Next door madwoman: Utensils and madness overload




Min Aeyoung's Kai's neighbor.

a crazy girl with a defensive weapons call kitchen utiensils around with her when she's home. 

Their first encounter must be set 10 years ago,

When the insanity started with Aeyoung banging his head with a wooden spoon.


A.N: Ayo guys! I am so random right now I decided to make a crazy insane story that will end with 0 subscribers as a end. Kai is my male lead. I thought getting a crazy woman with utensils and defensive weapons in funny and I recently have been cooking myself and gladly did not destroy the kitchen which lead me into writing a random fic about kitchen utensils. Don't ask me how I got the idea, because I don't know myself XD Enjoy the fail comedy I bring you~^^"




"Jongin! Go next door and greet our new neighbor!" Mrs Kim holler to her son.

"Waeyo Omma~" The boy whined disliking the fact he needed to talk to strangers.

"Just go, they have a daughter a year younger than you that could be your friend. Now go." Mrs Kim encouraged him and pushed him out the door with a cake in his hands. The boy sighed and walked next door. He knocked the door and surprisingly it opened without anyone  behind it. He walked in timidly.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" As he put down his mother's gift and wandered around looking for any signs of life, he was greeted by a girl who knocked him on the head with a wooden spoon. HARD. 

"Ow! What's with you?" He yelled.

"What's wrong Aeyoung?" A middle aged couple walked in and saw the boy and their daughter in a messy fight. (Mainly the poor boy who has been attacked by our crazy girl) 

"Omma, he went into our house without permission!" The little girl complained.

"I'm sorry. I came in because the door was unlocked." The boy bowed at the couple who forgave him because he was a child. 

"It's okay. You're the neighbor's son?" The boy nodded and the couple looked at the cake. And gasped. " Omo! That's so sweet of you sending us a cake! We must go over and thank your parents!" The two adults exclaimed and went to dress up taking the little girl with them.

Ow.... What's with that girl and why did she hit me like I was a monster? The boy wondered.

AGE 12

"Jongin, who's that girl next door?" Baekhyun asked his friend looking over to Aeyoung's house.

"My enemy." Jongin mumbled.

"Huh?" Baekhyun turned around and saw his friend glaring at the girl next door and gulped. Unfortunately Mrs Kim saw that as a sign of  her son wanting to play with the girl.

"It's been forever since you two played together!" She exclaimed. "Want to meet our neighbor boys?" She asked looking at the boy's friends.

"SURE~" They chorus and the boy just wanted to bang his head at the wall.

"Aeyoung-ah, I brought some guys you might want to be friends with."

"Kamsamita Ahjimma." The girl smiled and faced the boy who scowled.

"Don't do that! You might end up with it permenantly." She patted his head and smiled like the angel she was. 

"Aww, you're such an angel." Mrs Kim patted the girl's head and this time the boy scoffed. Angel my foot. She's more of a devil.He thought.

"So, what's up crazy woman? Are you going to hit me with a teapot again?" The boy asked.

"Um, no. I decided I will be nice and hit you with this." The girl held up a metal spoon used to serve soup and knocked his head. Then she made a run for it.

"YAH YOU CRAZY WOMAN COMEBACK HERE!" The boy yelled and his friends watched happily at the two chasing each other in the living room. So funny! They all thought

A.N: A small piece of my random ideas is here. Did I make you laugh because my comedy was so bad?


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so cute...keep going it..hahaha