First Day

~I Lost my Mind~
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“Unnie, you need to wake up…”  I grunted and flipped over, pulling the sheets further over my head.

“Yah…you know you’re scary when you’re sleeping…but it’s already 9:45…” Minah whispered carefully.

I jumped up faster than light itself and ran into the bathroom ruffling my hair.

“What do I do?! It’s my first day and I’ve got 15 minutes to get ready, Minah! It’s way at the end of town!”

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll start the car just get your uniform on.”

I fussed in the bathroom brushing my hair out as I brushed my teeth, then quickly slipped on my skirt, blouse, blazer, and ascot. Today was my first day at my new job as an assistant at the largest clothing brand headquarters in South Korea- ByunWear. My roommate and best friend since elementary, Minah, had been working there for a couple years as a designer and seamstress. After recently getting fired from my job as a drycleaner, Minah pulled some strings for me to get this job.

I braided down my bangs and twisted my hair into a bun, then quickly applied mascara and lip gloss.

“Hurry! Traffic is heavy!” Minah screeched from the front door. I ran to the door and fumbled to put on my heels then grabbed my purse.


                We were 5 minutes late when we flew into the parking lot.

“I’m going first.” She rushed out of the car and ran through the lot into the building while I finished blotting concealer on my face, then got out of the car.

“If I get fired on my first day…” I sighed and picked up the pace, just about jogging towards the building, only looking ahead. Then, BAM!



I was met with the pavement.

“Omo!” A male voice yelled. A car door opened and slammed shut. I slowly pushed myself up off the ground and held my aching head.  I heard shoes walk along and stop behind me.

“Are you okay?” The man asked concerned.

“Y-yeah…I’m okay.” I looked over and saw a young man with a white button up shirt and black tie. He had a chiseled jaw line and brilliantly shiny carelessly thought hair. He looked at me, and my eyes went round and I almost smiled like an idiot.

“H-hi, my name is-“

“Not you!” His eyebrows furrowed, almost looking disgusted. “Do you know how much this car costs? This car was handmade in France, it probably costs more than 12 of your houses combined!”

He was attractive until he opened his mouth.

I quickly got to my feet and examined his car, it had a scratch in it the length of my pinky nail.

“Oh, you think that’s bad?” I swiftly kicked the front of the car.

“Are you crazy?!” He screamed and went to grab me.

“Don’t touch me, psychopath! I have pepper spray!”

He pulled out his cellphone and mumbled something about ‘police’, I reacted fast.

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AkaruiHoshi #1
When will you be updating?