Call Me Selfish, But I Need To Do This


Just a little something that came to my mind when I couldn't sleep last night.

Hope it'll be good ..

A multichapter but only with like 3 to 5 chapters ..


"Me, you, Yoong and Krystal, just the four of us, forever."

"He's dying."

"I know it's selfish, but who do you think has it worse, him who has a memory to take with him and no future to worry about, or me who has a broken heart and a future to go through?"

"I didn't want to let you go, I wanted to be with you and I still do but he needs me and it's just for a short time. I hope you can forgive me, and to push my luck I hope you will wait for me."

"I just want to say thank you, that you let her go. If I have a choice, I will always pick you for her."

"We miss you papa, mama misses you too."

"Call me selfish, but I need to do this. I hope you will be able to forgive me someday."


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Chapter 12: deberia seguir la escena y
Chapter 10: que va a hacer?
Chapter 9: wey eso parece un dorama
Chapter 7: oficialmente e llorado
Chapter 6: simplemente y
Chapter 5: buen cap
Chapter 4: Quien era la chica?
Chapter 3: Vrga!
Chapter 2: El maa egoísta es Donghae porque aún sabiendo que ella es feliz con sus relación la busca para realizar su "sueño".
Chapter 1: Wow