Time is a



9th September, 2007

Time is a . Oh, sorry for my language.
But I’m really mad at people who tell me to be quick, jest because they don’t have time to wait. That I have to do something now, or there wouldn’t be the next time. Or that they simply don’t have time for me now. It hurts.

Looking up from his diary, a boy casted a glance out the window, his eyes focused on a tree, standing right in front of it. He spotted a couple of pigeons sitting on a branch.

Sometimes I wonder,
Why do I have to go to school? Just because of my grades? I don’t think I’ll gain a knowledge about life in here. I have to waste my time, sitting in this stupid classroom, or my parents will be mad at me.

But thinking about it now, they finally would say something with sense, instead of “Take out the trash.”

It’s not, that if I’m the best student, I have to love school. Maybe I want to be free, like those birds outside? I envy them. They found each other. And me? I have no one, except my friend, Minho, who has a squint. I even don’t know if what he tells is addressed to me, or a random person  standing near my locker. The chances, that Kibum would like me are near-

“Hey nerd!”

He felt something hit the back of his neck and turned around to see how Junhyung, his biggest bully, put his legs on a desk, making himself comfortable in his seat.

“I heard that you are stalking that cute kid. What was his name, Hyoyeon, babe?”

Said girl crossed her arms, grinning evilly at him. She chewed her gum ostentatiously, not breaking an eye contact and created a big bubble (which didn’t even lasted a second), before she spoke up. “Kibum.”

The boy’s breath hitched. No, they can’t know about it, about him. Please. He gripped his pencil harder, looking at a couple behind him with widened eyes.

‘W-what are you talking about? He’s my neighbor!” He tried to defend himself, stuttering nervously.

“Oh, I know, just like Jonghyun-ah. He told me today, that you always look at the poor young boy with that creepy look. Maybe you have a crush on him?” Hyoyeon chuckled, which caused the burst of her another bubble. If Kibum will find out, he’s screwed.

“Who has crush and on who?” Another girl joined their conversation, visibly interested in a new gossip. The boy gulped, looking at her. It was Yuri, the Gossip Queen. Junhyung rolled his eyes and glanced at the girl.

“Shut up. It’s not your business.” He waved her off and smirked. “At least not now.”

Hiding his eyes, behind the long, black fringe, boy shook his head. “I d-don’t have a crush on anyone, believe me!”

Junhyung sent him a warning look. “And I hold you to that. We don’t want Kibum-ah, to mess with the wrong person.”


“Quickly, catch him, now!”

He tried to run as fast as he could, his squishy legs reaching their limit, as he neared another fence. But it seemed, that his ankle just gave up, when jumping over the fence, he felt an immense pain shooting through his leg and he fell on a grass. His chubby fingers clutched the ankle, a strangled whimper left his mouth, while the boys stopped near him, smirking.

“We didn’t even need to run after him, he’s too clumsy to protect himself.” A panda-looking boy laughed, clutching his stomach, but soon stumbled to the side, as Junhyung pushed him, making a place for himself.

“Seungri, shout your dirty mouth. You don’t have any word to say now." He looked behind him. "Jonghyun-ah.” 

The boy heard some steps and looked up behind his long fringe, to see his neighbor, Jonghyun, standing in front of him. Jonghyun was a bit shorter than him, but he sure was well-built. Jonghyun bend over him, hands hidden inside a pockets of his new jeans, as lying boy guessed from the pose.

“I though we told you to not mess up with Kibummie.” His voice was low, filtered with spite, as Jonghyun narrowed his eyes.

“I just told him ‘hi’, I didn’t do anything!” The lying boy groaned, the pain in his ankle didn’t help him.

“So what? Today it may be ‘hi’, but tomorrow it would be ‘how are you’ and next time you will be asking him for a !” Jonghyun shouted, making the latter flinch under his stare.

“I won’t do anything! I promise!” the boy could only hope that they will believe him and leave him alone.

“Last time I believed you, nerd, but now, I think you need a good reminder.” Junhyung murmured, rolling his sleeves. “Wooyoung, Doojoon, hold him down. I’m going to give him a lesson.”

Jonghyun looked at the trashing boy and smiled lazily. “Remember where you belong to, Jinki-hyung.”


Lee Jinki was a normal boy, who only wanted to enjoy his life, like a simple teenager: have friends, gain good grades, find someone who would be his ‘high school sweetheart’.

But it was too hard for him to fulfill all of his wishes, as he now stumbled to his house, wiping with a sleeve of his white shirt a blood oozing from his nose and opened the door just to be welcomed by… silence.

His father was probably at work, cutting a meat. He was a butcher, just like his mother. They owned a meat shop and didn’t have time for Jinki to spare him even a glance.

Same with his younger brother, who just bumped into him and walked to the kitchen, without even ‘hi, hyung’.

Jinki shook his head and went upstairs to the bathroom, in order to clean his face.

Junhyung started bullying him, when Jinki entered the high school and got his first highest grade. For him, it wasn’t something hard to achieve, it was just that other people didn’t get what teachers wanted to tell them.

He started calling him gay, when his classmate Daesung sat with him during classes. And though Jinki managed to send the Daesung away, to not hurt a boy by Junhyung, the latter still ruined the harmony in Jinki’s life.

Junhyung stopped calling him , when Jonghyun took a liking to Kim Kibum, their new neighbor, who came from Daegu.  Jinki himself, looking at Kibum, began questioning his uality, if he isn’t really gay. And when he realized, that it’s true, Junhyung’s gang started bullying him, just because Kibum was telling him ‘hi’ everyday.

“Everything is against me.” He sighed and splashed a water on his face. “Even I am.”

Jinki looked at his reflection in the mirror. Long, black hair fell on his shoulders, a fringe hiding his eyes. He took the towel and cleaned the last traces of blood, before sighing. He was lucky that his nose wasn’t broken. Just then he heard a voice from downstairs.


He nearly flew down the stairs. Did his brother, Taemin, finally registered his presence as an older brother?

“Yes, Taeminnie?” He stepped into the kitchen and saw the younger drinking a bottle of banana milk. When Taemin gulped down the drink, he looked at him and indicated the trash bin.

“Take out the trash.”

Oh. I should have known. Jinki lowered his head and murmured simple “Yeah, Tae.”
Even his brother.

He wished he had a better relations with his brother, but Taemin was sometimes unbearable. As he took a bag and went outside, he saw a boy from the house across the street going to the garbage can with a blue bag. Kibum.

That boy was really cute. He had feline looking eyes, bow-shaped lips and his brown hair was always combed neatly. Jinki smiled, just looking at him.

As he went to his can, he saw Kibum smiling sweetly and waving to him. He couldn't help his smile from getting bigger and waved back. But then, he heard a shout.


Said boy turned his head, to see Jonghyun coming from his house in his direction. Kibum glanced at the boy, who made puppy eyes. “What do you want, hyung?”

“Wanna go out with me?” Jonghyun leaned his elbow on the can, preventing Kibum from opening it. The latter rolled his eyes.

“No, hyung, I don’t want to.” He reached for the can, but his hand was stopped by Jonghyun, who grabbed his wrist and whined.

“But Kibummie, I like you very much! We should be together, we are the best match!” He held his hand and shook it with force, which caused Kibum to lost his balance and fall on the can.

Jinki watched in horror, as rubbish fell out of the can and Kibum landed on it.

“Oh my god, sorry Kibummie! I’m so sorry!” Jonghyun kneeled and tried to help the younger, who groaned, not taking any help from the other boy.

“Just leave me alone, hyung. Go away.” Kibum pulled something out of his hair and glared at Jonghyun, who bowed to the younger.

“Yes, of course, Kibummie, of course.” The boy turned towards his house, but then spotted Jinki and scoffed. “What are you looking at, nerd?!”

The elder raised his bag and opened his garbage can. He didn’t want another encounter with Jonghyun, that boy was bipolar. When he threw the bag inside it, he looked at Kibum, who grabbed a banana peel and threw it inside the can. He knew that his move might be risky for his ribs and nose in the future, but he felt the need to help Kibum.

“Hey!” He watched as Kibum looked at him for a while, before his gaze went to the ground. “Do you need some help?”

“No, hyung, I will take care of myself…” Kibum murmured and threw a blue bag into the can. “But thank you.” He looked at him and smiled slightly. “Please, don’t mind Jonghyun. He can be nice to me…”

Jinki frowned. “I know him Kibum-ah. I know him.” He watched as the younger lowered his gaze, bowed slightly and walked back to his house.

It wasn’t the first time, when Jonghyun harassed the younger, to go out with him. He didn’t know any other way of showing feelings, than by force. Which was strange, because as far as Jinki knew, Jonghyun’s parents were politicians, who raised their son in ‘a perfect family’. Well, not everything can be perfect. He he sighed and headed for his house.

But then, he heard someone.

"Hey, kid!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around just to see a tall man in a suit standing beside his garbage can, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. Nevertheless, Jinki could decipher his looks as familiar, which was strange; he's never seen that man.

"Come here, I have to see you." Said man had a unique, soft voice. Jinki would have guessed now who he is, but that strange feeling of dejavu invaded his brain and before Jinki knew, he was standing in front of the stranger, who smiled warmly.

What was actually that man doing here? He hadn't seen him before, he saw only two people standing a few meters away. The situation was becoming really weird...

“My, my, what a handsome man.” The man raised his hand and patted his head. “How this time goes fast…”

“I’m sorry, but… do I know you?” Jinki asked the man, who answered him only with a smile.

“…really fast…” the boy could only look at the man’s suit, which was strange looking, like not from this country. He wondered if this man isn’t from FBI, or worse, mafia…

He was pulled out of his thoughts, when the stranger took his hand and placed something on his palm. 

"Here. Play with it, you will know what to do. But don't go too far, I like my life just like it is now."

He looked at him and at his hand. A simple watch was lying on his palm. He glanced at the stranger. What the hell was he talking about? 

"I have another," The latter pulled up his sleeve, to show same looking watch on his wrist. "so don't worry about me." He looked at it and his eyes widened. "Oh gosh, I have to go now."

He looked at Jinki and flashed a big grin. "Goodbye kiddo. Remember, don't go too far."

And with that, the stranger disappeared.

Jinki stood dumbfounded, watching how that man disappeared just in a blink of an eye.

What the hell just happened? Maybe Jonghyun hit him with too much force before and now he had a hallucination.

But when he glanced at his hand and saw a watch lying on his palm, his heart stopped. Was that man real?

He took a closer look to it. It was a simple electronic watch, though it looked quiet strange, the design of it was unique, Jinki had never seen a watch like this one before. It was normal, but strange at the same time.

In the end he shrugged and placed it on his wrist.

But when he looked at the time, he frowned. The date showed year 2013.

“He gave me a watch, but didn’t bother to set the time. Ughh…” Looking at the device, he pushed some buttons, and after a few minutes of struggling and wondering what time is it, he set the watch, but frowned, when it didn’t worked.

‘you will know what to do.’ Oh, really? It doesn’t work, old man!

Just when he was about to take it off, he saw a small button on the left side of it. He looked closely and read a word written under the button.

“Replay… what?” In the end he shrugged again and pushed the button. To his surprise, the watch started working, counting the seconds. Jinki smiled, proud of himself.

Just then he saw Kibum walking out of his house again with a blue bag in his hand. Wow, they really eat so much? He wondered, as he saw the younger smiling to him and waving. He waved back and watched as the younger neared to the can. But then he heard another voice.


Jinki frowned, looking as Jonghyun skipped again to the younger. He really must be bipolar.

Kibum looked at Jonghyun, who made a puppy eyes again. “What do you want, hyung?”

Jinki blinked. The situation became really weird, it was like Jinki had dejavu again.

“Wanna go out with me?” His breath hitched, as he saw Jonghyun leaning his elbow on the can, preventing Kibum from opening it. And Kibum rolled his eyes.

Is Jonghyun really that stupid, to ask the same question again? Jinki didn’t know the answer, but in the back of his head, all of this was suspicious. Even Kibum’s actions.

“No, Hyung, I don’t want to.” Jinki stood there frozen, watching how Jonghyun grabbed the younger's wrist and insisting on meeting up, he shook Kibum’s hand, causing the other boy, to lose his balance and fall on the can.

It was like his heart stopped. Something was wrong, really wrong. He looked at his watch and found nothing strange, it was like he watched the same movie again, like he clicked ‘replay’…

Jinki’s eyes widened. He glanced at the time. 5:23 pm.

With shaking hands, he set it to 5:21 pm. And clicked ‘replay’.

And it happened before his eyes. He saw Jonghyun walking to Kibum.

“What do you want hyung?”

Jinki nearly cried in shock, when in next minute, he saw Kibum lying on a garbage can.

He set it on a few seconds back.


Kibum fell on a garbage can.


Kibum fell on a garbage can.


Kibum fell on a garbage can.


Jinki stood with his mouth open, watching as Kibum raised himself from the ground.

“Oh God.” He whispered. “I’ve got a time machine.”



So I know, that Onkey isn't the most popular pairing, but I love them so much. To this day I'm in denial. Jongkey or Onkey? <3
Anyway, The first chapter is up. I hope you will like it! I'll make a poster in my free time, or request it, still don't know, I just feel it needs one.
So, enjoy and until the next time!!<33

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Chapter 1: that's minho, right? the mysterious man
update soon
i-amfr #2
Chapter 1: Wow.. I think I know the person who gave the watch... Hmm.. Interesting story. Poor Jinki though. Not only at school, but he also didn't get the best treatment.. Hope it will get better in the next chapter..
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 1: I feel bad for him. People shouldn't treat him like that!! I just want to smack his bullies aka classmates upside the head for being such jerks!! Ok enough ranting on their rude behavior. I want to thank the strange man for being kind and I have a feeling he is going to play a major role in his life. The first chapter was good.
SnHiromi #4
Chapter 1: Kibum fell on a garbage can...
ooooh a time machine *-*