Are you an Idiot!?

Dragons Don't Cry


->inside SMent’s building<-


“Whoa!! It’s so big and beautiful!” Ryuu delightfully said.

“Yeah you’re right Ryuu!! This is like the exact definition of royalty!!” Jooyeon added.

“Hmph, what did you expect dimwits.” Nana annoyingly said as she turned to Kahi. “So Kahi, where should we go now?”

“I already asked the guard where the audition room is, it’s on the 11th floor, room 201” Kahi answered.

“Let’s go already, I don’t wanna waste any more time here. Also Jung Ah, take care of those two dummies that keeps on running around shouting ‘that’s beautiful’ and ‘that looks delicious’ like complete idiots before someone calls the security.” Lizzy said while pointing to Jooyeon and Ryuu.

“Jooyeon, Ryuu!! It’s time to go! Lizzy-unnie is getting mad!” Jung Ah shouted.

“Hai~~” Jooyeon answered.


Jooyeon went back to where the others were but Ryuu didn’t seem to have heard what Jung Ah said and continued to wander around the big lobby of SMents’ building. Kahi and the others were busy talking about what they’ll do at the auditions that they didn’t notice that Ryuu wasn’t with them. Even her best friend Nana didn’t notice because she was practicing her moves. The group continued on going to the audition room with out Ryuu.  After a little while…


Ugh,, I’m so hungry.. I wonder where Nana and the other’s are.. Hmm.. Maybe I should look for them.. Oh, I remembered we’re supposed to be auditioning at the uhm.. what floor was that again.. uhm.. oh the 10th floor and the room number is.. uhm.. ah! Room102. But before I go there I should buy some ice cream first.


Ryuu was sitting on the bench near the ice cream store when she received a text message from Nana saying:

Hey Ryuu, where are you?? Get up here right now or else you’ll have nothing to eat but raw vegetables for 1 month!

Ryuu replied:

I’m on my way Nana. I gotta make sure those raw vegetables don’t find their way to my plate. :)

Oh, and also, put your beanie and your sun glasses on before you go. Hurry up because our turn is coming really fast. ” Nana added

“Yes Mommy!” Ryuu jokingly replied.


Ryuu put on her beanie and glasses then went straight to the elevator. When she was inside the elevator, she pushed the button with ‘10’ on it. After she got out of the elevator, she quickly asksed someone where room 102 is. When she found the room, she was surprised because the hallway was empty. She expected many people to come since it was an open audition. She then again messaged Nana:


Hey Nana, I’m already here, where are you?

We’re inside the room. There are many people out there so be careful. Go straight into the room, ok.


She didn’t bother to reply because she was a bit confused when Nana said that there were many people. She stood in front of the room but was again confused when the sign said ‘SHINee’.


Hmm.. The sign says SHINee. I think I’ve heard of that name before… Hmm. It doesn’t matter if I know them anyways.


Without even knocking, Ryuu went straight to open the door but was then surprised when she saw 5 boys sitting in a couch watching television.


“Who are you?” said the good-looking boy who seemed like a bishounen.

“Uhm, I’m Ryuu, and uhm, can I-”

“I thought fans aren’t allowed here? And didn’t your parents teach you to knock before you enter?” A guy who looked like a dinosaur said in a mean tone.

“Now, now Jhong, maybe she’s just lost.” A sweet-looking guy said.

“Hmph, anyways, what are you doing here and what do you need?” A guy who acted like a diva said.

“Uhm, is Nana here? And are you trying out for the auditions too?” Ryuu asked.

“Hey you, do you know who we are?” A cool looking guy asked.

“Uhm.. wait, lemme think.. Oh, perhaps you’re SHINee? Cause I saw the sign on the door saying SHINee.” She dumbly answered.

“You’re hopeless...” the dinosaur whispered loud enough for Ryuu to hear.

“Hey! What’s with the attitude!? I’m not hopeless, my name’s Ryuu! And with what I’ve learned in class, dinosaurs don’t speak!!” Ryuu yelled looking at the dinosaur guy.

The whole group was shocked. Because they haven’t heard anyone speak to them like that... Especially someone they only met now. The dinosaur couldn’t control his temper and yelled:


“Well with what I’ve learned Dragons don’t even exist!”

“Don’t make fun of my name mister!!”

“Then don’t make fun of my looks!”

“But I can’t help it cause you really look like a dinosaur!!” she said while sticking her tongue out.

“Why you!!--”


“I’m so sorry!!” someone behind Ryuu shouted.


That someone pulled Ryuu closer to her then forced her to bow. After that, Ryuu saw that it was Nana.


“Nana, that dinosaur-looking creature is trying to devour me!” Ryuu dramatically said.

“Are you an idiot!? What the heck, this is SHINee’s room, how did you get here??”

“Well Nana, I heard Kahi said that the audition room is at the 10th floor and the room number is 102. That’s why I’m here.”

“Are you an idiot?” Nana shouted.

“Hn, is that dragon a friend of yours?” the dinosaur asked.

“Kinda. Anyways, we need to go now. Ryuu, apologize to them again.”

“B-but, Nana, it’s his fault!” Ryuu demanded.

“Shh! If you don’t apologize, I swear raw vegetables will find their way to your plate!”

“Hmph! Fine!” Ryuu turned to the dinosaur. “I’m S-O-R-R-Y!!”

Then she whispered “dinosaur” which was loud enough for him to hear while sticking her tongue.

“Let’s get going Ryuu; I’m so sorry again for all the trouble she caused you.”

“Don’t worry, it was nothing.” The sweet guy replied.

“Nothing your face Onew.” The dinosaur said.

“But honestly, she’s kinda interesting.. And if she were to remove her glasses and beanie, I bet she’d be beautiful.” The guy-who-looked-like-a-bishounen said with a smirk.





->And that was the second chapter guys. I'm so sorry for the late updates. I hope you like it. I made it a bit longer than the first chapter. I’m sorry if it isn’t that all interesting. I thought that I’d include SHINee to make things smoother. To all SHINee fans, (specifically Jhong’s fans.) I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, I didn’t mean it, really. And also, guys, I’m so sorry because the appearance of the other characters might be delayed. I would be focusing more on the relationships of the girls. That would be all. Thank you for reading my fic and God Bless always. 

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Thank you, it's quite funny cause I intended Ryuu to be the perfectionist type,, i just don't know how it became like this.. =_="<br />
Sorry for the very late updates, it's just hard to find time to update.. but promise I'll make it up to you. :)
xinli_ang #2
I know! :) I understand!! But please do update soon!! :D<br />
I like the story. :)<br />
Goodness, why can't Ji Yong remember who Ryuu is/was?<br />
I'm not going to ask about Ryuu, I know she's bad at remembering stuff! ^^
Haha, well, if I tell you now then it would be a spoiler for you! :) but for now all I can say is that Ryuu is someone from Ji Yong's past.
xinli_ang #4
Who? Tell meeee!!!! Who is Ryuu to Ji Yong??? Do they know each other?? (Randomly asking even if I know you won't really tell me! :P)<br />
Update please!!! :DDD
Waahh~~~ <br />
Thank first of all, thank you very much for reading! I was losing inspiration but now i'm all pumped up! I think I'll post up two chapters this saturday. thanks again! :)
xinli_ang #6
Dude, TOP must've fallen HARD for Ryuu!! :D<br />
Please update soon! I wanna know who Ryuu is to Ji Yong!!