
Call Me Oppa, Princess



"AH! S-stop!" Kyungsoo shrieked in between giggles, flailing wildly around the couch in an attempt to escape the clutches of his evil boyfriend.

   But though Kyungsoo was older, he was definitely no match for Kai, who was practically twice his size. The younger had him pinned down as he hovered over him, mercilessly tickling the small boy's stomach, a devious smirk taking over his handsome face.

   "Sorry Princess, but no can do. You ate my donut!" Kai replied slyly, pouting at the mention of his lost donut (D.O.nut xD). "Unless...."

   Kai suddenly sat up, pulling his tiny boyfriend into his lap. Kyungsoo's face was flushed a rosy pink, his thick wavy midnight hair gorgeously mussed, and his plump, pillow-like lips parted as he tried to catch his breath, showing hints of cute white teeth and pink tongue. In other words, he looked utterly delectable, and Kai had to look away in order to refrain from ravishing him then and there. 

   The younger wrapped his arms around the elder's tiny frame, pulling him in closer. The latter complyingly snuggled against the muscular chest and rested his head against it, inhaling the familiar masculine scent the taller was emitting.

   "I won't tickle you anymore....." Kai whispered huskily into Kyungsoo's ear, nuzzling his nose into the latter's sweet-smelling soft hair. "......if you call me Oppa, Princess."

   At this, the shy boy's head shot up, his wide doe eyes tripling in size, and his face completely colored an adorable red. 

   "Jjongie! Y-yah, I'm older than you..." Kyungsoo mumbled, avoiding his boyfriend's intense gaze. "A-and even if I was younger than you, you would be my hyung. I-I'm a man..."

   Jongin laughed lowly. "Awww Kyungie, Kyungie, Kyungie. You're so cute," the younger pinched his embarrassed boyfriend's squishy-looking cheeks. "It's true that you're a......boy and you're older than me, but no one would guess the way, an aegyo with the 'Oppa' would be good."

  "Wh-what do you m-mean Jongie? I act totally manly a-and I look manly too! And I'm not childish at all...." Kyungsoo pouted his full lips, making them look even more irresistable than before, which shouldn't have been possible, and crossed his arms over his chest, still not able to fully look the taller in the eye.

  "Seriously, Princess?" Kai laughed once more, ruffling the elder's hair. "Okay, first of all, where did you get the idea that you're manly? You're so tiny and cute and you have this obsession with cooking and cleaning. How is that in anyway manly? Seriously, you're so adorable sometimes, Princess. And about the 'not being childish' thing, you're so innocent and naive like a child. Plus, you don't look a day over 13. But I loovveee youuu-oooo--oooo-ooo--oooo-ooooh! NANEUN NE NAMJAAA~"

   "Stop singing Jjongie. You're bad at it," Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows, irritated from Jongin's previous comment and hit the younger's chest.

   "See? You even hit like a girl! NEONEUN NAE YEOJAAA~" he teased, pinching the elder's cute button nose, extracting a huff from the elder.

   "STOP SINGING BILASA OK! I do NOT hit like a girl! And cooking can be manly! Plus, I am NOT innocent at ALL!!! I-I look very much my age, too! A-and I. AM. MANLY! TOP TO BOTTOM!"

   ", Kyungie.....I top. You bottom. There is no 'top' for you. Just bottom. Sorry, but that's just how it is. Kay?"


   "..........I don't speak English....."


   "Aren't we all potatoes? Potatoes have skin, we have skin. Therefore, we are all potatoes~" (THIS POTATO THING WAS PURELY FROM ANGELICDEVIL, SHE CAME UP WITH IT xD)

   ".........NO MORE KIMCHI SPAGHETTI FOR YOU! I HATE YOU!" Kyungsoo stuck his nose haughtily in the air, before turning his back on Kai.

   "Awwwwww, don't be mad at me, Princess," Kai whined, pouting.


   "Princess......." Kai whispered into the elder's ear, before nibbling his earlobe.

   A slight jump in Kai's arms, but other than that, no response.

   "C'mon Kyungie...." The tanned male tried again, but to no avail. "How about this? If you can prove to me that you're manly and not girly or childish at all - " at this Kai stifled a laugh. " - then you don't hafta call me 'Oppa'. But if you can't, then...OPPA OPPA TOKYO, LONDON, NEW YORK, PARIS, OPPA OPPA, I'M SO COOL, I'M SO COOL~"

   "JJONGIE don't sing SuJu Oppa Has Arrived either....just don't sing at all. And y-you're not c-cool," Kyungsoo finally spoke to Kai, stuttering at the last part, because he actually thought his boyfriend was VERY cool, and quite frankly, he was terrible at lying.

   "But Kyungie, Oppa HAS arrived! And SURE I'm not cool. That is the biggest piece of sh*t I've heard all day. By the way, you at lying," the younger stated teasingly, sending Kyungsoo a flirtatious wink that sent the elder into a very manly flustered state.

   "D-don't s-swear Jjongie. A-and......w-whatever.  Anyways, h-how do you want me to p-prove it?" the blushing boy stammered, trying to "casually" change the subject.

   "Weelllll...." Kai drawled out, smirking evilly, causing the elder to gulp nervously, as he knew that his boyfriend was just full of diabolical plans to carry out....on him. "How about this? You watch a horror movie with me....say The Ring? I mean, only the manliest can handle horror like that. Definitely not girls or children....hmmmm?" (lol guyz i hav no idea what The Ring is..i just looked up horror movies xD cuz i absolutely CANNOT. handle. horror. whatsoever xP)

   Kyungsoo froze for a split second, before blinking his huge eyes rapidly and gulping. To put it frankly, horror movies were NOT Kyungsoo's thing. In fact, they were on the very top of his mental list of things to completely and utterly AVOID (Yes, he had a list of that, because being the neat freak he was, he practically had a list for everything). The boy had an extremely low tolerance for horror. All it takes is one scary picture for him to spend nights sweating under the covers, not able to sleep, let alone, an abundantly scary 115 minute horror movie. But, if it would prove to Kai, who was the picture of manliness and dominance (not to mention he was a complete god) , that he WAS manly, then....

   "F-fine," Kyungsoo assumed it was worth it. I mean, he could probably just close his eyes or something...

   "You sure, Sweetie? You're not allowed to close your eyes, or block your ears, or anything of that sort. And you can't hide in my lap either. I sit here, you sit there," Kai warned, pointing to the opposite ends of the couch, that same annoyingly y smirk still prominent on his face.

   'Wh-whatever. No biggie....just a h-horror movie. And I w-wasn't planning on doing a-any of that stuff...." the elder mumbled, inconvincingly. And by the raised eyebrow he received from Kai, he definitely wasn't convinced.

   "Okay then....if you say so Princess," he said dubiously, lifting the extremely light (how completely and utterly manly) Kyungsoo off his lap bridal style and setting him gently back on the couch, before walking over to the TV cabinet. 

   He then opened the cabinet, shuffling through his ginormous collection of horror movies, before selecting one specific DVD and slipping it into the player. 

   "Last chance, Princess..."

   "A-ani. I can do it...."

   Kai shrugged, and settled down on the other end of the couch, turning on the TV and pressing play. The first 10 minutes of the movie went by silently, each watching the screen. But then Jongin got bored, as he had already seen this movie before, and decided to observe his cute princess instead. The boy's wide, frightened eyes had gone so big, they practically took up half of his small face as he forced them to stay glued to the TV. He was all curled up, hugging his knees to chest tightly, as he was too scared to let them dangle. Beads of sweat were visible on his otherwise flawless milky-white skin, and he was biting down onto a pillow, probably in an attempt to block off any screams or shrieks. Awwww, so kyeoptaa~ Jongin thought. He actually felt a tiny bit guilty for making his boyfriend do this, but the desire to be called "Oppa" by his precious Kyungie definitely cancelled any of that out. 

   Just then, a high-pitched, ear-splitting shriek was torn from the elder's plush pink lips as he threw the pillow on the ground, running out of the room as if he was being chased by a huge dog (he was quite frightened of those -  in fact, they were second to horror movies on the Things to Avoid list). A door slamming behind him was heard by Kai, who turned to look at the screen. It had zoomed in on a dead body lying on the ground, covered in blood, glassy eyes staring straight ahead. (Ok i totally made this all up, i hv no idea what actually happens in the movie >.<) He would've laughed, if he weren't worried about the probably scarred Kyungsoo. Instead, he paused the movie and turned off the TV before heading towards their bedroom. He slowly creaked open the bedroom door, so as not to scare Kyungsoo, and slipped inside. The anxious Kai spotted a tiny Kyungsoo-shaped lump under the covers of their shared bed, so he crept over and eased the thick comforter off of him, revealing the frightened boy. Kyungsoo was curled up into a tight ball, his eyes clenched shut. He was visibly trembling, and emitting soft whimpers.

   Kai instantly felt bad, and he quickly pulled the elder onto his lap, wrapping him into a tight hug. The latter immediately buried his face into the familiar, toned chest, throwing his arms around Kai and clutching onto him for dear life. He instantly felt a sense of warmth and security as his small body was enveloped by those comforting muscular arms and torso.

   "Sc-cary..." he mewled softly, his voice muffled by Kai's shirt.

   The younger instantly hushed the elder, rocking him back and forth and gently pressing sweet kisses to his soft hair. After a few minutes, Kyungsoo raised his head and rested in on Kai's hard chest to look up at the younger with his adorable doe eyes, pursing his lush pink lips.


   The younger "hmm"ed softly, brushing the latter's thick locks out of his eyes while gazing intently into them, his gentle touch leaving delightful fiery patches on Kyungsoo's sensitive skin.

   "Komawo...for making me feel better," he smiled sweetly up at the younger, causing Kai's eyes to soften as he gazed lovingly at his boyfriend, his heart going DOONG DOONG DOONG DOONG DOONG! (lol im sorry..i totally killed the mood but i just HAD 2 write that xD)

   "It's nothing....who am I if I can't protect my cute little boyfriend?" Kai grinned teasingly before lowering his head to nuzzle his nose against Kyungsoo's.

   "I'm not cute, Jjongie," the elder reprimanded, blushing slightly at the closeness of Jongin's gorgeous features.

   "Hmmm, thanks for reminding me, Kyungie!" Kai's y thick lips curled into his signature smirk. "I believe you have something you need to tell me.....?

   The elder immediately looked away. "I-I don't know what you're talking about...."

   "Kyungieee~ COME ONNN!!!!!" Kai pouted at the elder, making puppy eyes and causing the elder to supress a giggle at seeing his younger boyfriend's "cute" side.

   "Molla...." the shorter blinked his eyes innocently at the younger, feigning ignorance.

   "KYUNGIEEEE~"  Kai whined, pouting his lips even more, and making a small broken heart with his hands. At this, a cute laugh escaped Kyungsoo's mouth, his wide eyes turning into adorable crescents.

   Just then, Kai decided to switch tactics. When Kyungsoo looked up, he was immediately taken aback by the intense look he was getting from Jongin, the younger's gaze practically burning holes into him. When he was sure he had the elder's attention, Kai slowly dragged his teeth over his thick bottom lip, before sending the flustered boy a y wink. Kyungsoo's gulped nervously, round eyes blinking rapidly as face heated up.

   "Princess....." the younger drawled out huskily, ily lowering his voice by a few octaves. He then began to press soft, teasing butterfly kisses around his lover's face, on the cute squishy cheeks, the tiny button nose, the huge innocent eyes, the corners of his mouth, and then finally lingering over those unbelievably plump, delicous-looking soft pink lips.

   "Tell me, Princess....." he finally uttered, warm breath hitting Kyungsoo's parted lips, as his own mouth was less than centimeters from the elder's.

   Kyungsoo opened and closed his mouth, then opened it again, as if hypnotized by those dark fiery eyes boring into his soul. "O-Oppa, saranghaeyo~" he finally squeaked out, thick eyelashes fluttering, as he cupped his soft rosy-pink cheeks, before covering his blushing face with his tiny slender fingers.

   Kai froze for a second, his heart practically doong-doonging it's way out of his chest, as he gaped at his adorable boyfriend. How was it allowed for someone to be this cute?! And to think that he belonged to Kai alone....

   Kai quickly regained his composure, chuckling lowly and engulfing the smaller into a hug, silently thanking the heavens that the elder had been too busy being embarrassed to witness his rare caught-off-guard moment. 'Cause Kai NEVER lost his cool, and that would have been a tiny bit hurttful to his pride. 

   "Awwww you're so cute, Kyungie. Nado saranghae~" the younger whispered into Kyungsoo's thick hair. 

   "Mmphdqwdjqwcn," came the muffled reply from Kai's chest.

   "Kyungie, I told you already, I don't speak English," Kai teased, grinning dorkily when Kyungsoo's lifted his head from the younger's chest to glare at him, revealing his bright red face.

   "I SAID that I'm not cute," he huffed. Kai just raised an eyebrow and smirked.

   "Riiiiighhttt, and I'm ugly. Which I'm not. I'm gorgeous. So basically, you're cute."

   "ANI! I'm NOT cute!" the elder huffed, looking away.

   Kai gasped in mock horror, clutching his heart as if in immense pain. "Y-you think I'm UGLY?! I can't believe this! You are so mean! You hurt my feelings really badly!!" he cried dramatically, before turning to fake sob into his pillow.

   Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes at his immature boyfriend. But when a few minutes passed, and the younger was still ignoring him, he couldn't take the silence any longer.

  "J-jongie?" he whispered softly, poking the younger's broad shoulder, only to receive silence in return. He poked the shoulder again, but still, no sign of response came from the younger.

   Kyungsoo sat back, eyes growing wider with worry. He fiddled his thumbs anxiously and nibbled on his bottom lip, contemplating what to do. Then, he reached over to softly tap Jongin's shoulder once more. 

   "P-please don't be mad at me, Jjongie...." he tried, heart expanding with guilt. His knew that poor Jonginnie had such a sensitive little heart, but he just had to go and hurt the younger's feelings.  

   "..............I won't be mad if you call me 'Oppa'" came the muffled reply. Of course, Jongin was just faking it. Sensitive little heart...that described Kyungsoo much better. But the elder was far too naive to realize that his boyfriend was just playing around.

   "Ani!" Kyungsoo cried defensively, cheeks heating.

   There was another long silence.

   "Say something Jjongie..." the elder whimpered, feeling desperate. But Jongin remained silent.

   "P-please?" Kyungsoo's big eyes were getting a bit watery at this point.

   Still, nothing.

   "F-fine! M-mianhe Oppa," the smaller whispered, sniffling a bit. 

   Kai immediately shot up, squishing the boy into a hug and pulling back onto the bed with him. "Aigooo, why is my princess crying?"

   "I-I thought you were mad at me..." the elder sniffled again and wiped at his eyes, feeling embarrassed.

    ".......You seriously thought I was mad?" Kai asked incredulously, causing the elder to pout and look away. "Wow, see what I mean? You are so naive. But it's so in adorableee~" he chuckled, ruffling the smaller's hair affectionately. "Anywaysss, let's sleep~"

   "Mwoh?! But, we didn't even change or wash up!" Kyungsoo cried,  horrified as his motherly instincts coming out.


   "Jjongie that is so unhygenic!!!!"



  "Hmph, fine. But this better not take long. After, let's sleeeep~"

(The Next Morning......)

   Kyungsoo blinked his eyes open, slowly adjusting to the bright morning light shining through the window. He whined softly to himself when he realized how late it was (9 AM, but that was late for Kyungie ^_^), but he didn't want to budge from the addicting warmth surrounding him. Jongin's tanned muscular arm was thrown carelessly over his waist, spooning him from behind, preventing him from escaping. The small boy turned around to face the taller and make him move his arm, but nearly squeaked aloud when he saw his boyfriend's state. Kai's handsome sleeping face was a bit too close for the boy to feel comfortable, his eyes lazily shut, thick lips slightly open to allow puffs of breath to escape, thick hair ily mussed from sleep. Also, the younger's wife-beater had mysteriously disappeared somehow during the night, leaving every rip of his muscle, the y, dark chocolate abs, hard, toned chest visible for Kyungsoo to admire see. The elder's face turned that same pretty shade of pink that was always prominent whenever Kai was around, staring with round eyes.

   Just then, Kai cracked an eye open, his lips slowly quirking as he watched his oblivious blushing boyfriend. "Hmmm, like what you see, Princess?"

   The small pale boy squeaked, as he looked up to see the younger staring down at him, a visible smirk on his face. "A-ani!" he cried, denying the obvious. "I - just move your arm so I can get up.."

   Kai pouted sadly. "But I want you to staaaayyyyyy~" he whined childishly, possessively tightening his arm around the elder's tiny waist.

   "B-but Jjongie! Don't you want breakfast?" Kyungsoo pleaded, huge eyes going bigger as he tried to move the heavy arm.

   "Hmph. Fine, but you better make something good." the taller glowered before rolling over in the bed to go back to sleep.

    Kyungsoo giggled slightly to himself at Kai's cuteness before climbing out of bed and slipping into his fuzzy pink slippers, shuffling out of the room.

(10 minutes later.....)

   Kai grumbled slightly to himself. He hadn't been able to fall back asleep without his personal teddy bear in his arms, so he decided to just get up anyways. Following the delicious aroma, Jongin strolled into the kitchen. Spotting said teddy bear humming to himself cutely, his back facing Kai, showing off the perfect pink little bow of his apron, Jongin slyly snuck up behind the elder, snaking his arms sneakily around the small waist.

   He pressed his thick lips against the tantalizingly milky-white skin, whispering huskily, "What's cookin', Hot Mama?"

   The smaller immediately turned around as he felt the latter's hard chest against his back, face red, mouth open, ready to scold the younger. "Yah! DON'T - " his words were cut off as he came face to face with that same perfectly sculpted tanned torso that he had just escaped. 

   Kai smirked, watching the elder's adorable blush darken, mouth opening and closing while letting out cute little high-pitched squeaks. "What's wrong, Princess?"

   Kyungsoo huffed, unknowingly puffing out his squishy cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows. "!" He shoved a plate of kimchi pancakes at the taller, averting his eyes from the latter's glorious chest. "A-and p-put on a sh-shirt..."

   The younger laughed, putting an arm around the smaller. "Youuu're soooooo kyeoptaaaa my lovely Kyungieeee, especially in your awesome pink apron~"

   Kyungsoo exhaled dramatically, pushing Kai away. "Wh-whatever. I'm going to go watch Pororo!" He pouted, stomping out of the kitchen with his adorable pink apron fluttering, both the fact that he was wearing a pink apron and that he watched Pororo further proving Kai's earlier point.

   "YOU'RE SO CUTE WHEN YOU TRY TO BE SASSY~" the younger yelled after him, laughing to himself.

   Not even a minute later, a piercing glass-shattering not different from the one of last night's episode rung throughout the house.The knight in shining armor immediately ran into the room to save his princess, only to be met with the sight of the elder crouched on the floor in front of the TV, covering his face, remote thrown to the side. He looked at the TV, to see that it was frozen on the horrific scene of the movie from last night. Right, he had just paused it and turned off the TV, forgetting to take out the disk from the player...

   He immediately rushed over and turned off the TV, crouching in front of the innocent boy and prying his tiny fingers away from his face, revealing adorably huge, slightly teary doe eyes, before gathering the cute cry-baby into his arms. "Shhhh, baby don't c(a)rryyyy, tonight~"

   Kyungsoo giggled slightly in between sniffles, resting his head on the hard, toned chest, then blushing as he realized the younger was still shirtless. "D-don't sing, Jjongie..."

   "Hmph," Kai pouted, before smirking teasingly. "That's Oppa to you~"

   Kyungsoo looked up, pouting his plump lips and scrunching up his button nose adorably. "F-fine. Don't sing, Oppa~"

   Jongin squished his tiny boyfriend, spazzing, before standing up and carrying him back into the kitchen, ignoring his squeals to get down.

   Once again forgetting to take the DVD out.........

   This should be interesting.


OMO...not fair. i felt so awesome when i wuz writing this and now i re-read and im like...O.O *hmph*

anywaysss so yea that potato thing was purely from Angelicdevil. She's always saying that at school and it got stuck in my head kekeke xD 

this pretty much wrote i had the whole plot down and everything but then next thing u know im like quoting bilasa (its not my fault that song has been stuck in my head this entire monthh!!! >.<)

also, kyungie has the prettiest lips. im sure kai loves em xD







kekekekeke xD



-Dongsaeng Kiwi ^o^

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Chapter 1: You should totally write a fanfiction with Kaisoo. You portrayed them in the cutest freaking way possible. I would love to read more. Thank you so much!!! (0.0)
Chapter 1: I clearly imagined those adorable scene while reading the whole scenario. And that is so ASDFGHJKL!
Chapter 1: absolutely adorable ^^
lovefanfics1609 #4
Chapter 1: little bit lond oneshot but i loved it <3 kaisoo 4ever
cutesarang #5
Omg my fav oneshot totally loving it
Also do u think u can tell me more stories with similaiar characters like hot cool manly teasing kai and an adorable cute kyunggie plz
Seoulqueenka #6
Chapter 1: The perfectest (yes, perfectest) thing ever!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: omg this is so adorable! 'Hot Mama'. i died XD
Chapter 1: Aww so cute and sweet^^
Chapter 1: can you make a sequel when others come and see tht thing again?