The Call

Dangerous Mistake - Zico ver.


You shifted on the same spot, nervous.

- I wanna know about Zico.

The man laughed. You had no idea who you were talking to. You were sure it wasnt Seungri, though. Maybe it was their leader? You were affraid to ask.

- Dont worry, your boyfriend is... alive. For now.

You clenched your fists.

- You have no reason to worry about us anymore, darling. And dont even try to talk us into releasing him. Thats off the table.

- Please, just listen to me...

- Nothing you say is gonna change our minds. Dont even bother. - he cut you of, sounding bored. - Him, the other six, and a little revenge is all we want. Just go find yourself some other guy.

- I wanna talk to you. Face to face.

He sighed.

- What for? It wont change anything. Besides, Seungri is still a little upset at you. - you heard laughing in back. Maybe all of the members were listening to this conversation. Maybe even Zico. 

- I dont care. Please. You gotta at least listen to me.

Everything went silent. You held your breath.

- I dont like being told what to do. Mind your tone. - he said, finally, cold as ice.

You didnt say anything.

- Did you hear me?

- Y-yes.

- Good. 

- Please... 

He sighed.

- So stubborn. Fine. Come. You must be either really stupid or incredibly naive. - he told you the adress and you struggled to memorize it, having no way of writting it down. - Come now, and dont even think about trying anything. Or else we will have to teach you a lesson as well. Understood?

That voice gave you chills. The smooth, dangerous tone he used, with terrifying words. You wanted to run away, but you had to save Zico. There was no way you were just gonna leave him after all he had done for you

- Y-yes.

He let out a small laugh.

- Good. We are waiting for you, sweetie.

And he hung up the phone.

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Chapter 9: aw i wish this was updated ! ㅠㅠ
catmilkkk #2
Chapter 9: i wish this would get updated omg
Chapter 9: I really want to know what's gonna happen to Zico :O please update soon author-nim!!
Chapter 7: GDragon because he needs more love
ChuRin #6
Chapter 6: Creepy... hope nothing bad happens!
Keep up the good work~♡
Chapter 5: He was expecting you to call…
ChuRin #8
Chapter 5: Aw jay helped her out ^^ and Dara lol. I hope zico will br safe soon tho ^^
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #9
Chapter 4: Oh no! They got zico what is she gonna do :o
Keep up the good work~
Chapter 3: Whoaaa... zico :3