


{ Written by Littlemisskpop12 }


What is this List?

In here, you can skim chapters and look for which idol you want to read about! The stories I have here are the stories I have read 

and enjoyed. They are accurately well written in my point of view, and believe me; I'm a huge judge when it comes on how the 

author writes their  stories (I'm not saying I'm such a great writer.) 


Note :

Most of the stories in my list are complete, because I usually read complete ones. (Unless the author does daily updates!)




Idols Stories I Read:

-Myungsoo & OC

-Sehun & OC

-Lu Han & OC

-Kai & OC

-Kris & OC

+ more!

(The one mentioned are the frequent ones)




Types of  Stories I Read:

-Romance (duh.)

-Adventure (with romance!)


-Crack fics

(I dislike reading sad, tragedy, OTPs stories! So you can't find them here!)



Contents of Each Chapter:



-Short Summary*/Review

-Current Status


-Link of Story

-Add on Notes*

(Counts of Subscribers, Upvotes, comments, & views are not included for it is not an important element to read/judge the story.)



{ Littlemisskpop12 says }

Ayoo Peepzies. I made this list for everyone to enjoy the stories I have read that I enjoyed!

I only update when I met a well written story!~

This was planned to be an EXO recommendation list. But I read Myungsoo (& other idol) stories too.

Lol, sorry. I'm really lame with foreword and such.  Besides, I have nothing to say here anyway.. 

Also, thank you to 'Exo Fanfiction: The Highly Recommended' by Jongkeyinmypants for the inspiration!~


You Guys can suggest fanfiction too!

Just comment down below or wall post me! (;


 t  http://like-a-dui-zhang.tumblr.com






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im looking forward to this recommendatiooon. when are you going to update? mehehe. (((: