Minds Cleared

Heartbeats and Banters

Maki didn’t bother riding the elevator. She wanted to move, she needed the adrenaline. The back stairs was her way she used before running out of the school. Yes she was a musician but she was also sporty that’s why she was so fast. When she arrived outside, she headed straight for the nearest playground. She didn’t know why but she was always calm when she was in playgrounds. Even when she was a child she was already like that. She settled herself on the swing and let herself relax.

What happened a while ago was returning to her. In annoyance, she face-palmed. All of her control just went out the window a while ago. The moment her lips touched with Tomo’s, all reason was gone. She shouldn’t have let that happen. She’d just fall for him harder and then what? They’d just fight all the time.

“Okay Tomo, Daisuki!” She yelled. Wow, that felt good.

“It’s a good thing you already admit it.”

Maki’s heart almost reached the other side of the street when she heard that. She rounded her position from the swing to see Takahisa approaching her holding a plastic bag.

“Takahisa, you heard that?”

Takahisa laughed. “Maki, who wouldn’t hear that when you were yelling.” He sat down beside her on the swings. “But don’t worry, it looks like I’m the only one here.”

Maki breathed in before laying her head in her hands. “Damn it Taka, why is it that guy ‘m falling for?”

“Would you be able to stop that.” Takahisa chuckled. “I’m a guy but I admit that many are crushing on Tomo. He’s a handsome guy. But do you like him just because of his looks Maki-chan?”

Maki was thoughtful. And her answer was; “No.” Yeah Tomohisa was hot but that was only an added bonus. What drew her in was him being so balanced. How he knew what to do in situations and how seemingly stern but innocent he really was, and many other things!

“There you go, what are you so worried?” Takahisa asked.

“Well because…” Maki began thinking again. “I don’t even know if that guy likes me. We are always fighting and then this happens?” She was thinking too much of the situation.

Takahisa moved closer and smiled at Maki. “Don’t think too much Maki-chan, why don’t you let happen what’ll happen? It’s better to have done something that not do anything at all and wonder about it later.”

And because takahisa was such a gentleman, he brought Maki back to her apartment. All the while the woman worried since she and Tomohisa were neighbors.

“Would you like to head on up for some coffee?” Maki asked her friend once they were in-front of the apartment building.

Takahisa laughed. “No it’s alright, I gotta head on home and eat, thanks Maki.”


“Hmm?” The man turned back again.

Maki returned his gesture and nodded her head. “Thanks again.”

“No problem Maki… oyasumi.”



It was already late in the night but Tomohisa wasn’t heading home yet. He just went walking here and there. The oxygen was beginning to escape his brain. He was at the side where there were all bars and night clubs. But what was going through his mind was what just happened a while ago. He had no idea that Maki’s lips tasted like that. They were very sweet. He always noticed how luscious her lips were and always wanted to have a taste. Snap out of it Tomo! But then again, she left. It was noisy but then he noticed he was already out of that lane with bars and came across a quaint old ramen house. Maybe he should eat, that always saved him.

There were only a few people inside the restaurant. He was the 3rd customer. He sat down at a table at the end of the restaurant. A waitress immediately approached him to take his order.

“Pork ramen please and just water.”

“Okie dokie.” The girl smiled, she didn’t even need to write down his order.

Tomo sighed and then took a look at his surroundings. The restaurant was small, family style and had a homey feel to it.

“Hai, one ramen…” the girl smiled at him as she placed the bowl and a glass of water on his table. He smiled in thanks before breaking the chopsticks in-front of him.

“Itadakimasu.”  He whispered to himself before beginning to eat.

The bowl wasn’t even emptied to half when the restaurant door opened. He almost spit out what he was eating. Why was it that wherever he went, he saw these two? It was too late for him to hide when the two youngsters approached him.

“Yamaa-sensei! Konbanwa.”

“Ah, Yamada-kun, Shida-chan, konabanwa.” Tomohisa nodded to the two before they sat down on the bench in-front of him.

“What are you two doing out? It’s late.” Tomohisa said while looking at his wristwatch. Maybe he was exaggerating since it was only 9.

Mirai laughed. “We couldn’t eat anything at the dorm, and this guy was getting really hungry.” Mirai pointed to her boyfriend.

Tomohisa’s eyebrows raised on their own accord. “You two stay together in a dorm?”

The two immediately shook their heads. “Separate rooms sensei.” Ryosuke immediately answered.

“Ah.” Tomohisa replied softly. He knew that the two were still young so it was a no-no that they stay together in one room. They should finish their studies first. “You guys order, it’ll be my treat.”

“Sensei? No it’s alright.” Ryosuke uttered but Tomohisa shook his head.

“It’s alright. Order anything you want.”

“Hazukashii sensei.” Mirai answered too.

Tomohisa only laughed. “You’re already here, and I’d like to talk to you guys.”

Once he said that it was obvious that both Ryosuke and Mirai felt nervous.

“I won’t be lecturing you guys so don’t worry.” He said. And the two looked much relieved when he said that. They did order but Tomohisa noticed that they ordered the cheapest thing on the menu.

“I’ll just head to the restroom.” Mirai said. She stood up, affectionately squeezing Ryosuke’s forearm before heading to the restroom, leaving Ryosuke and Tomohisa to themselves.

At first, an awkward silence came passing by. The two men didn’t seem to want to look at each other. Ryosuke was the one to start. “Have you known Horikita-sensei long?”

Tomohisa was a little surprised but sat up straight anyway. “It’s been a while. She’s a pioneer at Ue Hodokyo but she left after her first year of teaching. She just got back this year, her mom had passed and she wanted to take some time alone and away from everything for awhile.”

“Ah, sou desu ka…” Ryosuke whispered.

Tomohisa looked at the young man and felt how down the latter looked. Yeah he’d be sorry for someone if that happened but Ryosuke looked genuinely sad. “Why’d you ask?”

Ryosuke sat up when Tomohisa spoke. He was in deep thought. “Oh, uhm, it’s just that you and Maki-sensei look really close.”

Yeah they were really close just a while ago but Maki was too fast for him. Tomohisa turned to look at the young man but saw that Ryosuke was looking really thoughtful. He decided to change the topic. “What about you and Shida-chan? How long have you two known each other?”

“Uhm, we met when we were kids, next-door neighbors…” Ryosuke smiled as he explained.


“Where are you from anyways?” Tomohisa asked.

“From Okinawa-sensei, of course, we heard that the music program was flawless in Ue Hodokyou so Mirai-chan and I decided to attend here.” Ryosuke explained.

“And your parents are okay with that?” Tomohisa didn’t want anyone to get him wrong but most parents didn’t believe their children would achieve something when it came to the field of art. Some would consider it being a bum outlook in life. He himself was just lucky because his parents approved of him being inclined with his music.

At the mention of that though, Ryosuke smiled, albeit sadly. “My otou-san is the best, he’s like a best friend to me.” He pulled out his phone and showed it to Tomohisa. If he didn’t knew, Ryosuke looked like he was just with his older brother in the picture. Yamada-san looked younger than he seemed to be. “I just, But somehow the way he said it was rather sad. The food, along with Mirai came just in time. Tomohisa wasn’t feeling very comfortable talking to Ryosuke about his dad, he seemed to still have some issues.

“So Shida-chan, Yamada-kun here tells me you’re childhood friends…”

“Oh uhm…” Mirai laughed nervously as she gritted her teeth at an innocent looking Ryosuke before turning back to  Tomohisa. “Hai sensei, I’m next door neighbors with him and almost know everything about him.”

Tomohisa chuckled. To be young and to be with someone you have feelings for was a great feat for the youth these days. Then again, he remembered he had his own dilemmas. But cast that aside.

“I’m sorry I’m not really the sentimental type, talking about family and all, you should probably be talking to Maki-sensei.” Damn it. That girl popped into his mind every minute of the day.

Mirai suddenly turned to Ryosuke with a harsh but nervous look in her eyes. “You told him already?”

“No… sh!” It was too bad for Ryosuke to be shushing Mirai like that when Tomohisa could hear and understand the both of them correctly.

“Told me about what?” Should he know something? He barely knew these two students! He suddenly had a dash of nervousness mixed with his system. “Is there something going on here?”

Realizing that maybe she should’ve been the one to shut up, Mirai gave her winning smile to Tomohisa, as if to reassure him. “Ah, nandemonai sensei, I’m just a little hungry is all, probably saying stuff out of the blue.”

Now who could be convinced with that? But Tomohisa decided to let it go. One more drama for the night was not going to his advantage. Something was going on though, he could sense it.

They ate comfortably, Mirai and Ryosuke interviewing him here and there. Tomohisa was used to this. Being a young professor, students tend to look at you as their older brother or something like that.

After eating, they stood up and headed out the door once Tomo had paid. A cold breeze greeted them once they exited. The air was a bit cold though. 

"Jaa sensei, arigato, see you tomorrow..." Mirai bid goodbye while Ryosuke nodded his head.

"Go straight home ne." Toohisa said, no matter what he was responsible for these students. They parted ways and Tomohisa already had a plan going on. He was fueled up from eating and was ready to go to Maki, whether she likednit or not they needed to talk things through. 

It was adrenaline rush! It no time he reached the apartment building and was slowly knocking on Maki’s door. A few raps echoed through the door as he knocked and he waited for it to open. But something else happened.

“Go to sleep Tomo! I’ll talk to you tomorrow!” Maki’s voice echoed out.

He gritted his teeth and yelled back in answer. “No Maki! Open the door we are going to talk!”

“Can’t you understand that I am sleepy?!”

Tomohisa scoffed to himself. No way was she sleepy, her voice wasn’t even groggy. “Open the door Maki or I am going to yell until the neighbors reprimand me!”

“Go ahead! I’m not the one embarrassed!” Maki retorted. Tomohisa heard her footsteps already walking away.

He bit the inside of his cheek. Got to think Tomo, got to think.

He smiled and yelled in his loudest voice. “You can’t keep me away Maki! I’m the father of your baby and you can’t keep me away from that child I have a ri--”

In a split second the door to Maki’s apartment opened and Maki pulled him inside. She shut the door behind her and faced him, a huge scowl on her face. “You idiot! Do you know how snoopy Katase-san is?! If she thinks I really am pregnant with your baby I will never hear the end of it!”

Tomohisa couldn’t help but laugh, looking at Maki. The woman’s hair was disheveled. She was wearing a very large t-shirt with a picture of a cute dog on it and she was turning beet red from anger. Didn’t she know she looked so cute?

“Well, you wouldn’t let me inside…”

Maki breathed in at that and walked to the living room, allowing Tomohisa to follow her. Enough with the jokes, they both knew they had to talk about what happened.

This was the first time Tomohisa was able to get inside Maki’s apartment. She’d been to his a hundred times but this was a first for him.

They were still both standing up, right in-front of Maki’s piano when the latter started talking.

“Look Tomo, I know what happened a while ago was just a heat of the moment and I know we should both forget about it--”

“Maki. Stop talking.” Tomohisa said as he moved closer to the woman. “I don’t know why you have this delusion that all of this isn’t real--”

“Why? Is it?”

“Yes.” Tomohisa challenged. And he was sure Maki was a bit taken aback from that. He brought his hands up and started rubbing Maki’s arms. “Why don’t you believe me Maki.”

Maki tiredly breathed in but did not move away from Tomohisa’s touch. “Believe what Tomo? That you like me? We just joke around with that stuff.”

“Well now it’s real.”


“Maki, what gives, I like you, I don’t know if you’ll ever believe me but I’m telling you I like you’d like me to explain, I can’t give you a reason. It’s different with you! I know I’ve already known this since we first met, but it’s not just your looks that attracted me. You’re special. You’re not like anyone else and being close to you makes me giddy! That’s why seeing you with Ryo or anyone else for that matter will surely set me off.” When he was done with his speech, he was breathing deeply. And he saw that Maki still looked out of it.

“I’m not pressuring you about this or anything, I just wanted to let you know.” He sighed then moved away, heading for the door. He was about to open it when he stepped back and went over to Maki, giving her a sudden yet soft kiss, his hand cradling her neck while she instinctively held on to his waist. They separated after a minute and Tomohisa breathed in. “Oyasumi.” With that, he was out of the door.

It closed with a soft click and he looked to his right only to see two of their neighbors whispering. They stopped when they realized that he was there.

“Ne, Yamaa-kun, how far along is Maki-chan?”

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Chapter 18: I just found this story since i'm new member in aff. Great story, but it's so sad that there is no update since two years ago.
Chapter 18: Congratulation for your graduation! Thank you for the update... and you make me getting more curious about Ryosuke and Maki's relation
Chapter 18: Welcome back!!!!! & Congratulation for your graduated. I hope you will fine. Thank you for updating.
Chapter 17: It's so long time I read it. Kyaaa!!! So romance ne. Can I ask you something? What about Ryo&Keiko how do they feel about Yamaki?
UniqueMikoto #5
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!
I enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for the update! <3
Omedetou for your new job! :D
Chapter 16: Ahhh... so many sweet yamaki moments.
congratulation for your new job and stay safe.
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!! Wow! You're very busy. Please take a rest too. Thank you for updated. I'll waiting for you.
yeslxl #8
Chapter 16: sorry i haven't really commented on the story
but i like the story hihi. thanks for updating :)
congratulations on the job. hope you still have time to update.
oh and also, sorry if this bother you but can you update 'Written In The Stars" too. but if you can't then it's fine. don't want to pressure you or anything.
thanks again and can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 15: I'm very glad about Yamaki and I curious about Mirai&Ryosuke. What're their secret?
I'm waiting for next chapter ne.
UniqueMikoto #10

Can't wait for the next chapter!! Please update soon ~ :D