Dear Omma & Appa

My Sick Darling

to: Yoon Ji Ah's Parents

from: Xi Luhan

Dear Omma and Appa,

                                         I made a big and unforgivable sin to you. I took care of your dauhter a lot, But I think it wasn't enough. She always exercised a lot, doesn't eat and go to bars wih her friends every night. I tried to stop her but she didn't listen to me. We fougt everyday and everynigt, so I got tired. I didn't speak with her for five days. Your daughter got sad and apologized to me. I love yor daughter a lot, so I forgave her. She promised that she will listen, but it was too late. One day, I visited her on her apartment. I saw her coughing blood. I brought her quickly to the hospital. We knew that your daugher was suffering from tubercolosis. Me.. Her.. we cried a lot. Ji Ah went to church everyday, asked for forgiveness and cried hard. I stayed with her everyday just to take care of her. One day, I went to he market to buy her beverages. When I came back, your daughter was still sleeping. I woke her up to eat.... But she's not breathing anymore. Her heartbeat was gone. I brought her to the hospital as fast as I can, but... we're very very, very very late. I cried so hard. I din't know what to do. I always tried to contact and inform you about her sickness, but in that time your daughter was stopping me. Sorry Omma, Appa and to Ji Ah's other relatives. I'm really really sorry. I came back to her apartment, I saw a letter under her pillow saying..


            "Luhan Xi! :) I love you so much! I love yo soooo much! Sorry If we cant get married. But please, Find a perfect girl who will make you happier than you are now. Pls don't cry and take care of yourself always. I'll appear on your dreams and and I'll be on your side... I loveeeee you again! Sorry and goodbye.."


I can't continue this letter anymore. I don't want to mess this with my tears. Sorry again.. omma.. appa.

                                                                                                                               Your Son-in-Law, Luhan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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