The "Mature Way" to Handle Things

Your Comfort Is Irrelevant

It had been about two weeks since I saw Ravi in the hospital. I was in an emotional slump from the moment Himchan pulled me out of his hospital room. Ever since then, I had been more worried about Ravi than I ever had before. What made it worse was the fact that I still couldn't remember his so-called confession. I mean, who could forget something like that? Apparently, I could.

I ran my fingers through my tangled hair as I pulled my knees closer to my chest. I hadn't left my apartment for the weekend and ignored any of the calls or texts I received. TV, sleep, school; that was my weekend, and quite frankly, I was fine with it. 

I spooned some of my semi-decently made soup into my mouth as I watched a random movie on television. It was a horror movie. No love, romance, confessions, or confusion. Blood, gore, and screams. Perfect. 

I was so into the movie that I didn't realize that someone was knocking on the door. I looked at it, contemplating who it could be. When they started knocking harder and faster, I had finally decided I'd shoo them off with the whole "I'm sick" act. 

"Hey, are you busy?" Daehyun asked sheepishly. He looked out of it. His bags were prominent, his clothes dark. His lips weren't curled into the gorgeous smile he always wore. I felt bad. 


"Can I come in then?" He scratched the back of his head and sighed. I made way for him to come into my apartment. Now that I thought about it, he would be the first guy besides Hyuk or Ravi to come into my home. 

He slid off his shoes and waited for my permission to sit. I fixed him a glass of tea and sat on the couch next to him. 

"Look," I began only to be cut off. 

"I'm sorry to hear about Woosik-shi," He said, turning to me. "I honestly didn't think it would turn out that bad. I don't know exactly what happend, but I know they were both being stubborn. Himchan tried to hold Yongguk hyung back while Hyuk hyung had Woosik-shi, but I guess he was too strong." 

I sat silent for awhile. 

"So," I was trying to wrap my head around the situation. "They really did fight?" 

He looked at me as if I should've known. Ravi had told me, but I wasn't in any state of mind to take his claims seriously. Ravi knew how to defend himself. 

"According to Himchan hyung, Woosik-shi threw the first punch, but Yongguk retaliated mercilessly. Ravi was immediately on the ground."

That didn't make sense to me. Ravi was aggressive when it came to fighting. He'd get covered in bruises, but he'd never taken fighting as a joke. 

"I came here to tell you that I hope this won't affect our personal relationship. You're a really nice girl and I'd hate for this to come between us." 

He paused again.

"I'm sorry again."

I unconsciously placed my hand on his thigh. "Don't worry, Daehyun. You weren't involved and I know you mean good. Our relationship is fine."

Before I knew it, he took mine hand in his and toyed with my fingers. 

Part of me wanted to pull my hand away and the other part felt that would hurt his already wounded state of mind. I let it be. 

"Thank you," he whispered. His face was close to mine. 

I returned his generosity with a small smile. 


"Well, I should get going..." 

I nodded and stood up to lead him to the door, my hand still in his. He had a firmer grip on it this time. 

"I'll text you." He said. "Have a nice day." He stepped out. 

"You too... And get some rest." 

He softly chuckled before yawning. "You know what, I think I will." 

I waved to him, stepping back into my house.

"Oh, Samantha-shi!" I heard Daehyun trudging back to my doorstep. 

"Why are you so formal towards me?" I chuckled, stepping back outside. I leaned against the wall adjacent to my front door and crossed my arms. 

"Fine."  He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. 

He looked at me for a short instant before taking my right hand and bringing it to his face. 

"I'll call you Sammie then." He pressed his lips gently against the back of my hand. 

I tensed up in place, my eyes growing wide. Did that stop him? Ha. 

"As for you," He kissed each of my finger tips slowly and gently.

He brought his face to mine, close enough to where I could feel his breath brush against my lips. I strangely liked the closeness, but at the same time, I felt I was betraying Ravi. Was guilt getting to me? 

"You can call me oppa." A small smile made it's way to his face. 

He stared into my eyes, his gaze keeping mine on his. He looked my face up and down and pursed his lips. 

"D-Daehyun?" I asked, not sure what would happen next. 

He lifted himself from my height and pressed his lips against my forehead before pulling me into his arms. He rested his head on top of mine and sighed. 

"Don't forget, Sammie. It's oppa.


A/N: My. Exams. Are. Done. The struggle is over! THAT IS ALL!


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[140808] The new chapter "Exposing the Truth is Synonymous to Inviting Danger" is up for "Your Comfort is Irrelevant"! {Thanks to everyone who stuck with me!}


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This is always a good story to comeback and read to!!!
BellaNoir #2
Chapter 20: This saga is so thrilling. It's like a real movie. Please update.
BlasianLover #3
Chapter 20: Please. update. this story!!
Nicolletta #4
Chapter 20: Whoa, things just got tense! I can't wait to find out what happened next though! Please update whenever soon!
mesonwune #5
Chapter 20: who shanked him?!?!?!?
Chapter 2: I really am enjoying this so far
1415violet #7
Wow I really enjoyed this story (awesomeness^^)...even though Savi couple made me feel even more lonelyㅠㅠ ㅋ I just can't wait for what's next to unfold =D
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 11: Thats it ive decided its Team Savi for me
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 10: Uh-oh...thats what you get for poking a sleeping bear Yongguk