Ch. 2

Taemin woke up around six in the morning. He heard the shower running, so he took it as his cue to get up and leave. He didn't know what Minho was expecting him to do, so he would take it upon himself and Make it easy for both of them. He didn't want any awkward goodbyes. This was strictly a one night stand and he wouldn't make it out to be anything else. He took off Minho's clothes, gathered up all of his and put them on. He found his phone and wallet on the ground and slipped both of them into his back pockets. He quickly made his way out. He locked the door and closed it. He looked sideways, trying to remember which way he had come. In the end he decided to wing it and just go. He found the elevator. He took it down and into the lobby. He stepped outside, the same doorman from the last night standing there. He looked at him, that same stare directed at him. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Um, could you call me a cab?" The doorman nodded and stepped up to the street, giving a loud whistle. A cab came to a quick stop in front of him. The doorman opened the door for him. Taemin smiled and slid inside. He gave him a tip and waved good bye. The doorman smiled and stepped up to his post. Taemin gave the driver his direction and looked back to see the building disappear from view.

Minho stepped out of the shower, expecting to see Taemin's sleeping form on his bed. But what he found was an empty bed and only his clothes on the ground. He walked around his apartment, trying to see if he was somewhere else, but he wasn't. He rushed back upstairs, hoping to see a paper with a phone number, but no such luck. He sat down on his bed and fell back. How was he supposed to find him? It would take him forever. He should've made it clear that he wanted him to stay. That he wanted more than a one night stand. He was so stupid.

Taemin snuck into his apartment or at least tried to. He was quickly stopped by his friend's voice coming from the kitchen.

"I saw you, I saw you!!" She came out of the kitchen running and pointing. When she got to him, she hugged him, jumping up and down. He pushed her away, throwing her a mock annoyed look and took off his jacket. He turned to look at her when she gasped.

"What's wrong?!" She pointed at him and he looked down at himself, running his hands over himself to feel if anything was wrong.

"On your neck! That's a huge hickey. I bet astronauts can see it from outer space." Taemin shook his head, holding a hand to his neck, he ran to the bathroom. He hadn't bothered to look at himself. But there it was. A mark the size of a baby's fist sat on the right side of his neck. He ran a finger over it, just that touch alone brought back all the memories of the night before. It was very sensitive, that if he pressed his finger against it, he couldn't still remember Minho's hot mouth on his skin. He cursed under his breath. He was so stupid, Minho was probably already moving on with his life. His friend came in behind him, leaning against the door jam.

"So, how was it? He was pretty cute. Did you get his number?" Taemin grabbed a cloth off the towel rack and soaked it in cold water. He wrung out the excess and pressed it against the bruise. He looked at his friend, deciding to be truthful.

"It was so wonderful that I think I may be ruined for any other guy. He was attentive and so passionate. Yes, he was very handsome. No, I did not get his number because it was just a one night stand. One night stands do not work that way. It's just and go." He looked down at his hand and remembered when Minho held it in the car. Their hands had fit so perfectly. His friend came over and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"So no more seeing him anymore?" Taemin shook his head and threw the rag into the sink.

"No, like I said, it was only a one night stand. Now, if you could please leave. I'm going to shower." His friend nodded and moved to the door.

"I'll make you some breakfast while you shower." Taemin nodded.

"Thank you." He began to take off his clothes when he heard the door close. Which each piece of clothing that was removed he revealed more marks and bruises. He ran his fingers on the finger shaped bruises on his hips. He shuddered. He would have to get over this and over him. That was it.
Minho cursed the accident in front of him. He was on his way home and an idiot had crashed into another car. Now everyone was being directed somewhere else. He was going to have to take the long way home. He drove around the college, traffic making it to slow. He looked around to see if there was another way out. His eyes widened when he saw that Taemin was standing on the curb, waiting to pass. He was surrounded by people, laughing with them. Without another thought. He swerved around cars and stopped in front of Taemin. He rolled down his window and yelled out Taemin's name. He looked on as Taemin took a step back, scared, until he realized who it was. His mouth fell open and he took a step forward. Minho unlocked the doors.

"Get in, Taemin." Taemin did, without hesitation. He slid into the seat that he had been in three weeks ago. He was nervous, but also very excited. He never though that Minho would be the one to find him. He had always had to hold back from looking for him or going to where he lived. But here he was, with Minho and with nothing to say. But Minho didn't seem to have that problem. As soon as he pulled away from the curb, he began to speak.

"You left the other night? Why?" Taemin looked down at his hands. They were clasped together on his lap. He wanted them interlaced with Minho's.

"It was a one night stand. I didn't think that you would want to see me in the morning." Minho laughed at that.

"I asked you to stay. If I hadn't wanted to see you the next day, I would've let you leave. In fact, I want to see you everyday for the rest of my life. I feel as if I've known you my whole life and as if you were made for me. I know it sounds crazy, but its how I feel. If you don't feel the same way I understand. I'm sorry if I'm seeing too much into it." He looked over a Taemin, expecting to see him looking at him as if he were crazy. But he wasn't, he was smiling and his eyes were understanding. He grabbed his hand off the steering wheel and interlaced their fingers.

"I feel the same way. It didn’t feel like a one night stand to me. I know that to other people it may sound crazy. But my friend is always telling me that when you find the one, you know and that there's nothing and no one who can keep you from that person. I know that you are the one, from that moment that I saw you stand in front of me." Minho pulled over to the side of the street and quickly pulled Taemin to him, kissing him and holding him close. He pulled away to bury his face in the crook of Taemin's neck.

"I never want you to leave me again. You don't know how crazy I was going since I couldn't find you. I want to have a truthful and long lasting relationship with you. I want the whole nine yards." Taemin bit his lip and sat back on his seat. Minho looked at him, confused at his pulling away.

"If we're going to have a truthful relationship, then I should let you know that I am nineteen and not twenty-one. I have a fake ID." Minho pursed his lips.

"You're still a teenager." Taemin nodded and held his breath. He hoped Minho didn't mind too much. He began to worry when he didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"I won't be in two months." He blurted out. Minho laughed and pulled him close once again.

"I mind a little, but not enough to cut it off with you. Well just have to hold off on the ual relationship and focus more on getting to know each other." Taemin's eyes widened.

"No, what?! I don't think I can do that. Can you do that?" Minho held him closer.

"I can. Before you came along, it had been three months since I had been with a lover." Taemin looked shocked then his face became a mask of deviousness.

"Well, I guess I can do it too. I mean I'll have my hand and my toys. I think I can make it like that." Minho looked shocked, and then he growled and pulled Taemin into a bruising kiss. He pulled away from him and put the car into drive. He pulled away from the curb, burning rubber.

"Where are we going?" Teaming held onto his seat, excited.

"My apartment." Taemin laughed. He was looking forward to being with Minho. Suddenly, the world seemed so much better.



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Chapter 2: What? That's the end? But I want more! ;~; This was a nice read so far ^^
alexshineeexo #2
Chapter 2: yes a sequel!!!!! but please no angst a happy sequel....:D
Chapter 2: I want a sequel!
alexshineeexo #4
Chapter 2: i love this....sooo romantic yet yyy~~~~~good job!!!