17 - Early Morning

Only Good Girls Go To Heaven.

"JiEun ah, JiEun ah" Her mother shook her gently in an attempt to wake her up


"Mm" she mumbled back lazily, sounding tired


"Myungsoo ssi is here". She immediately jolted up from her bed "Eh? What?" she asked as if she had no clue at what is going on right now, she rubbed her eyes violently as the day was still young. She looked around her but no one was in her room except for her mum and herself.


"Downstairs, JiEun"


Without hesitation, JiEun immediately jumped up and ran downstairs before stopping as she heard some deep laughs coming from her living room. She slowly creeped downstairs and surprise surprise, found Myungsoo sitting on her couch, his eyes focusing on her TV. He acted as if he lived in this house as he was sitting so comfortably. Myungsoo noticed her presence.


"Good morning" he said


JiEun just stood there with her pajamas on, and her hair a mess as she had care to make herself even slightly presentable when there was a 'guest' in her house before coming downstairs. "Uh, good morning?" she replied, sounding confused.


"Better get dressed, JiEun. We have school today."


Her head turned to face the clock, ''  she mumbled and ran upstairs to get changed for school.


She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and finally put her uniform on. Today, she decided to do a little top knot bun for a hairstyle, looking a little worn and pale, she decided to put some concealer on for all the imperfections that her face has to offer her before finally topping of with some eyeliner for a sweet look.


"Ooh," JiEun turned her head to find her mum had been staring at her all this time "Trying to impress someone?" she teased, and she was obviously referring to Myungsoo.


"Ani, omma" she said whilst her cheeks flustered pink slightly


"Sure. Breakfast is downstairs, as always"


"Omma, since when did he come in?"


"Myungsoo ssi? Oh, he came in this morning just before I woke you up. He was nice so I invited him in, he said you two will walk together to school this morning."


She seemed surprise. "He said that?"


"Yeah, why?"


"Nothing, anyway, i'm just gonna go and have breakfast and i'll be off, okay?" JiEun looked at her mum who seemed to not have noticed what JiEun had just said and seemed that she was in a daydream of her own. But her expression seemed sad and judging by her eyes, you could perhaps tell what she was thinking about. "Omma..." JiEun interrupted her thoughts


She suddenly snapped out of it "H-huh? What is it, JiEun?"


"Are you okay?" she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder


Her mother hesitated for a moment before she looked at JiEun and smiled, "I'll be fine."


Going by her mother's words, JiEun went downstairs, only to find Myungsoo was still watching television. "Don't mind me," he said "just do what you need to do and we'll be off"


She grabbed a piece of toast, sat on the table and munched on it. Usually, her father would be sitting next to her right now drinking his everyday morning coffee whilst her mother would be scrubbing away the dishes. A typical family. But, of course, after the incident that happened yesterday, things weren't going to be like that anymore, and JiEun had to adapt to her new life. Of course, she didn't want to get put in to another foster home, but because of what happened, it could be another possibility for her. Who knows? She might come home from school today and her mother might find that it is best that she gets moved on to another family due to the incident that happened for various reasons. But it will be hard, after being in this house for practically a year now.


JiEun looked at Myungsoo, who, was for some reason, seemed to be enjoying what he was seeing on the television. What on earth was this show that could make the most sternest boy that she knew laugh like a maniac?


He looked at the TV and broke out a smile. 'God, that smile' she thought. It was the first time she saw him this happy, and it's actually quite rare to see him smile, but when he did, god, he seemed like the most handsomest boy on earth. His smile was absolutely...beautiful,  I know boys aren't meant to be beautiful, but damn, he sure was to her.


She also couldn't believe the fact that at first, the two seemed like a pair of chalk and cheese, a pair that didn't mix at all and were completely different from each other but they now acted like they knew each other for years and that talking and texting each other was the most natural thing in the world. And it all happened so fast, so suddenly. First he seemed like he absolutely despised her, well, not just her but everyone as well judging by his actions. Myungsoo seemed like the coldest person on earth and gave out a weird feeling in the atmosphere whenever you were around him, it was like he was radiating some of his crudeness in the room.


But now, it's quite different. She doesn't get that weird feeling anymore when she's around him, it was somewhat replaced with nothingness, except she did get that 'butterflies in her stomach' feeling whenever he's around, he is of course the boy she is very fond of at the present moment. But she couldn't help but wonder why he had changed his attitude so quickly. Perhaps he's been having a secret crush on her all this time and just decided to play hard-to-get at first and then make a move now? JiEun blushed at the thought of him liking her back, but by judging by the kind of boy he is and how he brings other girls to their knees, compared to her, she doesn't really have an effect like that on most boys. So it's very unlikely that he'll have any feelings for JiEun, right?


It's been over a month now since he had come in to her school, and all the little things that happened between them, still is stuck in her mind.


But, however, despite all these things, she didn't grow out of her likingness for him. Instead, it grew. He was a boy that could send her mind crazy and make her knees go weak, she doesn't show it, but deep inside she feels that way. He was different from the other boys she had liked, a better different, to put it in a way.


Myungsoo came in to the kitchen out of nowhere "Are you finished? Come on, or we'll be running late"


She realised that she had been thinking too much and lost track of time. That boy really does confuse her a lot to zone her out for a long time. "Oh, right, sorry," Quickly she gulped down her drink and grabbed her back "let's go"


"Bye, omma!" JiEun yelled from the bottom of the stairs


"Ne, thank you Mrs.Won"


"Bye, have a good day at school" she said as if the two were elementary students about to start their first day of school.


JiEun closed the door, then her and Myungsoo began to walk their 10 minute journey to, or what JiEun liked to refer it to as, 'a building for


Myungsoo laughed "That's what you call it?" JiEun nodded her head in response "Nice, it has alliteration in it and describes the school perfectly"


She laughed as well, "Exactly," she said in agreement "It's based off those four es, but mainly SoRa. You know, the annoying brat?"


"Yeah," he said "are they still annoying you?"


"Yup," she said whilst nodding her head "and they probably will once we get there today"


"They're like that. Just ignore them."


"I try to"


Just as suggested, the two literally talked as if they had known each other for a long period of time. JiEun was still getting used to this side of Myungsoo, but, of course, she'd prefer this Myungsoo rather than the other Myungsoo she knew in the start of the school year.



A/N: Sooo, like, how was this chapter? Not much is really happening but their relationship is kind of developing as of now, but later on I have some stuff in store for you guys who are reading this, so don't unsub just yet! :P Sorry for some of the cursing by the way. I just...yeah. Anyway, until next timee ~~~ saranghaeyo


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minnakitty #1
Chapter 29: WAAAH!! DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM!! What a good fanfic! So sweet!! And the feels!! THE FEELS!! MyungU FTW!! =))
Chapter 29: sad yet amazing story..
KimHaeJung #3
Chapter 29: Oh my god. Thats soo sweet!! ITS STILL PLAYING LIKE AN ANIME MOVIE IN MY HEAD!! ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT! I love this story! Thanks for the updates author-nim!
theadorable #4
This is such a beautiful and great story! I like it a lot.. looking forward to your works! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 29: AWW~~~ o n o
Chapter 29: Aawww... So romantic. Great story and pls make MyungU's fic again authornim.... Pls pls pls...
4_EverLover #7
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
4_EverLover #8
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
Chapter 29: END :(
Wow! that's the true love! >.<
See you again in another FF,authornim!