The Night Before



Where is this place? Why are the people so... extraordinary?

Wait a second, we don't belong here. Is this another planet or something?

Our group's name is Infinite.

I bet a lot of people already are familiar with us. 

But this place, it's weird. They don't even know our faces. Where we've come from.

Was I the only one  noticing? 

My name is Kim Sungkyu, leader of our group, 25 years old






Entering a new world, in a limited time, will the group enjoy it or not?

Nobody knows when they'll be coming back.

Will they gain strength in this world? Or will it weaken them?

It was different, the night before.


“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” 
―Marthe Troly-Curtin 


Hi. I'm sorry for this. It just popped out of nowhere. So, I'm new here. Hello to you! How's it going? Alright goodbye. Haha.


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