No More Tomorrow


Just another one shot because I have this stuck in my head and I saw my gtop background and thought about all the things seeming to be going on with them lately and things clicked for me. The lyrics belong to Tomorrow by Tablo (featuring Taeyang) and YG Entertainment, of course, not me. Enjoy! ^^


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Danees #1
Agreed. Sequel please. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Please, this story needs sequel :) It´s too perfect to be just oneshot :P :)
Chapter 1: so..many..uncontrollable..feeeellsss T.T
Chapter 1: Feels. i can't ;~~~; i agree with everyone this piece needs a continuation please pleeeeease. this is just so perfect.
Chapter 1: I think my favourite part of this whole fic was how he pulled out a cigarette of the same brand they would share together on the roof, talking and kissing. I love imagining them in that moment of time together. <3
LOVED the line of 'Sushi, toy stores, hoodies and beanies', and how thinking of or seeing those things makes him think of him and his scent invades his memory. Bonus love for Ji calling Ri little seunghyun and also for Bae being the one to find him and trying to piece him together momentarily. Their friendship is so beautiful and as much as I enjoy Bae being the villain sometimes I miss seeing him and jiyong so close like this. Relying on and being there for each other.
The pain is real. gtop feels. I had to try so hard not to cry reading this :( I'm on a public bus so I really had no choice but to hold back my tears but if I had been at home omg... RIVERS OF TEARS WOULD FLOW FOREVER.
I agree with everyone else ;) I think a continuation is needed. Please fix them ;_; <3
Chapter 1: Omg... I'm sobbing now... T.T it's so painful to see jiyong like this T.T :((
Chapter 1: TT-TT I can't with this, my feels are a mess right now u.u
Chapter 1: Please continue this ;A;
I need to know what happened, what made them drift apart... my heart needs it ;;A;;
This was so painfully beautiful gnoNVSDL please >___<
Chapter 1: You can't stop here. Not after you got me all emotional and bothered by Jiyong's pain. I need to know what happened to him and Seunghyun. Please, consider writing more. It's not enough like this. Don't leave us hanging. The way you wrote this is so captivating that I can't help but demand more. Even the song got me all sad and emotional :(