the tale of an exoplanet


Hidden by the eternal mist of darkness, the EXO Planet is an exoplanet, far away from our world. Their lord is far away, and all await anxiously for his arrival. After his disappearence, the evil power has taken over the planet and transformed it into a world of sadness, loneliness and obscurity. However, the scriptures say that, when the lord comes, the planet will be freed from the gloom and shine again.

While this wait takes place, all the 12 rulers fight among themselves, the EXO-M clan and the EXO-K clan. Until a very special girl lands in the obscured nation. Her name is Soojung. Jung Soojung. An ordinary girl, between others, living in a city with a horrible high school to go. The EXO-K clan believe her to be a gifted child, a child that will help them, while the Lord is in his way.

It doesn't last long until the rival clan discovers her presence. They know that, if she stays with EXO-K, it will be the end of their power. So, they try to eliminate her at all cost. But can they eliminate this special child, right in the Lord's coming?


On the darkest times of this planet
With two clans fighting amongst themselves
And a special child in the way
The Lord's coming isn't far away




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Chapter 1: wow~it's cool.update soon please..
fxwhuut #2
*your orz -_-
fxwhuut #3
sounds awesome! btw i love you uname lol
seems interesting! please update soon ^^