The Time I...

The Time I...

"Really, Jonghyun... what the are you doing here?" She asked with the lovely tone she always puts when she is annoyed

"I just thought I could sleep over tonight"

"Seriously, I'm never gonna understand you... you hate me one day but you want to sleep with me the next one? I mean, what the heck dude?"

"If you want me to leave I'll leave"

"Yes please, I don't feel comfortable with you around here"

"Ok... bye then" She didn't reply as she turned around in her bed backfacing me. I sighed once again and went back to the living room where I knew my friends would be hanging, not knowing about this secret crush I had on the girl whom I've always been rude to. They thought I hated her for some reason but none of them ever bothered or dared to ask me about it, they've always talked about it though, I overheard a conversation between Key and Taemin once... They thought she did something to me. They thought she bullied me in middle school or things like that. 

They weren't so far from the truth.

But the fact is... That it was all the way round. I was the one bullying her, and for no reason at all. She just happened to be the new girl in town and she just happened to get in my way a day that I was specially upset with my life and with my parents for not letting me go to the big big party Jessica threw that last saturday and that everybody were talking about. It was monday.

I remember she was walking in my direction and she seemed so lost I had the urge to go and help her but my friends were my friends and they would have laughed at me forever if I decided to go and talk to the girl with specs. Instead, when she came over to ask for our classes I flipped over her books and stepped on them, walking past her with a grin plastered on my face. My crew laughed and cheered for my lame and rude actions as if they were something worthy. Those actions never stopped, I needed to be accepted in the group.


Two years later she moved again. Her family couldn't afford living where they where living anymore so they started renting a place two houses away mine. I never came out to say hi to the new neighbours.



And now we're here. Who would have known that the girl whom I had a crush since forever would move into another, bigger city and would stay in the same freaking dorm as me? It's a small world, they say, I'd say it's tiny. I guess it was too much to ask for her to study music with me. She was majoring in English, not my kind of stuff, really. I've never been good at that in school anyway.

The first time I saw her here I was waiting in the bus stop. She looked at at me with wide eyes but said nothing. I didn't say anything either, she had her headphones on and I was too busy staring at her beauty to even talk. When we got on, there were only two sits left, I sat down expecting her to do the same. She remained standing. 

She did that every morning we got to meet each other at the stop, not sitting with me just once. I kept looking at her everytime I got the opportunity, she was just too beautiful and I regretted every single bad moment I made her spend in those past years.


Two weeks after, she said hi for the first time, I could only smile. Soon after, she sat down with me, but never spoke once. She always got off before me so it wasn't necessary. I pouted.

When I discovered she lived in the same place as me I was having a late breakfast. I had decided to take the day off just because. She was having her breakfast too. She stared at me with wide eyes once again and when I was going to speak out, she left. Soon after I heard her arguing with someone about how she couldn't stay here anymore because of me. I felt horrible.

"You're lucky I can't afford living somewhere else. You can bully me here too if you want" she said to me next day. I remained speechless.


As soon as I started making friends, I resumed my bullying towards her, more because of frustration than anything else, I wasn't doing that good in college because I got permanently distracted with my friends and... a new girlfriend.

Sekyung was sweet and caring, but she could never replace her. We broke up a year later and by then, my relationship with my beauty was the same as ever... Maybe with a sparkle of something that I still was clueless to.


She got a boyfriend. His name was Minho and he was tall as , he loved soccer. I can tell he loved soccer even more than he loved her, he loved everything more than he loved her. I could hear her crying at nights and on the phone with her friends because of him. I saw him cheating on her once. I punched him and she punched me back. But I never saw him again and I never heard her crying anymore, I guess I helped.

I started hearing her sing instead.

Her voice was precious.

"You like her" Amber caught me staring at her.

"No" I answered flatly and got up, not wanting to hear anything else. That would be the night.


"Really, Jonghyun... what the are you doing here?" She asked with the lovely tone she always puts when she is annoyed

"I just thought I could sleep over tonight"

"Seriously, I'm never gonna understand you... you hate me one day but you want to sleep with me the next one? I mean, what the heck dude?"

"If you want me to leave I'll leave"

"Yes please, I don't feel comfortable with you around here"

"Ok, bye then" I sighed once again as she turned around her bed backfacing me. This time, I returned to my own bed. Maybe next time I could confess.


She got a boyfriend again, his name was Jinki. Unlucky me I finally got the room next to hers... I heard her scream his name and I spent that night puking my guts out. That night and all those nights they decided to spend time together. I hated him.


The uneventh time we spoke, I kissed her. She slapped me and yelled at me. She was with Jinki.


The second time I kissed her, Jinki kicked my out. She broke up with him.


And the third time I kissed her, she kissed me back.


"I'm sorry"

"For what?" She asked, lying next to me in my bed, with her arms around my waist and her wet hair sticking to her face in weird ways. I got a few strands of her bleached hair away and looked at her deep into her eyes.

"For stepping on your books..."


We were happy. You know, those romances you always see in the movies, they can be true, too.. True love exists, love exists. But pain does exist too.


The last time I saw her was in the bus stop, going away to never return again.



Sorry if you don't like it. I wrote it on my phone-.- and ran to the PC to edit it because it looked horrible.

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sarasalem15 #1
Chapter 1: it awasome and you amazing writer i like it very much