You're Hopeless

Walls Up or Walls down?
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"Top oppa," CL tugged on Top's sleeves acting very cute, which only scared the guy and confused him even more. She has learned from Minzy that if you act aegyo in front of a boy, they would surely answer you or do whatever you want. That clever sly girl.     "Why do you keep on calling me that?" Top asked looking really freaked out. Hello, the moment he saw CL, he knew she wasn't one of those girls who would look cute in front of handsome y guy, like himself. "What do you want from me?"     CL looked over at Bom, with a smirk. "Can you introduce me to your cousin Siwon, oppa?" CL blink a couple time so Top would not say no to her. She then backed up her eyelashes and made her googly eyes, also known as the puppy dog eyes.     "N-no, you cannot meet Siwon," Top shook his head. Why does every girl want to meet his stupid cousin? Isn't he already enough for them? It just frustrates him.     "Oppa~ <3" CL started hugging and cuddling to Top's arm cutely as she bat her eyelash again.     "Give it up, Chaerin," GD spoke out, completely annoyed of CL. "Siwon is a horrible person who should just go rot in hell."     "Shut up, why are you guys always gaining up on Siwon? He's a very nice and sweet guy with a playful side, nothing wrong with that. Last time I checked, he is a lot better than you," Bom pointed at GD, "and you combined," she said pointed at Top.     "We'll just wait and see about that. Call me when he decides to replace you with another girl just so I can tell you, I told you so," Top flared, you can see the anger in his face. She did not just say Siwom is way better than him. He is nothing but a complete devil.     "Please, it isn't like you don't play with girls, besides Siwon is too sweet to even dare play with a girls heart, unlike you guys," Bom said with her chin up, determine to protect Siwon from them.     "Again, you'll just wait and see, babe, remember to tell me," Top winked. CL scooted away from Top a little, now that she was scared of him. She felt his muscle flex and she knew he was going to burst any minute.     "I really think you should consider are warnings Bom, just ease of Siwon," Taeyang said as he lightly pushed Seungri off of him, who's sleeping through the car ride. As much as Taeyang felt bad for Seungri, he's even more scared of his arm cramping up.     "Fine, whatever, but I still think he's a down-to-earth guy," Bom said with her arms folded. She doesn't have the guts to fight with Taeyang whatsoever, anyways. "Oooh, Bae, you trying out for basketball?"     "Can't, I'm already team captain," Taeyang said with a proud smile. He has been the team captain ever since his first year of highschool where their own team captain injured both of his legs. *cough* GD *cough* Seungri *cough* Top *cough*. So the coach picked him because, well, he was better than anyone else in the team.     "Wow," Bom looked astonished as you can see the sparkles in her eyes.     "We'll all be joining," Top blurted out. GD and Daesung looked at Top with surprise, while Taeyang grew a smile.     "Al~right, hyung!" Taeyang said totally excited. Finally, he won't be the only one there in the team. No one really gets along with Taeyang in the team. Who can blame them? He works them over their limits and its just so damn difficult. But then again, they are thankful about it because they have won championship last year.     Bom gasped at her own thoughts. "Since Big Bang is playing on a basketball team, 2ne1 can be the cheerleaders!"     "No," CL declined Bom's offer immediately as soon as she pictured herself in a cheerleading outfit. You see, CL is not very proud with her body shape, even though she totally should. Although she looks confident and tough, when it comes to showing off her body, all of her ego comes crashing down.     "You guys can be team managers," Daesung offered. Last year, since Taeyang was the only one in the team, the rest of Big Bang became the team managers just so they can miss out on detention.      "The sounds daebak!" Minzy cheered as she nodded.     "Guess 2ne1 will be manager?" Dara asked looking at Bom and CL for confirmation. She really liked the idea because that meant she would be allowed to stay in school and hang out with the girls and the guys, of course, instead of being stuck at the mansion. Dara already made the decision of trying to be friends with the rest, excluding GD.     CL just plainly shrug. She didn't really mind being team manager, especially when she is with the girls (and Seungri). "Hmmm..." Bom thought about it carefully. Then she imagine Taeyang playing on the court and she almost drooled. "Let's go with that plan!"       ***       "Seungri!" Bom shouted before they entered the class. "You are not planning on ditching class today are you?" She asked with her arms folded. Seungri sighed and shook his head no. "Let's go talk somewhere else. Where do you suggest?"     Seungri shoulders fell and wore a sad pout as he started walking to the elevator again. "Top floor, no one is allowed there but me and the guys," Seungri said as he hit the bottom to the top floor. Bom just shrugged it off as they waited for the door to open.     Once it opened, a cool breeze hit the two. They both walked over to the railings. Silence hit them, not one dared to speak. "Are you still mad at Chaerin?" Bom finally chose to speak since she was the one who brought them two here. "You know what she said to you...she didn't mean it. She just got caught in the moment and her anger and fear took over her."     "...I know," Seungri said as he nodded. "I'm not angry at her, not one bit. Upset and disappointed yet, but not angry."     "After all she said to you, you're not angry?" Bom asked trying to get some reassurance. Seungri nodded without hesitation. Bom stomach suddenly began to be filled with butterflies. Guys like Seungri with that kind of attitude towards a girl should exist m
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Who wants an update? Author-facepalm-moment. I'm lost with my own story~ Ooops. Someone remind me? Naee?


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Chapter 50: please update, Bom is being a stupid evil spoiled brat
Chapter 17: makes me think about the time my cat had to be operated.
swttwnkl #4
oh where are you? miss this!
Hey girl this is Dara from SwagCheck ^^ dang I have read the first 4 chapters to this and this is really good~!! I like it a lot!!! I'm going to finish reading this story~~!! :)
Chapter 50: What happened to Bom?
swttwnkl #7
Chapter 50: you updated! yay! what's wrong with bom? and so cute seunghyn is getting her a cake!
Chapter 50: Lol when BangieGUK said y so serious and Gd is like that's my thing and when Gd says that wall Joe i laughed so hard!! (And the world will never know~.) Lol!!!
aka_chan #9
:D cuuuuuuute!
wallflower21 #10
where r u???