Twin Rider

Twin Rider

Hey Princess~ I’m back in town. I’ll be there in two minutes! Jump out of your room through the window and wait, you little Twerp~ ;) <3


You stare at you screen as you re-read the text message your best friend just sent and raise your eyebrow at the heart. Well someone’s in a happy mood, you think, mentally rolling your eyes.


“This cannot be good.” You say to yourself as you snap your flip phone shut and tuck it in your leather jacket’s front pocket, good thing that you were already dressed up. You forgot to change when you got back from the mall with your friends and that was over 4 hours ago.


Him sending you a message on a Saturday when he just got back from Seoul less than four days ago couldn’t mean anything good, he probably has something up his sleeve and that something is either illegal or…illegal.


You hope not, you did not want to find yourself standing in front of the police trying to cover his face because if they saw it, it was going to be published and of course, it was going to be a scandal if his fans found out that he was trespassing. It’d ruin his image.


“His image my ,” You mumble as you quickly wave goodbye to your friends on Skype, telling them you were leaving them for a few minutes.


A few minutes.




You were probably going to be out for more than a few minutes. Hanging out with him means you’d be back hours later because he always has and finds something to make you stay longer than you plan to.


His stupid raps and crazy ideas.


Sometimes your girl friends and guy friends were beyond annoying, they always seem to bring him up in everything you talked about with them. And that’s worse than those crazy girls who ship K-pop couples together.


You sigh tiredly as you put on your laptop aside and get off the floor, you normally sit on the floor when using your laptop or doing some of your assignments, you find it more comfortable than sitting on your bed or that dreadful uncomfortable chair in front of your study table which instead of having school books on it, had various CDs, movies and magazine – no, not those dirty magazines.


You pick up your shoes and sit on your bed as you take your time putting them on; you know he is going to be late. With Junhyung, anything was possible, 2 minutes meant 10 minutes especially since it was past 6PM, he likes to take his time. You even wonder if he’s on time to rehearsals back in Seoul.


You stand up and stretch, you kick your legs a few times trying to get comfortable in your shoes before you go out. You were making sure if your shoes were worth running in after all, you were going to hang out with Junhyung and that meant running like crazy.


“No way I’m sneaking out,” You say out loud, “I don’t want to get grounded, why is he such an idiot sometimes?” You ask yourself as you made your way out of your room, you made your way down the stairs and walked straight to the kitchen.


Your mother was inside the kitchen, she was holding what looked like a recipe of something you did not even want to know, you lean against the door and call her, “Mom –” You get interrupted, she raises her hand towards you not looking away from the recipe in her hand as she kept muttering words under her breath, she was obviously trying to make something beyond her baking…ability.


But you wouldn’t tell her that of course, she’d start sulking and order you to stay in your room – which isn’t that big of a problem, you love your room anyway.


“Go ask your father if it has nothing to do with school,” She waves you off; this makes things easier for you to be able to go out. Your father won’t mind you leaving the house after 6PM, your mother, however, would tell you to go study instead of hanging out with Junhyung.


The bad influence boy as your mother calls him.


You turn and chuckle to yourself, indeed, he is a bad influence because he gets the both of you in trouble but he’s your best friend, so he’s not really a bad influence. You shake your head; you weren’t making any sense now.


“Off to where?” You give your father a grin and thumbs up, he raises his eyebrow, he looks at you up and down, he then sighs. “Running shoes? Junhyung?”


“The one and only,”  You state before he could ask where you were going and when you’d get back, you distract him, “Your teams playing in 5 minutes – short notice!” You did not even wait for him to respond, you quickly make your way out of the house, he is going to face your mother’s wrath in a few minutes and you did not want to be there to see it.


You shiver; your mother sure can get scary sometimes. “Be back in two hours!” You hear your mother’s annoyed scream.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” You scream back absentmindedly as you lock the door from outside with the extra key you always carry with you when you leave the house, in case you find your parents asleep or in case they aren’t home when you get back.


He’s standing there with his hands in his pockets and you glare at him, “Couldn’t you have come a little earlier? Before 6PM?” You ask irritably before you sigh, “It’s good to have you back and I’m not a twerp.”


“Whatever you say,” He says when you stop in front of him – he obvious was waving your statement off, he always does. “Well then, let’s get a move on, Princess. I’ve got something to show you,” He chuckles and then grins.


Dude,” You begin, “I hope this isn’t something that will have us being chased by freaks like last time.” You both walk away from your house and along the side walk, it was dark, the streetlights and lights from the houses around while the only well source of light including the moon.


“Whatever you sa – ” You elbow him in the ribs before he could finish that annoying phrase or whatever it was, it was beginning to get on your nerves.


“Fine.” He coughs, “And that hurt,” He adds as an afterthought.


“We’re not meeting the police this time, are we?” You raise your eyebrow at him curiously; you tried to read the answer by looking at his face as if it would be floating in front of his face.


Then you noticed something.


“Why are you wearing shades at night?” You bite back a laugh, “Is that what you’re being taught in Seoul?!” You burst out into laughter – loud laughter. You hold your stomach as you try to suppress your laughter; you calm down and look at him again. He takes his glass off and stares at you emotionlessly.


Okay,” You chuckle, “Fine, so that wasn’t funny.” You roll you eyes, “You don’t have to make it obvious, idiot. Go with the flow for once.” You add dryly with a yawn. “Are we going to meet the police this time?” The both of you are now standing in front of what looks like an abandoned building; you look around confused, “What the hell are we doing here?”


“Of course not, not the police.” He says with a soft chuckle – ignoring your question, “You make me sound like I’m a bad influence,” He adds as he twirls his keys around, you snort. He was the type of guy was who so full of himself at times. You even wonder why girls are so crazy over him.


You’ve known him longer than they have, that’s the advantage you had if you wanted to snatch him away, but you couldn’t stand that thought of him going back to Seoul, you'd have to let him go, you'd have to let him go back to Cube Entertainment and back to his group. You knew he couldn't quit his career just to be with you.


And lastly, back to his annoying crazy fans.


“Oh, but you are a bad influence, my mom thinks so,” You point out, “Now answer my question.” You order impatiently.


“Your mom hates me,” He lets out what seemed like a giggle, you raise your eyebrow at that but say nothing as he continues, “With good reason too. I bought a bike.”


You blink, how dare he? “You made me leave the house just so you could tell me that you bought a bike?!” You shriek, “Are you out of your mind? I’d have been sleeping by now!” You whine, you knew that by whining you were getting on his nerves – which was a good thing, so he could tell you to go home.


“No,” He frowns, “You wouldn’t be sleeping if you were home now,” He continues, “You’d have been chatting like the little freak you are,” He snickers as he keeps twirling his keys.


You blush scarlet and ignore the freak part, you turn around, “I’m going home,” and begin to walk away, you did not get far though. He grabs your wrist and pulls you back to standing next to him.


“Not a chance,” He utters dryly before continuing, “You’re riding this baby with me,” He smirks and then winks, you fake a gag, you notice that he’s tapping something, you take a closer look at it and pause.


“That’s your bike?” You ask drawling the last word out as though you were drunk, “Why me?” You question miserably.


“Because you’re on speed dial,” He hands you the helmet and you have no choice but to take it – helmets are lame but better safe than sorry. Is that even the right saying?


“And to think you’re the cool mysterious in BEAST. You’re so lame!” You laugh crazier than normal as you get on the other side of the Twin Rider and he does the same too. Starting to pedal was a bit difficult but you both got used to it and while now pedaling on the road next to each other.


“I can’t believe I’m riding this thing.” You suddenly say breaking the comfortable silence, “Now…how do we turn?” You look from your pedaling feet to him. He looks back at you and his eyes widen but then go back to their normal size.


“Keep going forward,” He speaks breaking the silence, “I miss doing this,” He laughs a bit, “This reminds me of when we were little kids,”


“Is that why you bought this hideous thing?” You snort; you had a smile on your face.


“No,” He shakes his head, “I want to spend time with my favorite girl, with her, I can be who I want to be.”


“And that’s why you’re lame,” You add before continuing, “Besides it’s not as if  you’re around a lot of sane girls to say that,” You mock him, he grunts annoyingly, you hold the handlebar with one hand and use the other one to smack him so he could stop his grunting.


“Stop hitting me,” He grunts again, only louder.


“Shut up.”


A few minutes later of pedaling straight.


“Hey,” He calls; you immediately look at him, he sounded serious.


“What?” You ask puzzled.


“Let’s do something crazy.”


How you wish you could take it all back. Agreeing to do something crazy with Junhyung was a bad idea. And now, here were the results: you find yourself standing in front of your parents who just got done with scolding you and Junhyung, and his parents also did the scolding.


“I’m never hanging out with you again,” You hiss shaking your head.


“We’re partners in crime, twerp.” He chuckles.


“Shut up,”


I love you too.”


You blush furiously and hit his arm.


If only he wasn’t an idol, he’d stay and not go back to Seoul.




And I end it there haha I hope you all enjoyed it. And for those who don't have the Twin Rider in mind, it's two joined bikes: Twin Rider ! Yes, yes, yes, I know Junhyung's not his usual bad/awesome guy he always is here but D: LOL this is my first fanfiction ever ever! T.T SPARE ME JKJKJK but really spare me if you think he was out of character or simply get over it smile. Sorry for grammar fails and epic mistakes or fail moments rofl ;]

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daebak! hwaiting!
OMG DORKIEST. WTF?! LOL! This is my FIRST TIME reading one of your stories, and I just died. JUNHYUNG IS JUST THE DARING THING EVER!!!! HE IS LAME! HAHAAHHA! This explains him just perfectly, since he's like this off stage. Hahahahah! JUNHYUNG!!!! <3
lol niceee
junhyung's still osm <3
@gjshin LOL the idea was to make him badass but Well [x plans changed. The keys are for unlocking the lock >_> on the bike or so I think XD<br />
@Avy its good you're not familiar with them ahahah Makes it easier for me to write him however I want without being told I've screwed up <br />
@Min LOL rare my foot XD
hahahah! i thought he bought a bad bike like royal enfield or sumthing..but a twin rider? XD y does he need keys for that? i just can't inagine him riding that! XD
Interesting... I'm not really familiar with Beast so I wouldn't know if Junhyung was out of character. It was nice to read a fic about what it's like being best friends with an idol. ^^<br />
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LOL shut up! :P my love is rare xD<br />
haha it was cute and sounds just like me haha xB