Yours Faithfully

That Perfect Couple


My daughter don't worry. I prepared a man for you who puts me first and you second. I am God, your father.

- Down on Earth –

I'm now 23 and I never had a boyfriend. Not ever. It's a pain, but I'll just have to deal with it.

"Dear God, I met someone who looked pretty attractive. I didn't talk to him, but it would be nice to have an attractive boyfriend. If this isn't the time, it's okay. I'll wait. Thank you for teaching me patience and thank you for these blessings. I love you and I'll talk to you on the morning. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

I may sound needy, but it's true. In my whole life I only had one friend and one parent. It just happens to be one person. His name is God.

Time to sleep.

- In Heaven –

Just wait my darling Esther. I have someone made for you.

- Down on Earth –

It's time for the tour and JaeJoong is taking forever to pack.

"Hurry up! The bus is leaving soon." YooChun yelled out to him in English.

"Speak in Korean, so the rest of us can understand." Our JaeJoong shouted from his hotel bedroom.

"We need to go to San Diego!" I smacked his and he whined.

"JunSu!" He cried. I helped him pull his luggage to the van and we were on the freeway to our concert venue.

When we arrived there was a girl waiting by the door. She smiled really fake at us and I can tell why. She has panda eyes. She must be really tired.

"Today I'll be your assistant. Your coordinator is sick today." She spoke English and JaeJoong and I didn't understand her. YooChun just nodded and went inside. We followed along.

"Yah what did she say?" I asked.

"Oh mianhaeyo. I'll speak to you in Korean. I didn't know you guys were Korean." She grinned and led us to the dressing room.

"So what I was saying before was that I be your coordi today because your original coordi is
sick." I nodded.

"I'm surprised you don’t know who we are." JaeJoong remarked.

"I only knew that you guys are called JYJ. You must be JaeJoong. You are YooChun. You are JunSu." She looked at her clipboard and she pointed to us. She was all wrong.

"I'm JunSu."


"I'm YooChun, but you can call me Micky."

We went to go change and by the time we were finished the coordi was there talking to YooChun in English.

"Let's pray." I said and JaeJoong huffed. YooChun gotten up and stood beside me.

"May I lead prayer?" The coordi asked and I smiled at her. She's Christian?

We had finished our prayer. She had the most love for God I have ever seen in a long time. She's almost perfect.

"Time for you to go." She announced and that's when we left, but before we went up he said something.

"I'll be leaving now and another coordi will replace me for the last hour. Nice to meet you all!" She waved and then she rubbed her eyes and yawned. Get some sleep you panda.

We were leaving the venue and I forgot to ask her something. I think YooChun might know.

"What was the coordi's name?" I questioned.

"The last one was Ashley Jones and the first one was Esther GyuRi Park. Why? You like one of them?"

"I think Esther is very sweet. That's all." I lied a little. God forgive me.

I've been asking God for a girlfriend that would be faithful to Him for the longest and I think that's her.

- Esther –

I need to go to work again. I went to the gas station and worked until 3AM. I walked home in the night and cooked my meal or just put the frozen food in the microwave. I fell asleep on the couch as always.

My alarm went off at 6AM. Aish.

I began my prayer and got ready. I walked out of my home and locked the door. I took the bus to my job in the coffee shop. Then Micky and JunSu came in.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I greeted with a smile.

"Annyeonghaseyo GyuRi ssi." JunSu bowed catching attention by the people around him.

"Can we get a venti Tazo, grande Americano and grande black?" Micky ordered.

"Here you go." I gave them the drinks and they asked to sit beside them. There are plenty of baristas here.

"How many jobs do you have?" JunSu asked.

"I have so many I can't even count." I answered. I yawned and I was about to fall over when JunSu caught me.

"Get some sleep or you won't be able to spread the word." He whispered into my ear.

"Are you a Christian too?" I asked and he smiled.

"Yes I am." He smiled at me.

"Do you want go to church with me?" I asked as I get up.

"Is that a date?" JunSu flirted.

"Lame. You guys go to church for a date." JaeJoong who came in poked.

"God comes first!" JunSu and I yelled in sequence.

- In Heaven –

You found the man I prepared for you my darling.

- Down on Earth –

“This is my favorite song.” JunSu said as he listened to the background music in church as we were waiting.

“Mine too.” I smiled.

“Did you know SiWon of Super Junior sang this song?” He asked. I was like… O-o?

“He’s a guy I used to talk to when I was under the same company. He’s a very faithful Christian.” He answered my face expression.

“That’s cool. Ready to go in?” I pointed to the door. He nodded and I just walked beside him and entered in.

By the end of the service we were hungry, so we went to grab some barbecue.

“You know that I’ve been praying for someone that would be faithful to God and I think I found him.” I wrote in my journal and whispered silently. I think JunSu must’ve heard me.

“I prayed for the same thing, but a girl anyway. Am I possibly that man?” He looked at me pleadingly.

“Am I that woman?” I asked him. He just smiled and shook his head. I looked down and pouted.

“Why so sad? That woman is you.” He laughed.

“Then why did you shake your head?” I questioned.

“I didn’t think I would find another me.” He chuckled.

“Well you have a steady job and I don’t. You have tons of money and I have a little. I’m not attractive and I can’t sing very well. And so on.” I pointed out.

“I meant faithfully, but I don’t agree with what you said before. The money problem can be handled.” He smiled cutely.

“How so?”

“I think you should come with us to become our coordi and that will give you big bucks. And you can be with me.” He told.

“What? I don’t even know you that well.” I looked shocked.

“God set us together. I say we should follow the path. The job just opened up and you need a job, so I think that’s another blessing.” He grinned and held my hand.

“I trust you.” I huffed a puff.

“Let’s go.” He helped me out of the taxi and paid for the charge.

-In Heaven-

My perfect couple. I’ll be setting up the family tree now.

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shinee3 #1
Chapter 1: This was soo sweet! I knew id love it from the first sentence, it was so precious. Thank you for writing it :D
Chapter 1: This is so sweet. I'm Christian too and I also stronglg believe that God has that special someone for every single one of us. I've been praying for mine that we will get to meet at God's perfect timing. That time hasn't come yet but I'll be patient. We just have to trust in the Lord our God. God bless you and well done with your fic! Maybe a Jaejoong biased one soon? (I'm super Jaejoong biased! Haha)
haeri0610 #3
Chapter 1: This is cute... I'm Christian too, I wish I could feel this story with Jaejoong.. *aha..just dream on*

Anyway, good job author-nim :)
Chapter 1: Awieeee... :D How Cute! :))