Seungri said as he enter the practise room. "Yo,hyung." Chanyeol answer. "Why you guys late?" D.O asked to Daesung. "Oh, it because all of us wake up late." Daesung said and ran his hand to back of his neck. "Did the master caught you?" Kai interrupt the conversation D.O with Daesung. "No, I think." Daesung said. "Good if you guys didn't get caught, because if you did all of you will be dead." Suho said. "We know." Taeyang said. "Okay guys lets get practise." GD said to . "Okay." They said.

When they start to practise, their master came to practise room. "I want to see Kwon Ji Yong, Lee Minhyuk, Wu Yi Fan and Park Chanyeol. Now in my office!" Their master said and went out from practice room. Everyone look at each other. "Hyung what did you do?" Seungri asked to GD. "I don't know." GD said.
" Gege, did you do something wrong?" Lay asked Kris. "I don't know. I didn't do anything wrong." Kris said. "Chanyeol." Suho said. "What?" Chanyeol asked with a blur face. Suho signed. "What did you do this time?" Suho asked and massage his tempel. "I didn't do anything this time hyung." Chanyeol said. " Yeah hyung what did you do?" Sungjae asked to Minhyuk. "Did you see that I did something wrong in here." Minhyuk said. "No." Sungjae said. "Maybe The master want to give them a mission." Eun Kwang said louder enough to everyone hear. " Yeah, maybe Eun Kwang hyung is right. Maybe the master want to give them a mission." Ilhoon said. Everyone noded their head for aggrement. " Now go to master office before he get more angry." Lay said and push Kris to the door and GD, Minhyuk and Chanyeol follow Kris from behind.

Knod Knod.
"Come in." The master said. The four of them come in slowly. "Why do you want to see us master?" Kris asked. "Yeah." Chanyeol said. "I want to see you 'cause you guys use you power indiscriminately." The master said and massage his tempel. "I didn't do anything." Minhyuk said. "Yes you did but you will not
tell me truth that you did." The master said and look at the four of them. "Did you have any evidence that we use our power indiscriminately?" Kris asked with poker face. "Yes, I have." The master smirked. "Here the evidence." The master give them a picture.

GD picture was he skipped from school using his power to go to the nears mall and buy soem cloth.
Minhyuk picture was his wering a black hoodie shirt, black jeans, black shoes and black cap using his power to crash his neighbour car.
Kris picture was he using his power to fly higher up in the sky when his school bell rang because he didn't want to go school.
Chanyeol picture was he using his power to burn all flower and tree in his neighbour backyard.

"H-How did you know that I crash my neighbour car?" Minhyuk asked. He was shaking to dead. "I told you guys that I can see what you are doing." The master said. Everyone silence because they didn't know what to say. "Okay, I will not kill you this time but I will send you to the Earth." The master said break the silence. GD raise his brow. "Why you want to send us to the Earth?" GD asked. "Because I want you to learn using you power before you can use it fully." The master answer. "In Earth, I reward four people to train you." The master said and reach a fail on his office table. "Who are our trainers?" Chanyeok asked. The master open the fail and took a few picture. He smile and look at the picture that he took from the fail. "Here are a clue that I will give you." The master give each of them two picture.

GD got logo 'RG' and 'Flower' symbol picture.
Minhyuk also got logo 'RG' and 'Time' symbol picture.
Kris also got logo 'RG' and 'White Dragon' symbol picture.
Chanyeol also got logo 'RG' and 'Wind' symbol picture.

"This logo and symbol will help you to find who you trainers." The master said. "How can they know that we are their students?" Kris asked and look again at the picture. "I'm also give them a clue but I'm sure that they will fine you quickly than you expect because they are very smart kids." The master said with a big smile. "So when will we go to the Earth?" Chanyeol asked. "Tomorrow you will be send to th Earth and you will be a new students in Generation High School." the master said. "We will be in high school!" GD said. "I'm 19 years old and I will be in high school." GD said in shock.

"Yes it is 'cause your trainers is a high school kids and you will learn how to be a people in Earth." The master said. "Are you kidding me!" Kris and Minhyuk say in once. "So our trainers is younger than us. Cool!" Chanyeol said. "Chanyeol that not funny at all." Kris said and push his forehead. "Okay if they a high school students, how old are they?" Minhyuk said. "If they older or same age as Chanyeol that will make sense that they will be out trainers." Minhyuk said again with a worried face. "And if they younger that Chanyeol I will not believe that they are our trainers." Kris said.

"Well if I said their how old are they you guys will be shock to death." The master said with giggled. "Just tell us how old are they." GD asked because he want to know the answer. He don't like that a kid will teach him how to use his power. "Well I still don't know how to say." The master said and laughed. "What so funny master?" Chanyeol said and scracthing his head. "It because I can imaging how you face in shock when I told you their age." The master aid and wipe his tears away. "Just tell us because I really want to know." GD said angryly. "Okay okay I will tell you." The master said. "Why you guys so curious about their age?" The master asked them. They look at each other. "It because I don't like a kid teach me how using my power." Gd said and everyone noded angrement. "Okay I will tell you their age but I don't want to you guys to be to shock alright." The master said. They all noded.

" Okay their age is not older than Chanyeol." The master said. "They same age as Chanyeol." GD interrupt. "Cool if they same age as me but I want they to be older that me 'cause I want to call them hyung." Chanyeol also interrupt. "Hey guys let give master to the one who talk now 'cause if you always interrupt what master about to say than we will not know hpw their age." Minhyuk said and Kris noded for agrement. "Okay I continued what I was saying. I will tell you directly their age. They 16 years old." The master said. "WHAT!!!!!" They all shout in once. "Are you kidding me!" Kris said. "Are you serious that our trainers is 16 years old!" Minhyuk said. "Cool they only one year younger than me." Chanyeol said with a big smile.

"Okay they 16 years old and what their gender?" GD asked another quiestion. "Yeah, I almoest what to ask you what their gender?" Minhyuk said. "I'm also want to know 'cause if they 16 years old will they be a boy or a girl?" Kris said. "Look at the picture that I give to you. Look at their logo." The master said. "Their logo is 'RG' could they be a boy because it 'G' and it will be 'GUY' right?" Kris said. "Nope, guess again." The master shake is head. "If it not "GUY' it could be "GIRL'?" Chanyeol guess. The master clapped his hand and ruffled Chanyeol hair. Everyone look confused. "You are correct Chanyeol." The master said.

"So they are 16 years old and they a girls." Minhyuk said. Everyone noded for Minhyuk answer. "Wait.. What!? They are girls. They will train us how to use our power!" GD said. "Hyung, relax." Chanyeol said. "Yes, they are girls. They 16 years old. They are a student at Generation High School." The master said. They look shocked they still can't believe that their tariners were girls. They think that their trainers were boys. "Okay now you guys can go home tomorrow we will send you to the Earth and I hope you guys brought think that very importent to you." The master said. They walk to the door and exited The master office room. "Aish, this boys." The master said to himself.



~(^,^)~ \(^.^)/



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