Chapter 8:He's Back!

Love Again

Baekhyun's POV



"Oh yes!"i answered. She gave me a smile.


"Thanks Baekhyun"she said.


"Oh lets go guys!"Kai exclaimed.


We get on my car. I started the engine then we went to the cemetery.


"Suho How are you? are you fine?"She talked as she's putting down the flowers in front of his grave. as i saw on his grave He died on July 23,2008.


"Oh! i want to introduce to you my friends! He's Baekhyun,Sehun,Chanyeol and Kai"she added.


"Tiffany was not here she's not able to come. She's mad at me but don't worry we will fix this mess. Oh we have to go now I miss you! Bye!"She bid a goodbye and we do the same.


We entered the car then we went away.


"Noona can i ask you something?"sehun asked her first. i'm the one who drive this car while Kai beside me then Yoona sat between Chanyeol and Sehun at the back seat.


"uhmm Go on! what's that?"Yoona smiled.


"Uhmm i should not ask this but i just want to know. Can you tell me about you and Your boyfriend before?"


"Sehun. Stop!"I said.


"No Baek it's okay i'll tell you"Yoona said.


"We were 17 at age. We were highschool students we've met in the rooftop in our school. I used to be alone in that day since My parents died. but he gives me an inspiration to be happy. He always makes me happy. He likes to laugh that makes me laugh too. Whenever i see him i always caught that i'm smiling. or he's near on me. We used to went out somewhere. and the day comes that He confessed to me. I accepted his confession because i feel the same way too. I do feel the same as he feel towards me. I loved him very much......"while im listening i feel something wrong. The tears started to fall from her eyes. as Sehun wipes them away.


"Thanks Sehun"Yoona whispered.


"It's Okay you will get out over this situation and i think you will do"Sehun smiled on her and wipes her tears. Yoona gave him a smile.


"Oops there's someone who gets jealous"Kai broked the atmosphere.


"What?"Yoona asked.


"Uhmm That's nothing"Kai answered.


After 20 minutes we drove off. We went to the amusement park since Yoona requested it.


"Baek, Thank you. I know almost 2 months had passed before that situation but i'm still thankful for caring for me on that day. So this time i just want to pay you for helping me."Yoona explained.


"That's nothing Yoong. It's my pleasure"I answered.


"Uhmm Are you sure that Tiffany still mad at you?"i asked.


"Uhmm Yes and i think she's really mad i tried to apologized on her but she just ignored me so i just let her. i hope Her rage will vanish. and we're able to talk again"She smiled.


"Do you want to ride that Carousel?"Yoona pointed the carousel behind my back.


"Oh Yes. Do you want to?"i asked.


"Yes!!!"She beamed happily while clapping her hands. I just smiled on her being childish side. I'm just happy that she's able to laugh again and to be happy. I just can't believe that She could recover over him. and I just can't believe that She's different now. and i'm happy for that.


We get on the carousel and Smile remarked on her face. I can't help but to stare at her. Kai,Sehun and Chanyeol left us alone.


After we ride off. We went to the restaurant. Chanyeol,Sehun and Kai sat on the chair. in front of us. We ordered. then after a couple of miuntes they served those on the table.


"Let's start eating!"Yoona took the chicken. then we laugh and started taking the food.


We have a little bit talk about something.


"Sehun! try this! This is the restaurant's specialty this winter"Yoona took the rice cake and she place it on Sehun's mouth."How is it?"She asked. While sehun chewing the food.


Kai poke me and gave me a You're-jealous look. but i just gave him a glare. Yes I feel a little bit jealous. Yes a little bit. just a bit.


"Yes it's delicious"Sehun said. Then he took the Ice cream and He placed it on yoona's mouth"How does it taste?"


"So delicious!"Yoona answered.


"Yah! Sehun-ah! Baekhyun must be jealous!"Kai said.


"Kai Can you stop?"


"Oops sorry baek"Kai answered.


The atmosphere gets awkward but chanyeol Broke it.


"Hey Guys! Where are we going after this?"He asked.


"Yoona will decide since she's the one who asked we out."Kai Said.




We were heading going back to the house. Yoona went out first and Sehun asked her to accompany her heading back to her house. and She said yes. Why coward always striking me when it comes to her? Urhggggg i hate it! 


My Phone rang.


"Oh? Baek your phone was ringing mind you to answer that? it rang on the second time."Chanyeol said.


"Oh. Sorry"I said.


"Hmmm he's just thinking of someone with someone. He keeps on thinking if what's happening on the two."Kai smirked.


"Kai stop it!"i said. then i took my phone then i saw d.o calling me.


"Oh? D.O is calling me!"i exclaimed.


"Oh really?!"Kai who's the one gets excite.


i answered the phone."Hello? Kyung? why are you calling?"i asked.


"Yah! Baekhyun-ah! Why do you have to welcome me like that?! I'm Back!"He said.




Chapter 8 is updated! How is it?






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nurdayana #1
Chapter 18: Daebak!!!! More baekyoon.
Hehe do you like the pairing? :D
Chapter 1: OH EM GEE~! BAEKYOON! :D
Exoticgirlu #4
Good , continue
Btsyoongie #5
Chapter 7: Suho is alive? Why is his name in hee, but anyway, thanks for the updte.
Btsyoongie #6
Chapter 5: Finally you updated, I'm been waiting for you to update, so don't ever give up, update more, I like it.
Snowyhappy #7
Baekyoon? Update soon
AKSJFHDSJKFHDSJK >__< Me likey this~ Is that our name? O_O Uwaaaaaah~ Me super likey~