Who Will Make Her Smile?

Who Will Make Her Smile?


      I didn't want to be here. I would rather be at home in my lounging clothes without make up on and in the dark staring at the bright computer screen. But my friend jumped me while I was walking home from work and threw me in the back of her car before speeding off to get my hair and make up done and made me change my clothes before taking me to a party.

      I didn't want to be here. She turned around from walking up the side walk up to the house and put her hands on her hips.

      “I'll go to your house and kidnap your favorite stuffed animal.”

      “You wouldn't.” I glared.

She smirked. “Then get out of the car and follow me to the party.”

I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt before opening the car door. I fixed my shirt before walking up behind my friend to follow her up to the house to the party.

      As we walked through the door the party was already in full swing. Idiotic people danced around spilling what ever was in their plastic cups and the occasional shatter of something falling to the floor was echoed by a group saying “OHHH” before they would laugh it off.

      I didn't want to be here. I tried to slip away to a corner of the house and have my face in my phone but my friend grabbed my arm before I could move away and she pulled me to the bar area to get a drink. She handed me something in a plastic cup but I looked down into it and thought of the horrid things that could possible be swimming around in it. So I put it back down and saw my friend walk off with a cute guy.

      Party goers started to migrate over to the living room and stand in a circle around someone dancing. I followed the crowd and pushed through so I could see what was going on. The guy dancing was flawless as he moved with the music. When he turned to face me my jaw dropped. Kai.

      Someone pushed me out of the way and I fell forward, I closed my eyes for the fall but was caught at the last second. I looked up to see Kai holding me up, smiling at me. My heart pounded in my ears much louder than the music that vibrated through the house.

      “You okay?” He asked.

I forgot how to speak and nodded.

Kai set me up right and laughed a little, “So you wanna dance?”

I swallowed and held up a finger before dashing back to the bar and grabbed a random cup before downing the liquor that was inside before I walked back to Kai. “I know the dance you do with Lay for Two Moons.” I yelled over the music. “And I have a copy of the part.” I said holding up my phone.

      “Let's do it.” He smiled again.

I handed my phone over to the “DJ” and people moved out of the way as the music started.

      Kai and I danced the short bit to the song and everyone in the room cheered for us after. He turned to me out of breath and gave that look that made me go weak in the knees. He leaned over, placing a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

      “You wanna, meet me outside later?”

I pulled back and looked at his dark, beautiful eyes and nodded. He walked away as my friend jumped on my back.

      “That was amazing!”

      “I thought you hated k-pop.”

      “Regardless, who was that guy?”

I looked to the direction Kai walked in but didn’t see him. “Someone.” I sighed.

      I looked around the house for Kai with a second cup of liquid currage. I danced with my crush. I knew who he was in school. I knew what he did. I know who he is now. But why was he here? It was a school party of sorts. One that the popular girl would through ever year the day we all graduated from school. But this was the first one that Kai went to.

      In school everyone saw him for the trainee he was. But I saw him as just a boy who got lucky. I treated him like that. Until EXO debuted. He became untouchable after that. He still had his friends. But after school he was pulled away to a van to become someone we would wish to become.

      I walked outside to the back yard and saw a few people cooling down from the sticky heat inside. I walked over to the play set that was in the corner of the yard and sat down on one of the two swings. I looked down at the almost empty plastic cup and let it slip down to let what was left in it to spill onto the sand.

      I was alone with my thoughts for what seemed like forever. I wanted to be here. When I saw Kai. I never saw the star that everyone else saw. I saw a kid with a passion for dancing and singing. I saw a true star.

      Someone walked up and sat on the second swing next to me. The presence made me feel awkward and I looked up to see who it was. Kai. He smiled at me.

      “So what have you been doing since you graduated?” He asked pushing back with his feet to let the swing do what it was meant for.

I bit my bottom lip and joined in swinging. “Just working and going to college.”

      “What for?”

      “Screen writer.”

      “That sounds fun.” He laughed.

I couldn’t help but smile when he laughed. It was always so warm. “I enjoy it. I’ve always had a story to tell, ever since I could talk. Now I’m just embracing it.”

      “I remember you would always doodle on your notes in class.”

I stopped swinging and looked at Kai. “You, watched me in class?”

      “Yeah. I would watch everyone. Because I wanted to see if they noticed how it felt to be stared at.” He said digging his shoes into the sand to stop swinging.

      “And did they?”

      “No…except you. When you would turn back I’d look away.”

I looked at Kai, from his eyes, to his lips. My heart pounded in my ears and I looked away to hid my blush.

He let out a small chuckle. “Are you surprised?”

      “No.” I lied.

Kai stood up and walked behind me to push me in the swing. I let out a laugh and closed my eyes to feel myself fly. “You always had a pretty laugh. On my worst days, when I would hear you laugh, it would make me feel a hundred times better.”

      “I didn’t know my laugh could make people happy.”

      “It always has.” He said grabbing the chain of the swing to stop it from moving again.

      I opened my eyes and put my head back to look at Kai. His lips were parted and his breath was warm on my cheeks as his head slowly went down to press his lips to mine. I didn’t pull away, but I was shocked. My hands let go of the chain and I felt my body fall back into Kai’s arms again. He laughed again and helped pull my legs off the swing.

      We laid in the sand looking up at the sky side by side. He told me that he had to get away earlier today. The stress from rehearsal was too much for him and he just turned off his phone and started walking when he found this party.

      I was glad I came. Because if I didn’t come. I would have been thinking about Kai while looking at pictures of him online. I wouldn’t have danced with him. I wouldn’t have felt his lips press against mine. I wouldn’t have found out that in school he too, had a crush me.

      “Hey, who would make you smile in school?” Kai asked breaking the silence.

      “What do you mean?”

      “When you smiled, who was the reason for that?”

I let out a laugh, “The only boy I saw in school. The only one that I’ve ever liked.”

      “Who?” Kai asked turning to look at me.

I looked deep into his eyes again. “You.”

      Kai smiled again before bending down to press his lips to mine again. His hand was placed gently on my waist and I put mine around his neck. In theses kisses I felt every cell in my body burst with electricity. I saw the stars. Or, they could have been fireworks that party goers were setting off on the second story balcony. My heart beat with the music. I was glad I came.


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Chapter 1: Its cute story even its kinda rush...^^
mademoiselle_nita #2
Chapter 1: Too short, make it a lil bit longer ㅋㅋㅋ:-D
Chapter 1: That was beaurrifurrr~
Exo-girl #4
Chapter 1: Awwww :)))
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