The Happy Bunny

My Supermarket Crush


Disclaimer: The characters, the plot, the places and other elements of the story are made out of pure fiction. If there are any resemblances to real life, this feat was not intended and may only be out of pure coincidence. 



CHAPTER 1: The Happy Bunny

“I’m sorry!” Sandara Park gasped out as she did a half bow towards the woman she bumped into, quickly picking up the two packs of ramen that dropped from the brown supermarket bag the woman was holding. She it towards the woman’s already overflowing arms and then bowed once more, before she resumed running towards the building a few meters away from her.


It was a supermarket. The Happy Bunny.



“Do not ever forget to remove these loaves of bread by next week, if they still haven’t sold out yet. If we get one report of an expire item on the shelf, that means bad business,” said a woman who was clad in a short, black dress with a black blazer on top of it. Her four-inch, red pumps completed the whole look.


The two employees in front of her nodded their heads. Park Bom gave a short nod, which signaled that she was dismissing them. The two bowed to Bom and left.


Looking at the shelves stacked with bread once again, Bom flipped her long, dark brown hair, before turning to inspect the other shelves in the supermarket. Just as she was about to leave Aisle 10, she suddenly found herself engulfed in a pair of thin arms.


“Hi Bom! Wait – I’ll see you in a sec!”




And just like that, Sandara Park released Bom from her hug before rushing off again. Bom shook her head as she smiled at the girl’s retreating back. Typical Dara, she thought. She looked at her watch and noted that the girl might just make it. 3:14pm.




Aisle 19…Aisle 20…Aisle 21!


Dara skidded to a halt as she fixed her long, black hair which was now all over the place. She took a deep breath before peeking into Aisle 21. A small smile graced her face as she saw him coming from the other end, pushing a cart into the aisle. As if on cue, Dara took another deep breath before retreating from her hiding place and entering Aisle 20.


She carefully looked through the small gaps from the shelves and when she finally managed to locate his position in the other aisle, she stopped there and feigned looking at the different coffee brands in front of her.


From the other aisle, he was inspecting the boxes of cereal which was on the same level as the coffee brand that Dara was perusing. Dara stole glances at him through the small holes made from the stacks of coffee containers on her side, and the cereal boxes from his side. As he took out a box of Fruit Loops, Dara immediately grabbed a container of Wondercup coffee. She saw him dump the cereal box into his cart before he walked away. Dara gave him a two-second head start before following him in her own aisle. As she reached the end, she peeked out and saw him walking away, heading for the counters. She glanced down at the coffee container she was holding.


“I guess I’m drinking you for the next couple of days huh.”




Bom shook her head in a disbelieving way as she took a seat behind her desk. Dara closed the door of her office, completely shutting out the supermarket world. She took the chair in front of Bom’s desk and placed down the coffee container she was holding.


“You’ve got to be kidding me, Dara,” said Bom as she watched her friend smile at the container in front of her.


“No. Not even kidding.” Dara sighed.


“I don’t understand why – we should find you a boyfriend. Or get you a puppy. Just seriously, stop this nonsense,” pleaded Bom as she reached for a folder that contained the charts for the monthly sales. She opened it and flipped through the pages.


Dara bit her lower lip in deep thought and Bom could not help but roll her eyes. Sometimes, she could not understand why her friend was even curious – why she even started this whole thing.


“Don’t you find it weird? He goes to The Happy Bunny every 3:15pm on Mondays and Fridays, takes a big push cart, and only buys one box of cereal – I mean –


“Yes, Dara, I get it. It’s a most curious thing that boggles the mind of the gods up above. But don’t you find it funny that you even take notice of it?”


Dara chuckled and started toying with the coffee container. She could not understand it either. There was this nagging feeling inside of her that could not be neglected. There MUST be a reason why this man does what he does.


“I mean it. This has been going on for four months now.” Bom warned her.


“I don’t get it either, Bom. I just- you know – I just can’t NOT go back. I want proof that he’s always gonna be in Aisle 21 every 3:15pm of Mondays and Fridays. What if I miss a day and that’s when he does not show up? I’ll never know! That’s why I HAVE to see it,” said Dara, as if also trying to convince herself that what she was doing was completely normal.


Bom put down the folder and stared at her for a few seconds. Dara stared back, looking pitiful with her brows furrowed and her lips pouted. Bom could not help but roll her eyes again.


“Aah…you and your supermarket crush.” 



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Chapter 2: Found this story and I love it! Please update!
Chapter 2: I like this, pls update authornim
fanficsgalore #3
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update :)
sangonimiroku #4
Chapter 1: Authornim Fighting! Please update soon... i also want to know the secret behind 3:15 man..kekeke
Chapter 1: mine was a canteen crush when i was in high school...theres a really cool guy with dying eyes that i love to look at and gahhh totally cute he`s a Senior back then im sophomore, i like that guy never had the chance to ask he`s name.
lunafuri #6
Chapter 1: Now you have me wondering why too! Anticipating your next chapter!