Chapter 1

Summer Circles

Lu Han and I have been married to each other for more than a year already, close to one and a half. He is a wonderful person, the kind of man that could pave a way up to the top wherever he was. He is the kind of brilliant social butterfly that outshines others, someone who is bound to achieve something big in his life. He is a true gentleman, but sometimes, a little child would take over and you would find him watching soccer instead of working on his projects, eyes widening in horror when I would catch him onto it. Really, there truly is nothing I do not love about him. All those little things – I love them all with a passion.

We moved into a little apartment the moment we got married. It is small, but it is ours, and that really is all that matters. We did not go on a honeymoon, because we wanted to save up enough money to go on a world trip, mostly to countries in Europe. It had always been my dream to travel to different countries with the person I love. Saving up is hard, extremely hard, and from time to time we find ourselves sad because we do not buy that or cannot buy that. We are both still new in our own work fields, the salary still down to a minimum, so the saving up was really hard, but it was a goal we worked hard to. It makes us happy.

We are happy.

“I’m home!”

I exclaimed excitedly as I tried to close the door with my foot, the grocery bags feeling heavier as time passed. I took a deep breath before placing them on the ground, quickly locking the door. A small smile appeared on my lips when I felt a pair of arms circling around my waist and a sudden weight on my shoulder.

“Welcome home, honey.”

“Yah, help me with bringing this all into the kitchen.” I scolded him playfully, softly pushing him away from me while taking one of the bags.

He quickly took the heave bag from me, “You should’ve called me. I could’ve come pick you up from the supermarket.”

I shook my head, “It’s okay. I didn’t want to bother you when you’re having deadlines.”

“I’ve such a loving wife,” He said with a smile before pressing a quick kiss on my lips.

“What have you done today? Got anything on paper already?” I asked him as I followed him into the kitchen, smiling as I watched him carrying all the groceries.

He turned his head around, a childish frown decorating his ever young looking face, “No, not really…”

I sighed as I took place on the kitchen table, “You can’t be like this all the time, Han-ah. The company has given you a month, and they expect you to come up with something when the month’s over.”

“I know, I know, but I can’t just put something on paper when my inspiration is nowhere to be found.” Lu Han’s eyes shone when he found his favorite chocolate, “And a hungry person can’t think rational.”

He was about to unwrap the chocolate bar, but I quickly jumped from the table and grabbed the chocolate from him, “No chocolate for you, dear. I’ll give you that when you deserve it. For now you’ll just have to deal with my horrible cooking.”

He encircled his arms around me again, head leaning against my shoulder. His breath tickled me slightly, but it felt ever so comfortable to have him holding me like this.

“Come on, one little bite.” He jokingly bit my neck, causing me to shriek.

“Yah, don’t do that! Aish,” I gave him the chocolate, “here, but don’t eat it all at once.”

He hugged me tightly, “Such a wonderful wife!”

“Yeah, yeah, just go eat your chocolate already.” I said while pushing him away, wanting to start preparing for tonight’s dinner, “I’ll cook your favorite dish today.”

“Oh,” Lu Han said while laughing uncomfortably, “about tonight…”

I turned around to face him, “Yes?”

“I told the guys I was going to watch football with them tonight.”

I furrowed my eyebrows at this, “Again?”

“It’s football season! It’s Manchester United against Real Madrid tonight!” He clasped his hands together tightly, “Please let me go!”

“But your deadlines-” I said hesitantly, before he cut me off.

“I promise I’ll work hard starting tomorrow! I’ll not disappoint!” He urged.

My heart softened, “You never disappoint, Han-ah, you never do. Alright, go then. Enjoy yourself. Just remember not to drink too much! Don’t make them have to bring you back home again!”

“Yes! I love you the most!”

I smiled happily as I watched him.

I love you too, Lu Han, I love you the most too.

It had been a very tiring day. The new client did not want to cooperate, and it had taken quite some time before I could finally convince him that we would be able to figure out something together. I had yet to completely adjust to seeing clients, trying to assure them that I was, indeed, capable of helping them. New blood that arrived had to show that it could run smoothly together with the other older blood. It was not like I was not doing well, but it was tiresome. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I waited patiently for the bus to come. I still had to buy the groceries for tonight’s dinner. Lu Han liked to eat seafood and since this month was going to be a battle for him, I had to at least support him through means I could provide, which meant cooking. I sighed before glancing at my watch. I still had time. If I was fast, I could still go to the market and buy some fresh fish.

I smiled when I saw the bus arriving, quickly stepping inside when the door opened. I sighed intently when I saw that there was no place to sit, so I tried my best to find a place where I could hold onto something. It took quite some while before I arrived at the place I wanted to, my mind already travelling back to all the work that was still waiting for me to finish. The thought alone already made me want to give up. When I arrived, I quickly walked around the market to find a place where they sold fish. My smile widened when I found the old lady I always bought fish from, quickly rushing to her as my eyes were glued to the fishes lying on the ice-covered counter.

“Hello, dear, buying some fish again?”

“Yes, my husband loves seafood.” I said as I scanned the various sorts of fish.

“Aigoo, such a lovely wife. Here,” The old lady said while pointing a piece of salmon, “the salmon is really nice today!”

“Really?” I looked at it, and indeed, it looked really fresh and good, “Alright then, please give me a piece.”

I looked up to the sky when I suddenly felt a drop of water hitting my face. The sky was a dark grey mess, sounds of an upcoming storm already hauntingly filling the air. A frown appeared on my face as I hoped it would not rain, because I still had other groceries to buy.

“I’m home…”

I said exhaustedly as I opened the door with much difficulty, my brief case almost falling down onto the floor while I tried my best to hold onto the groceries back in my other hand. My eyes wandered around the living room, trying to find Lu Han but he was nowhere to be found.

“Han-ah, are you home? Lu Han?”

But his reply never came, and I felt the disappointment heavy on my heart. I had expected him to be home. I closed the door with a sigh, throwing the brief case on the couch before bringing the groceries to the kitchen. My hair was a mess because of the weather, and my clothes were dripping wet. In sum, I looked horrifying. I put the grocery bags on the kitchen table, my eyes landing on a small sticky note.

Honey, Sehun and I are going to Gangnam to get some inspiration! I won’t be eating home tonight! I’ll make sure to buy something delicious for you!

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” I said tiredly, my head resting on the table, “Here I am, going all the way to buy some fresh fish for tonight.”

With a heavy heart I decided to just make some instant noodles tonight, feeling no need to cook for only one person. After eating an unhealthy dinner, I quickly threw myself on my work, carefully reading the files before coming up with preliminary plans that could be followed in the sessions that would follow.

My eyes turned to look outside the window when I heard the sound of rain filling the room, noticing with blinking eyes that it was raining softly outside. I sighed, hoping Lu Han did not forget to bring an umbrella with him, before glancing at my phone. I was close to calling him, but stopped myself when I realized I would just be bothering him if I called him right now. He could take care of himself just fine, no need for me to worry.

And with that thought, I continued with my own work.

I glanced at the clock with furrowed eyebrows.


Almost midnight, and Lu Han still was not home. A sigh left my mouth as my tired eyes tried to follow the drama that I had put on, but my mind could not concentrate on any of it. Lu Han had the tendency to sometimes forget the time when he had too much fun, so it was not like I did not expect anything like this to happen from time to time. I just wished he would have called me to tell when he was going to be home. I wanted to make sure he was home before I would go to sleep.

Luckily it was Friday, so I would not have to go to work tomorrow. Even though it was a Friday, I was always determined to do as much as I could. In the weekend I spent much of my time cleaning the house and making sure Lu Han everything he needed. I rubbed my tired eyes as I put down my pen and leaned back against my chair. There was no way I could finish this all tonight, and it was already so late, so I might as well go watch some television as I waited for Lu Han to come home.

Maybe Lu Han and I could go out or something, do something fun. It had been a while since we last did something together outside, really went out on a date after we got married. He was always busy with work, so I never blamed him for it, but it would be a nice way to give Lu Han a break from his work. I knew he always had a hard time when it came to deadlines. He hated to be chased.

I threw myself on the couch after having the television, exhaustion washing over me as I pulled the blanket that lay on the couch over my body to keep myself warm. The variety show was quite amusing, and most importantly did not ask me to use my brains, and that was all I needed. I waited patiently for Lu Han to come home, but gradually the laughter coming from the television began to sound more and more distantly to me as my eyelids were battling hard to stay open. It did not take long before sleep took over me and I feel into a dreamless sleep.

I did not know how long I fell asleep, how late it was when I woke up again. All I knew is that when my eyes fluttered open, I was being carried.

“Why didn’t you go sleep in the bedroom?” Lu Han asked, his voice sounding soft and gentle as always as he carried me to our bedroom.

I held onto his t-shirt with a small smile lingering on my lips, “I wanted to wait for you to come home.”

“I’m sorry, Sehun and I got carried away with it. But we got some brilliant ideas to work on!” He said excitedly.

I smiled as happy as I could through my sleepiness, “That’s good to hear…”

He chuckled before kissing me on the forehead, already placing me on the bed and pulling the blanket over me, “Good night, love.”

I smiled with eyes closed, “Good night.”

And I fell asleep while holding onto Lu Han, never letting him go.

“Han-ah, should we go out today?” I asked as I ate my breakfast, “It’s such wonderful weather day!”

Lu Han glanced outside before smiling, “Alright, where do you want to go?”

My eyes beamed, “You choose!”

Excitement filled me as I thought about it, feeling happy already at the mere fact that we would be doing something together. I did not care what we would do. As long as it was with Lu Han, everything would be good.  

“Hmm…” Lu Han thought about it for a while before replying, “How about we go to the park?”

“Good! Do you want to play soccer?” I scratched my head as I thought about where we had put the soccer ball, “We can bring a soccer ball with us.”

“Eh?” Lu Han’s eyes flickered in surprise, “Don’t you want to do something else?”

“No, you like soccer right?” I smiled, “We’ll do something you want.”

“You’re the best,” He said sweetly before kissing me on the cheek.

I only smiled back, feeling immensely happy because as long as Lu Han was happy, I was happy. Soccer was not my forte, not even my interest, but Lu Han loved it so much so it was alright. All was well, as long as Lu Han liked it.

“But I do expect some ice cream after playing soccer!” I said while pointing at him with my fork.

He ate the piece of pancake off my fork, munching cutely while nodding, “Yes, yes, all the ice cream you want.”

“Time out, time out,” I said exhausted while doing a time-out sign with my hands, “I need a break.”

Lu Han kicked the ball up and caught it with his hand before walking to me, “I told you to tell me to stop when you got tired.” He frowned unhappily, “Look at you, all drained from energy now.”

We had played for only an hour, and Lu Han was still full with energy while I was out of breath. I did not want to spoil the fun, and I blamed my body for being tired so easily, so I just forced myself to continue to play. I really did not want Lu Han to be unhappy because of me.

“I’m sorry, I’ll just rest a while before continuing to play with you.” I said apologetically.

He shook his head, “No way are you going to play now. Come on, let’s rest.”

We took place on a bench in the middle of the park where we had a nice view of the playground. A smile unconsciously crept on my lips as I watched the children play around. I was about to use my head to wipe some sweat away, when Lu Han used a paper tissue to wipe it off for me.

“You’re sweating so much,” He said while laughing.

I pouted indignantly, “You shouldn’t be the one talking. Look at you, there’s even sweat dripping off your hair.” I took the tissue from his hand to wipe his face, “You’re going to catch a cold.”

“Chunhei-ah,” He looked at me as I continued to wipe his face, “don’t you think they’re adorable?”

“Who?” I asked absent-mindedly.

“The kids,” He said while pointing to the children on the playground.

I smiled brightly, “Of course they are.”

“We should get our own one soon,” Lu Han said while glancing at them, “they’re little angels.”

“Having children means a lot of responsibility,” I said as I held onto Lu Han’s hand, “there won’t be a turning back from that.”

Lu Han looked at me, “I know, but we can do it. I’m sure we can.”

“You’d be a great father,” I said before leaning my head on his shoulder.

“And you a wonderful mother,” He complimented back.

We both remained silent as we watched the children play, thinking about how good it would feel to have our own child. I did not want a lot of children – the responsibility frightened me of having many – but one or two would be good. We could raise them up with love and efforts. I never would ask my children to become the best of the best. As long as they were happy and lived as good people, I would be more than happy.


“Hmm?” I answered back.

“Let’s go on our world trip this year, alright?”

My head shot up, eyes meeting his, “What? B-But-”

“We’ve almost saved up enough money to go to all the places we wanted to go. I’m sorry it took almost two years before I could take you on a honeymoon. We’ll go this year, alright?”

It was pure happiness that filled me. Pure happiness because going on this world trip had been my wish for such a long time already, and it had been my goal for all the money I earned and set aside. All the money we did not spent on buying things we wanted, because it would be for our honeymoon.

“R-Really?” I almost whispered, my voice almost gone as the emotions caught me.

He nodded with a warm smile, “I know you’ve wanted to go on this trip dearly. You even put away all the money you could for this. I would feel like a terrible husband if I would let my wife wait any longer.”

I hugged him tightly, the joy of the news filling me, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Han-ah, thank you!”

He chuckled, “I should be the one thanking you.”

It was a privilege to be able to have met Lu Han. It was a dream to have married him. It was heaven to have him love me dearly, as if I was the most special woman in this world. Everything felt worth it, all the effort, as long as Lu Han would be there by my side.

I had to change certain things because this was supposed to be a oneshot, but it is finally all sorted out now. From now on, the updates may take a little longer, but I will try my best to update as often as possible :) For those who did not notice it, I changed the description a little to more fully describe what this story is going to be about. Yoona and Yixing (Lay) will appeare in this story. Hope you enjoyed~!

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Chapter 3: Lay living with them? Nono!
Chapter 2:,me..,sooo damn....hungry of you! Cuz your sooòoooooooo sweeeeeett
Chapter 1: Plzz update! Like it~~~