❖ roleplaying tips

❖ Oreobingsu Twitter Roleplay ❖ [ Come join us today!|| Events coming up soon! ]

❖  roleplaying tips

These are not rules, but can help you make the most of your roleplaying experience here as well help the roleplayers around you. If it comes to our attention that there is a problem with these, even if they're not rules, we may still bring attention to it for the good of the whole roleplay.


▌| when choosing your character

if you are not particular about choosing biases to roleplay, choose someone you think has a similar personality as yours. that way, it would make it easy for you to stay in character, and help you interact with others more naturally.

▌| when you first join

it's your choice whether you want to mention everyone with a greeting, but it's recommended that you start at least with the people online at the time to get some conversations started. do not flood the TL asking for follbacks right when you join; if, after talking to someone for a few tweets, they're still not following you, then just tell that person.

▌| when you appear on TL

if you don't have anything to contribute to the current TL conversation, start with something simple similar to "hello, everyone", and then reply some mentions (if you're not lazy). usually, at least some people will eventually catch this and say hi. if not, don't be afraid to take the initiative and poke someone...or something. be creative c;

▌| feeling left out

if you're too shy to mention other online roleplayers, or feel like you have nothing to contribute to the TL even after being online for a while, don't hesitate to bring it to an admin's attention in private. preventing this is one of our priorities. usually though, stepping out yourself will pay off, and most members are more than happy to talk to you. it's best not to take things personally, thi happens to everyone sometimes.

▌| truth or dare

yes, you can make this useful too keke. when given a dare to do something to several people, don't do it to the people you're already comfortable talking with. it may be a little awkward at first, but it'll help you get better acquainted with more of the members.

▌| have a crush or love?

of course, feel free to talk to that person. but remember, you're not in a 1x1 roleplay; you're in a roleplay with other people that you can make great conversation with even if you're romantically taken. don't only appear when he/she is on. relationships are fun, but should not be the only reason why you roleplay.

▌| participating in events

we're going to try and be more focused on organized events in this roleplay, so don't be lazy and try to join some of them! we need every member's help to build this family and keep all our bored little souls entertained.

▌| when conversing with others

don't be afraid to be a little wild and creative when you talk with others. your character may not be hyper and loud, but maybe he/she can be witty or even a little strange. making your replies interesting will make it harder for the other person to drop your conversation, and not having dropped mentions is usually a good thing keke.


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