The Awkward Luncheon

Your Comfort Is Irrelevant

AN: This is a fairly short chapter! I hope you enjoy it anyway! 


I don't think my body was totally relaxed the entire time I sat at the square table. Although the table was large, all of the tension that surrounded me made it ten times smaller. 

Daehyun had seemed to calm down and was talking casually amongst the never-ending conversations between Hyuk and Himchan. Ravi sat across from Yongguk, both of their bad boy images clashing, but in different ways. Ravi was the more relaxed 'bad boy'. He leaned his head back against the booth backboard and crossed his arms, his eyes darting to each person at the table. Especially Yongguk. 

Yongguk was more of the kind to show his uneasiness. His fists were clenched and on the table as he sat up straight. His perfect posture was bothering me. From the corner of my eye, his lips were pursed and his eyes would sneak peeks at Ravi. I constantly had to force myself to stop looking at him before I'd develop the urge to push him out of the chair to get that look off of his face. It was really testing me. He could at least pretend to not be hating the situation.

"Hello, Welcome to Pour l'amour de Paris, I am Miyun and I will be you waitress today." She chimed, looking directly at Yongguk. Please, ask for his number. I will do your job for you if you do!  

Himchan ordered first, then Ravi, Hyuk, me, and finally Yongguk. I see why Daehyun ordered last. His list of orders seemed to be enough to feed me for a few days. 

"You look cute today!" Daehyun stated, happily. I almost choked as I was just about to swallow my warm soup. I gulped it down and stuttered a measily, "T-thank you." I timidly smiled and focused on my food in front of me once again. 

"Is something wrong?" Himchan asked flatly, picking the food at his plate. Curse him and his straightforwardness. 

"No." I simply stated. He was silent. I had avoided a confrontation. I'll treat myself for it later. 

"I don't believe you." He said flatly. "You're a bad liar. You look uncomfortable." 

I fluttered my eyes a bit, kind of shocked at how direct he was. The table was now quiet and everyone was looking at me.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. It was going to bother me if I didn't point it out." Wait... Did he really just say that? The way Himchan was so unaware of his awkward questioning ceased to amaze me. 

After who knows how long of awkward conversation (besides Himchan and Hyuk ranting, Daehyun stuffing his face, and Ravi and Yogguk having an indirect showdown), I was ready to go home. 

"I'll take you!" Daehyun said. quickly getting up. 

'I'm so overjoyed at how Hyuk is so eager to take me home,' I thought sarcastically.

"Oh, that's a good idea! Himchan and I are going to catch this party, so Sammie won't have to go home alone." Thanks Hyuk. 

"No, it's fine. I ca-" Yongguk stood up, being excessively loud. "I can take her, Dae. Don't you and Youngjae have something planned?" 

Was this seriously happening? If someone was waiting to smack me senseless so I could wake up, they should do it.... NOW. 

"Actually, I was planning on taking her," Ravi cut in. 

"Seriously guys, it's fine..." 

"Daehyun-shi offered first, he can take her." Himchan cut in, once again oblivious to his unwanted help. 

I was guessing out of Himchan, Yongguk, and Ravi, and Daehyun, Himchan was the one who made the ultimate decisions for them because here I was, sitting in the passenger seat of Daehyun's car. 

Daehyun was going on about something, but I had no idea what because I was mentally compiling my list of materials I'd need to torture the new dynamic duo, HyukChan

I hadn't realized I slightly cursed aloud. 

"Something wrong?" Dahyun asked, looking between the road and I. 

I shook my head no. 

Then, silence. Beautiful, quiet, silen- 

"I hope you don't think I'm pressuring you into any type of relationship." Daehyun suddenly said. 

I snapped my head away from the window and looked at him. 

"I understand if you're not ready to pursue anyone right now," He smiled. "That night, at Himchan's party, I just thought you looked nice and wanted to get to know you. Seeing that I liked hanging out with you, I thought it'd be nice to see you more often and get to know you. God knows I'm not the one to rush into anything. If you were worried about that today, don't worry about it. We can take it slow and see where it goes from there." He said smiling. The tension in my body was somehow, immediately gone. Knowing that made me somehow more attracted to him. Maybe because he would allow me to go at my own pace rather than his own. That was a nice quality that a lot of guys did not possess. Or at least the guys I dated...

When we pulled up to my apartment, I insisted that I could walk up to my apartment despite the slight sting in my angle was coming back. I thanked him for the ride and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek... For generosity of course. 

As soon as I made it into my house, my phone rang. It was Hyuk.

"Samantha!" , this must be serious. He never used my full name unless something happened. 

"Yeah?" I asked, cautiously.

"Woosik-shi's in the hospital! I'm on my way to pick you up! Himchan'll explain everything when we get there!" 

How could Ravi be in the hospital? We were just with him! What in the hell happened after i left? 

I stood there in shock, trying to contemplate the possible scenarios that took place after I left. I hope Ravi was okay! 

After what felt like forever, Hyuk finally made his way to my house and sped to the hospital. We waited in the waiting room until the doctor cleared us to be in the room with Ravi. 

I stood in front of his door. His head was bandaged along with his arm, both stained with an excessive amount of blood. I mentally cursed to myself. 

I suddenly felt a mixture of emotions, seeing my dear friend hurt to badly. I didn't know if I could walk beyond to door to see him upclose. 

Was he here because he didn't take me home because of Daehyun? 

Was this my fault...? 


Well, I hoped you guys liked the mini update! I am enjoying this storyline myself! Feedback is also appreciated and keeps me motivated to write! If you haven't check out my first fanfiction, check it out here! ----> The Successful Woman's Guide to Finding Herself

If you read/have read it, let me know if you want me to finish it! I just got so lazy with it, but I'm kind of getting back into it! There are two polls below, so hop to it! 

Thanks everyone for reading! I love you all! ^^








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[140808] The new chapter "Exposing the Truth is Synonymous to Inviting Danger" is up for "Your Comfort is Irrelevant"! {Thanks to everyone who stuck with me!}


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This is always a good story to comeback and read to!!!
BellaNoir #2
Chapter 20: This saga is so thrilling. It's like a real movie. Please update.
BlasianLover #3
Chapter 20: Please. update. this story!!
Nicolletta #4
Chapter 20: Whoa, things just got tense! I can't wait to find out what happened next though! Please update whenever soon!
mesonwune #5
Chapter 20: who shanked him?!?!?!?
Chapter 2: I really am enjoying this so far
1415violet #7
Wow I really enjoyed this story (awesomeness^^)...even though Savi couple made me feel even more lonelyㅠㅠ ㅋ I just can't wait for what's next to unfold =D
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 11: Thats it ive decided its Team Savi for me
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 10: Uh-oh...thats what you get for poking a sleeping bear Yongguk