// couples

〈 ♡ // : the lovey dovey motel — open



dating . engaged . married
    psst - hover over the hearts. ♥



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chanyeol will be leaving. deleted everyone. thanks.
name: jessica
what from: snsd
ideal type: cold, someone who would annoy me often, cheesy at times and of course, active.
password: i'd rather love
GnomesaremyUncle #3
Chapter 7: Name: Kai
What from: Exo-k
Ideal Type: Cold/bossy, Funny but doesn't try to , NOT GIRLY, honest, active, Someone that i'd have fun annoying.
Password: I'd rather love
chanyeol here
Name: Chanyeol
What from: EXO-K
Ideal Type: Humourous , Active , Kind and Loyal. Password: Be loved
DonutsXLays #6
Chapter 2: Name: Jia
What From: Miss A
Ideal Type: Cool, fun, caring, kind of cold, weird, lovable and finally active
Password: Turtle.
Jong Jin is Back ^^ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006044554598&ref=tn_tnmn
Chapter 2: Name: Song Ah Ri
What From: Female Ulzzang.
Ideal Type: Active, A bit cold but shows a kind side from time to time, someone that can trust me, someone who is commmitted.
Password: Turtle.