
We stayed out too late: Myungsoo decided to once again be known as Busker Boy and do exacttly that. A crowd gathered, and Myungsoo sang Christmas songs while I clapped along with him. We went stargazing after that; Myungsoo suggested it. 

As a result we did not make it back on a bullet train, instead Myungsoo checked the two of us into some cheap hotel. The price of two rooms was too much for the both of us, considering we had already bought a ticket for the bullet train and so we shared a room that night.

Myungsoo slept on the sofa, as an apology for staying out late, while I had a futon. The room was set out so that the bedroom and the living room, where the sofa was located, were adjacent. After bidding Myungsoo goodnight, I switched off my phone and wento to sleep.


I woke to the sound of my phone alarm. It was only six in the morning, then. I could only vaguely recall last night after the stargazing. I sat up straight on the futon and looked to my left where I could see Myungsoo, still, sound asleep on the scratchy sofa. Slowly, I got up and folded the futon away I headed to the bathroom to wash up. By the time I was finished, Myungsoo had woken up and he had bought the both of us breakfast from the hotel's room service. 

"Good morning." I greeted upon emerging from the bathroom. I had found a towel provided by the hotel and had draped it around my neck to save my shirt from getting damp. 

Myungsoo briefly looked up from his food and I caught a glimpse of his deshevieled hair. 

"Mornin'" He mummered. 

I made my way towards the dining table and took a seat across from Myungsoo, who pushed a plate of french toast in my direction. I accepted his inviation to eat; I was hungry after all. We sat there in silence chewing on slices of toast and sipping from cups of orange juice. When the food was gone and here was nothing left but an empty plate, Myungsoo spoke. 

"Did you turn your phone off last night?" He asked me as I stood up from my seat. 

"I think so." I told him. Myungsoo looked away to yawn and turned back to me to inform me that Sunggyu had called him about my whereabouts. 

"He's worried, so, call him back when you can alright?" Myungsoo said. I nodded in understanding.




The both of us agreed that we did not want to return to Seoul just yet, and so that morning we found ourselves located in a cafe. It was quaint with few customers. There was nothing extravagent about the cafe. The tables and chairs all had the same mundane colour to them, too  And yet, for some reason I felt as if it were special. I figured that reason was that Myungsoo was there with me. In the cafe the two of us did little but talk and drink our beverages; Myungsoo reminded me to call Sunggyu, too, though, I only sent him a brief text message. 

Afterwards, the two of us went sight seeing. Though, not as big as the capital, Daegu was a very large city with just as many people. Myungsoo took particular interest in the people around him.

"Every person is so unique, you see, I think that's why people take shots of crowds." Myungsoo commented. Even though he was studying music, Myungsoo told me, then, that maybe one day he'd be a photographer and that I could be his model. 

"In that case, I'll cheer you on." I replied, chuckling at his proposal. 

Eventually, I grew tired of walking around the bustling city but said nothing in case Myungsoo wanted to stay longer. 

"You tired?" Myungsoo asked; we had been parading the city all afternoon 

"Sorta." I said sheepishly. 

Myungsoo nodded. "Let's go home, then."

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This is good!
chiiruu #2
Chapter 17: this ending is good. A sort of relaxed kind of ending.
Chapter 17: I'M SUCH A PRICK
pop-bh #4
Chapter 14: Myungzy is sailing~~~
Chapter 4: I know it is impossible,but please make sungyeol alive again :(