Byun Baekhyun

The Pretty Boys




I took one last look at myself, and smoothed down my already smooth hair. "Perfect, as usual," I hummed. Smirking, I snapped shut the compact mirror I held in my hand, and quickly stuffed it into my pocket. 

"Give it back!" Chanyeol whined from behind me, interrupting the thoughts of admiration I had for myself. My smile disappeared, replaced by a scowl. 

"I didn't take it! Now shut up and hand over my phone," Kai growled. 

"And you two, being stupid, as usual." I hissed as I whipped around to face the two idiots I called my best friends. They were good looking, but damn, could they be any less refined? They both turned their heads sharply in my direction, looking annoyed and afraid at the same time.

"This is an important day for us." I spoke clearly, glaring at them both. I turned around and continued walking towards the front entrance of the school, and I heard footsteps behind me as they followed quietely. "They'd have announced the audition dates for the Art Exhibition by now." 

"Umm... So?" Chanyeol and Kai spoke in unison. I rolled my eyes, but kept walking. 

"So, that means Infinite and Boyfriend have heard as well." I sighed, in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Yeah... And?" Kai asked, seemingly confused. 

I stopped abruptly and my heel, annoyed, and faced them. "So we have to be extra confident today to show them that we're going to win this year, just like we won last year! Alright?" I snapped, irked by how dull these two could be. I'm sure the members of Boyfriend and Infnite aren't this stupid. Aren't all of the members of Boyfriend at the top of their classes? Bothered by the thought, I yelped with frustration and began walking even faster toward the entrance.

I heard my other friends quickly run to catch up behind me. Glancing backwards, I saw that all of the members of my group had gathered in their positions. Stopped, now, in front of the two doors that led to the front hall of Top Academy, I took a deep breath, and gave myself a few last words of encouragement. 

'Oh my gosh, Byun Baekhyun, how in the world are you so good looking?!'

Pulling open the two doors, I plastered a smirk on my face. I heard a few cries coming from the end of the hallway.

"I love you, Kim Myungsoo!" A girl shrieked.

Kim. Myung. Soo?

The name burned with familiarity. Kim Myungsoo, the leader of Infinite.

Kim Myungsoo, son of Kim Jae, CEO of Jay Productions. 

Kim Myungsoo, "Top's Top Dancer".

Kim Myungsoo.

My worst enemy.

"Kim. Myung. Soo." I hissed, spitting out the name with as much hatred as I could. Regaining composure, I smiled, put one hand in my pocket, and pulled out my phone.

"Hey, Chanyeol, can you help me set up my new smartphone? It's so confusing." I said loudly, so that everyone in the hallway would be able to hear.

All heads turned to me. As their eyes widened with recognition, I pouted, still acting completely oblivious and confused. Oh, please. As if Chanyeol is the one I would go to if I really needed help with something. 

"Byun Baekhyun!" The screaming and yelling began.

"EXO is here!"

I smiled with satisfaction. This is my school. I was instantly surrounding by screaming girls, all claiming that they would be able to help me with my phone. This phone was so new that it wasn't even open to the public yet. Like any of them can actually help me. Still, I needed to keep my image and the crowd. I smiled and walked along, my friends closely following. The school hallway buzzed with noise as I made my way through the long hallway. The squeaking and clacking of shoes filled the air as people ran towards me from all directions. 

I turned my head to one side and caught sight of long, brown wavy hair. Choi Sulli. She was walking towards me, books in hand. She brushed her silky hair behind her ears, and smiled. I smiled back, but as I held my hand up to wave, a few female students screeched and grabbed my wrist. I yowled with pain as their sharp, manicured fingernails dug into my skin. My grip loosened on my cellphone and it fell with a frightening clatter onto the ground.

Alarmed, I bent down to pick it up, but a crowd of girls engulfed my arm as I tried to reach my phone. I pulled it back, afraid that it would be viciously pulled off. The pile of girls was steadily growing, and I wanted to have a word with Sulli before the first class started. I pushed through the bodies with my arm towards what I assumed to be the middle. 

"Here!" I yelled, hoping my cell phone would be placed into my palm and that I would be able to move along without delay. However, instead of the smooth and cool touch of my phone, I felt something wet and slimy clutch onto my wrist. In disgust, I quickly pulled it back. But whatever was stuck on my arm was not letting go. As I tried pulling my arm out of the crowd, it followed, firmly latched on. Using all of my strength, I tugged my arm backwards and finally, it was out of the crowd. The slimy creature let go, and I retreated my arm as quicky as I could. I laid eyes on whatever it was that had attacked me. It was a female. She was sprawled onto the ground, her uniform wrinkled and dirty. Her hair looked as if it was in need of a good wash. 

The girl gasped heavily for air. I wiped the sweat from her hands onto my pants, utterly disgusted. She straigtened, and stood up. A few words escaped from , all of them untangible, of course. Who the hell..? I looked her up and down. It seemed as if she had just crawled out of a sewer. Her eyes suddenly widened, and gaped. What is she looking at..?

Traumatized by the experience, I felt compelled to chastise her... whoever she was. "Ugh. What the heck are you?" I growled, still appalled by the fact that this thing had been holding onto my wrist. 

She seemed at a loss for words. "Umm. Thank you! I... ah. I was in a little bit of trouble back there, haha." She gave me a shy smile. I gave her a scowl in return.

"You smell like a dog. Have you noticed?" I spat, inspecting her closely. She shot me a look of pure anger. "Yeah. You might want to try some perfume. Or take a shower." I dropped, getting nastier with every word.

She opened to speak, but I wasn't finished yet. "I was holding out my hand for my cell phone, you idiot." I looked around frantically around the floor, and spotted it lying in the middle of the hallway. I picked it up and checked it to make sure it wasn't scratched. "Thanks a lot. Who the hell are you, anyway?" I fogged up the screen of my phone, and wiped it with my uniform jacket, not taking my eyes off of the imbecile that had almost the soul out of my body. This is the newest model... It had better not be broken.

"I..." The girl stammered. I rolled my eyes, and bent down to read her name tag. She squirmed uncomfortably, and took a few steps back. I scoffed. 

"Bae... Bae Suzy. Guess you're new." I grunted. "Well, I don't suppose you know much about my school, but I happen to be the King here." She cocked her eyebrows, obviously unconvinced. I sighed with pity. How ignorant... Well, she'll find out sooner or later how wrong she was. 

"Yeah. So you'd better back off, and make sure that this never happens ever again. Do you know how long it took for my hands to get this perfectly polished?" I held up my reddening hand in her face, but she just shot me a look of resentment. "No, I don't suppose you do, now do you? Wouldn't expect you to, anyway." I muttered as an afterthought, glancing at the rough, rugged meatheads that were attached to her wrists.

"I don't know if you're here on a scholarship or if you're the new maid or whatever, but if you touch me ever again, I will give you a restraining order. So stay away." As I quickly turned my back on her, I caught a glimpse of her furious expression, but didn't feel too sad as I walked off. Girls like that just piss you off. Ugh. I looked at my hand again, and pouted.

The crowd of students had dissipated, running off to their lockers as the first class would begin soon. That left an almost-empty hallway for my friends and I to walk though, peacefully.

Chanyeol skipped up beside me and turned, so that he was in front of me, walking backwards facing me. "She was kind of cute."

I grimaced."Really? I didn't notice." Then the thought of Sulli popped into my head. Damn it! I missed her! I looked around to see if she was anywhere within my vicinity, but she was nowhere to be found. 

"Whatever." Chanyeol chuckled, and slowed his pace so that he was walking behind me again. I sighed, just wanting to get to my class. As I walked towards my locker, I suddenly noticed that there were no posters. The posters that were supposed to be all over the school by now, announcing the dates for the Exhibition auditions. Is the Student Council falling behind on their tasks? Ugh, do ​not tell me I have to sue somebody. 

I reached my locker, which, of course, I was only visiting to place my golden mirror and my stylish backpack, only holding more mirrors and perhaps a pencil if you searched carefully, inside. My first two classes were singing and dancing. Today's the practice day for the Exhibition project! Excited, I punched in my locker combination into the keypad placed in the centre.

However, as I grabbed the handle and swung the door open, a mountain of papers began flying out from the inside. Shocked, I only stared as the papers piled out of my locker and onto the marble floors. Everyone around me stared, and the entire hallway went silent. There must have been hundreds of sheets. When the papers were finally all on the floor, I stood for a few moments, paralyzed. What the...

I bent down and picked up a sheet, and read it over. Art Exhibition Auditions... December19th? Looking up from the flyer, I glanced around at the floor in confusion.

"What the..." I whispered, and looked around at my friends who looked just as shocked as I felt. I passed Kai a flyer, who read it over quickly. He passed it around to the others, who seemed just as astonished. 

I tried to think. What... What is this?! Is this... an attack placed on me? What if it was Kim Myungsoo? Or is someone just trying to push their chores onto me?

That did make sense. These were the flyers that were supposed to be put up around the school. If that's the case... Frowning, I gazed at the flyers for a long time, before finally speaking. "Guys, these are the exhibition posters. Someone just dumped them in my locker."

Sehun, another one of my friends, looked over at me. "Somebody really wants you to win. They must be some hardcore fans," he chuckled. All of the other members looked up and nodded.

"That's what it seems like." Kai agreed, passing the flyer back to me. I grasped it and stared thoughtfully at it again. Their words hung in the air. Hardcore fans..? I finally understood. Grinning, I turned to face them.

"What, so you think someone just put them all in here as an act of... admiration?" I murmured, almost to myself. Looking around, I saw everyone nodding. Maybe that is what it is... Or maybe it isn't. If this is Kim Myungsoo's doing, he's surely going to regret it.

"Wah... you guys are right!" I declared, grinning from ear to ear. If that's what they want to think... then so be it. "Whoever did this should be applauded. They must really love me." I looked around, hoping to see something that would give the culprit away. 

"But you know what, being the good student that I am, I do feel the need to take responsibility for this," I said in a noble tone. I glanced around at the huge mess that had become of the hallway, and sighed. "I really wish I could personally clean this up and hand out the flyers, but, I wouldn't want this person's efforts to go to waste." I saw a few people look around confused, unsure of what I meant.

"This person, whoever they are, really wanted me to go to this Exhibition audition. And win." I gestured at all of the flyers that were now lying on the floor. Gazing at the people around me, I saw that they were completely absorbed in my words. "Keeping this person in mind, I must attend my singing class right now, so that I can get some additional practice and put on an even better performance to ensure that top spot. I'm doing this all for them." I announced dramatically. 

"Wow. You surely are an angel, Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol sighed, looking at me with admiration in his eyes.

"Angel, my ." 

The dreaded voice came from the end of the hallway. Turning, very slowly, I looked in the direction the words had come from. I found myself staring straight into the eyes of Kim Myungsoo.

The smile I had had plastered on my face slowly dissipated. My eyes narrowed into tiny slits as the one who shall not be named began walking dramatically with the rest of Infinite following him. My friends formed a defensive wall behind me as they neared. 

They finally stopped right in front of me, and I sighed deeply as Kim Myungsoo, or L, as he called himself, stood there, looking angrily into my eyes for a long moment. I finally spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"What the hell do you want, Kim Myungsoo?" I demanded.

He smirked. "For you to stop acting like such an exemplary student. We all know how you did on the Academic Exams last month."

"For your information, this is an arts school. I major in singing, not algebra. And I did really great on those exams." I could feel the tension in the air. 

"I can't really trust the words coming out of the mouth of a person who doesn't even know what 2 + 2 is." 

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the anger that was boiling up inside of me. I wanted so badly to wipe the smirk off of his face. Preferably with a baseball bat, if possible. I hated the tone he used with me, as if he was clearly better than me. His father may be a music producer, but my parents ran this school. As if he would be here if his parents weren't practically shoving money into our pockets with every passing season. 

L looked down at the floor around him. "What happened here? Did you finally barf up all of that bullcrap rolling around inside of you?" 

Now it was my turn to smirk. "Hmm? Oh, no... These just happen to be the posters for the Art Exhibition audition. You know, the competition that I won last year?" I happily announced. "A fan of mine put them all in my locker. Probably wanted to make sure I auditioned and won this year too." 

L's eyes narrowed. "There is no way you're going to win this year." He hissed, his eyes b with hatred.

"Oh, no. I'm going to win. And I'm going to make sure everyone on this earth knows that you lost. Again." I retorted, with as much contempt I could put into my tone. 

He snorted, but didn't say anything. I lifted my chin with a jubilant smile, knowing I'd won this time. And I'd win again, later, at the Exhibition. 

"Whatever. See you at the auditions, Baekie." Myungsoo cheered with sarcasm clearly edging his words. He walked past me, our shoulders slightly brushing. I looked directly in front of me, my fists clenched. I could almost feel the smirk emanating off of his face as he walked to the end of the hallway and turned the corner, with all of the other members of Infinite following. 

As they disappeared out of sight, I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. After a long moment, I felt a surge of anger come over me, and my eyes snapped open with determination. 

"Pick these up!" I barked to my friends, who were standing with fierce looks in their eyes all around me. Not caring if they obliged or not, I walked away from the idle group in the direction of the singing room, with thoughts only of practicing. Winning.

I have to beat Infinite. I have to win. I just have to. 

I stalked into the singing room with thoughts of deep hatred for Infinite, and I saw an unfamiliar girl at the front. She was talking with our singing teacher, Ms. Lee. I quickly sat down at my seat, but kept looking at the girl. Something about her seemed really familiar. I looked closer. I knew I recognized her from somewhere...

Who could this girl be..? 

Her hair, her eyes... I knew I had seen her on TV before, but it didn't come up in my mind. 

Huh... I peered at her nametag, and I could just see her name. 

Bae... Suzy? That name...

I thought of what had happened in the foyer, with the crazy girl. I replayed the events that had happened only a few minutes ago in my head.  

I looked at her name tag. "Bae... Bae Suzy. Guess you're new. Well, I don't suppose you know much about my school, but I happen to be the King here." I gave her a look of disgust, meeting her angry eyes. "Yeah, so you'd better back off."  

I looked up again at the girl standing just a few meters in front of me, and my eyes widened. 


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Chapter 7: Hi ! I know it's probably a little to late but do you think you'll continue this story one day ? The beginning was really good, ans it'll be cool if you update it one day X)
sekaibaekarelife #2
Chapter 7: please update soon!
Kat2601 #3
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next chapter!
Kat2601 #4
Please updateee!
Chapter 6: So cute that Suzy and Baekhyun we're having an arguement. :D
karmakyungsoo #6
Chapter 6: funny the way suzy and baekhyun fight.
Amazing !!!' I just wonder where are the other chapters when it say chapter 7 ?
Chapter 5: Loveee ittt!!! <3 update soon ! =D
Chapter 5: Can this be a baekzy? Baekzy Fighting!
Chapter 5: You updated! I missss this. Hehe
Well, I do ship baekzy. Haha he just need to realize how precious suzy is. Hope suzy can survive! Thanks for this~