Chapter 2

Untamable Love

He Knows Who Am I?

As if she was looking at one of those European painting of a young man dress in a blue shirt and brown pants. His brown eyes that are darker than hers, his black hair that thrown to the back— too much details until this youngest Jung felt like she was looking at a painting. Back in her home, there are tons of real-life paintings that her brother brought from the western countries that sometimes she confuse them a photo not a painting. 

“Did I surprise you, princess?” It takes a few blink before she realizes there’s question being thrown at her.

“N-no, not at all,” she turns her gaze away from the anonymous that slowly approaching her and within the minute later he sit few feet away from her. And as she comes to her senses again, she could smell the luscious scent lingering around her is getting stronger. Without her realizing it, she swallowed her own saliva. She bites her bottom lip just to distract her brain into thinking about something else. She is not like her brother or sister—uncontrollable. She could hold it a little longer, she hopes.




“Huh, this time that old man sure throw a hell of a party." The stranger spoke bluntly while ruining his perfectly fine bow tie, breaking the icy cold atmosphere. Krystal, who couldn't help but to listen secretly taking a peek of her new companion from the edge of her eyes. Her brown pearls observing the subject that is sitting beside her closely. Wondering who is this person is and why his heartbeat didn't go wild like any other males? Does he knows who she is? Is he a relatives of Minister Kim?

"Sorry, but are you a family of the Minister?" She gathered her guts to open and ask. And as soon as the last word slipped from her tongue, her brain goes alert. Her body just want to jump on top of this person and break free. 

"Yes," he replied fast and short. Their eyes now meet in between one line and Krystal can't help herself to look away. "Kim Jongin, I'm the Minister's nephew." He explained further while throwing a smile towards the little Jung. Making Krystal nod in response. 

"My name is Jun-"

"Jung Krystal, I know, princess." His tone was flat as if he just answer a rhetorical question, well actually he does. "Do you think I don't know your name?" He said while raising one of his eye brow and end it with soft snort. Jongin action leave Krystal in quite shock as never a man, especially red-blooded man, could cut her sentence out of nowhere like that without stuttering or end up sweating like crazy.

"Well, I thought you might new to this town."

"I am new to the town, but such essential information like the wealthiest family here would not be too hard to understand." He talks while his eyes wondering the darkness of the forest. Meanwhile, Krystal stares still lock to Jongin. "I'm not an idiot." His last sentence makes Krystal adjusting her position then blink for a few times.

"I didn't said anything about you being an idiot." 

"I didn't said that you said it also, princess." He bursts into laugh shortly after, making the cheek of the girl besides him turn cherry red-- embarassed. "Are you sitting here alone because you are avoiding the crowd?" 


"You don't like big parties, princess?" He pointing out questions one by one, steadily moving closer to his person of interest. Krystal doesn't realize Jongin's action as she concentrates at the stars above them.

"You can say it like that." She nod.

"Are you claustrophobic?"

"N-no, I just don't like the attention I am getting when I'm in the crowd." She moves her head left and right, showing her objection toward the questions. "And, why are you asking so many questions? "

"Is it a sin if I ask?" Jongin's counter attack Krystal's question with another question while giving her dry laughter.

"Then, you hate the crowd also, that's why you are here now?" 

"The crowd is fine for me," His answered with flat and cold tone. "I just don't like big party."

"Why? Isn't big party is more close, intimate than the small one?" Now, it's Krystal turns to ask so many questions. Slowly as her attention concentrate on talking, she could resist the hunger that torturing her sake.

"And how could that be?" His head lean a bit towards Krystal.

"If you are in a small party, you will feel exposed. There's no privacy between each and everyone." Little Jung speaks up her thought as her eyes now landed on her white flat shoes, noticing there is a dirt at the tip of it. She bend down to get rid of it then return to sitting straight and look up to the bright night sky. She reminisces what happen on spring few years ago, when their family went on a holiday with Yunho Busan's acquintances. There were 6 of them includes her, Jessica and Yunho. One night the alcohol seems a little bit too far and they were wasted. And as alcohol always bring the fair side of someone, they start talking about their stints, their ultimate plan to steal Yunho clients. But in the end, there's nothing left from them after the vacation as they all died drained out of blood.

"Miss Jung?" Familiar voice calling her name from a far. It belongs to Park Jinyoung, the head butler of her family. He was running from inside the house and seems exhausted. "Your brother and sister are looking for you, miss." A short sentence formed in between his panting. Krystal could hear his rapid heart beat and heavy breath vividly. As if he was breathing just beside her ear.

"I'm so sorry, Jinyoung." She apologize for troubling this old man for looking for her all the way here. Talking to Jongin has made Krystal forgot about time and her family. If the one who fetch her is the head butler, it means both her sister and brother already has something occupied their hands-- maybe they already found their dinner menu.

"You don't need to apologize, miss, they are going back now." 

"Oh, I see." She said as she fixes her pastel dress before standing up. "Jongin ssi, apparently we need to continue our converstain some other time." Smile appeared from her pink lips. "It was nice meeting you."

"Wait!" Jongin's arm grabs Krystal free hand to stop her departure. He stands quickly and leaning his lips near to her ears to whisper, "I know who you are princess." He then release his grip and walk towards the darken forest, leaving Krystal dumbfounded.

Thank you for the warm welcome after a year long hiatus!

I was surprised by the number of views and subscribers, you guys JJANG!

Hope you guys like this chapter and keep showing love ;)

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elementals #1
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness its been a long while! I miss this story! Keep up <3
Chapter 7: ouhhh yayy you update! that would be jongin right?
Chapter 6: Omg the between them is just asdfghjkl i cant even
fxwhuut #4
Chapter 6: -chants- . ok jk (but if you're gonna write i'll die in happiness lol)
anyway, with f(x)'s current comeback; it's making me easier to picture krystal as a vampire! haha.
Chapter 6: I like it?! Vampire krystal and werewolf jongin is the best!! Update soon,please! They're too y! Please, make them together!! Krystal is Jongin's mates, right? And vice versa!
elementals #6
Chapter 5: HOOT HOOT I KNEW IT KAI IS A WEREWOLF! PLEASE MAKE THEM TOGETHER EVEN IF ITS FORBIDDEN FOR THHEM AUTHOR-NIM TT.TT UPDATE SOON PLEASEEE<3 (sorry for all capslock words I'm way to exited and curious about what happen next tho ;))
Chapter 5: Forbidden love :( sigh
Chapter 5: my guess was right~~
jongin is a werewolf kkk~~
fxwhuut #9
Chapter 5: i loved their little session ;u;;;;;
Chapter 5: wowowow control your hormones ms. jung and mr. kim!