Happily Ever After


Himchan realizes that love doesn't only exist in fairytales (it takes him a while, but he figures it out eventually).


            Yongguk was the only constant company in Himchan's life. Honestly, Himchan can't count on both hands how many people have come and gone. It's a part of life, he thinks. It's normal for people to lose touch and stop talking.

Yongguk was the only person who stayed. He stayed when Himchan was sick, he stayed when Himchan was tired, he stayed through the best and the worst. He stayed on nights when all Himchan wanted to do was drink and drink, he stayed on days when Himchan didn't bother to get out of bed. He stayed and Himchan appreciated him, but he never really saw him. He never saw the adoration in Yongguk's eyes when they drank together and Himchan tried to play the guitar (he blamed the alcohol for his poor skills. It was really just years of not practicing, though). He never saw the smile Yongguk had on his face when Himchan would pull the covers over his head and grumble that he wasn't getting up (and threaten to kick Yongguk in the face if he tried to drag him out). He never saw the love Yongguk had for him. 


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Chapter 1: Omggggg -squeals- This was awesome! I love this type of BangHim ♥ ♥
Chapter 1: Aaaaaww banghim all the way !!♥ ^^
Chapter 1: soooo lovely ^^
Chapter 1: Hehe, so sweet~~<33
Chapter 1: they are so good together.. Yongguk and Himchan.. ♥
I love this
Chapter 1: Oh the feels! Finally I got to finish reading this. You have such a way with words. I love it! Keep on writing! ^_^