15 - Another day

Only Good Girls Go To Heaven.

"What time is it?" JiEun asked


Myungsoo grabbed his phone from his pocket, "Just about 6 the morning," he said "We have about 2 hours until school actually starts"


"We're not going, are we?"


"You were the one who suggested we should skip"


"I don't want to go though"


"Then let's"


"Wait, can we go to my house first?"




"My parents, they'll know i'm gone, I might get in to trouble"


"Oh, right"


"Let's just go quick, i'll leave a note on their table saying that i've left early, i'll hide my uniform as well"


"You really don't want to get caught, do you?" JiEun shook her head in response to his question "you still have some of that goody-two-shoes left in you" Myungsoo said



"Have you got your phone?" she asked




"And you saved our school's number on it?"




"Oh my god"


"Shut up" he replied in a jokingly way


JiEun and Myungsoo had already went to her house, she left a note on a table saying that she left early with an excuse at the bottom of the note, it was her first time ever really skipping school, so she wanted to get rid of all the evidence.


If they were to skip, then they at least want to avoid getting caught ever doing it, right? So then they called up the school to tell them that they were both supposedly 'ill' and couldn't go, but obviously that was untrue.


"You first" Myungsoo said as the phone was still ringing




"Too late" He said as someone already picked up the phone, and he somewhat threw the phone to JiEun quick as if it was a grenade about to explode, it almost dropped as she tried to grab it.


"Yeoboseyo?" The lady over the other side of the phone spoke, JiEun looked at Myungsoo with an 'are you serious?'  expression on her face, he nodded back slightly, gesturing her to talk to the phone "Yeoboseyo?!" the lady said again, but this time louder, JiEun felt startled at her voice and held the phone up to her ear and took a deep breath silently. It was the first time she was doing anything like this really.


She lightened her voice up to sound like a sophisticated, grown up woman, much like her foster mother "Yeoboseyo? Ne, this is Mrs.Won, Lee JiEun's mother. I am calling to say that she is ill as of today and won't be able to come to school."


"Is that so? Why?"


JiEun looked at Myungsoo as she was clueless at what excuse to give, all of a sudden Myungsoo started to pretend to sneeze and cough and she got the message. "She has a terrible case of the flu"


"Alright then, thank you for your notice"


"O-okay, thank you," and then she hung up "I can't believe it. It was actually that easy, and quick too"


"I know right?"


"Your turn" she said, handing him over his phone


"I'll call in 5 minutes, just so they won't raise suspicion"




5 minutes later


Myungsoo cleared his throat


"I bet you're going to put on a deep, manly voice" JiEun said, Myungsoo just half smiled and raised the phone to his ear "Yeoboseyo?" he said in a deep voice, just as JiEun had thought he would do, she giggled as he sounded like a cross between a humpback whale and an actual person.


"Ne, this is Mr.Kim and I am calling to say that Kim Myungsoo won't be in school today"


"And why so, sir?"


"Stomach pain"


"Oh, really?"


"Oh, yes, indeed, he's vomiting everywhere," Myungsoo said in a fancy way, JiEun laughed quietly and persued to make vomiting noises as a background noise and Myungsoo half-smiled at what she was doing " you see?"


"Um, i-it's quite alright, sir. Thank you for your notice"


"No, thank you, and goodbye" Myungsoo hung up


"Aced it" JiEun said


"I know, your sound effects sounded so real" he said sarcastically


"Whew, okay, now we have the whole day to ourselves"


"Indeed we do"


They were at first clueless at what to do during the whole of the day, but eventually they decided to go to the mall since the town they lived in wasn't relatively a big town, so most facilities there included stores and malls.


"I'm hungry" Myungsoo complained


"McDonalds?" JiEun suggested as she pointed to McDonalds


"I don't like McDonalds, let's settle for something healthier" JiEun was surprised when he said that, he doesn't like McDonalds? That was the first time she heard someone ever saying that.


Eventually they had settled for some sandwiches and some coffee, which was, supposedly, 'healthy'. They sat at the small coffee table, both chewing quite vigorously on their food.


"JiEun," Whenever Myungsoo said her name, it sent butterflies in to her stomach and made her head spin around slightly, she only wished he would say it again with that voice of his. "So," he spoke with his half-digested food in his mouth but eventually swallowed it as he knew his manners "we talk to each other like we know each other inside and out, but, to be honest, I don't even know your basic background, neither do you know mine"


"What are you saying?"


"I'm saying that you should tell me about yourself"


All of a sudden JiEun remembered when she and Myungsoo went in to that coffee shop where she astonishingly convinced him to come, she remembered telling him a little bit about herself, but not a lot. 


"Don't you remember?"


"Remember what?"


"The day we were at the cafe; I was telling you a bit about myself"


He looked quite puzzled "I remember the cafe, sorry but I don't seem to recall what you had said about yourself, please tell again"


JiEun sighed, because of her big crush on him, she remembered everything that happened that day, she remembered probably every single word that they spoke, because, to her, that was a big deal, and for him, it probably meant nothing to him.


"I live with foster parents for about a year now, my biological parents died when I was young, i've mostly been going in and out of foster homes until I eventually settled with these two"


"Oh, right, i'm sorry."


"No need"


"So that's why you said Mrs.Won instead of Mrs.Lee earlier today on the phone?" he asked, she nodded her head in response.


"Yeah, but, i'm okay. I haven't much to say about myself though"


"Surely you must have some interest in things?"


She hesitated for a moment and thought of her interests and hobbies before something finally came up in her mind "Reading. I like reading"


"Then tell me about it, favourite books, favourite authors"


"The Fault In The Stars, by John Green"


"Oh, him? Yes, i've seen his work. That book is good, too, but 'Looking for Alaska' is my favourite"


"You've seen his work?"


"Yes. He's quite an intelligent writer, isn't he? The words he uses have more meaning than the actual story itself"


"Indeed, I admire his work"


"Me too, the words he uses to make up a simple sentence has effects


JiEun and Myungsoo continued their galore of a conversation when they amazingly had found something in common between them, which JiEun thought to be impossible of as they seemed mere opposites of each other, like black and white, but, when combined, make something so astonishing, so exhilerating, they join up to make a perfect combination as a pair because they both compliment each other perfectly, even if they are the exact opposites of each other, but that's what they do, don't they? Opposites Attract.


They had almost lost track of time as it was already 4pm, which was the time that she was supposed to be home already by. Their day together was fairly good, with occassional talks of their favourite authors here and there, but they had also learned a handfull about each other, which was sort of an aim for JiEun.


"Thank you for the day, Myungsoo"


"It was your idea to skip, but it was also my pleasure to accompany you"


"Ditto, Mr.Kim" JiEun was about to abandon him at the shopping mall before Myungsoo stopped her from taking another step


"Wait," JiEun turned around "let's exchange numbers" She was surprised at his words and that he would ever ask such a thing. It's luck, JiEun. Luck has showered his/her blessings on you at this very day. Take it, take this blessing.


She fondled in her jacket and miraculously found a pen in there "Come here, i'll write it on your hand" he came over and she wrote her number on the palm of his hand. She couldn't believe it, she could not believe it.


"You're going to use it, right? My number?"


"What a silly question of you to ask, of course I will"


"O-okay then" she stuttered


"Au revoir, JiEun" He said in a slightly french accent which made her giggle. He said it again, he said her name. It made a rush send up her spine and made her heart beat increased faster just at the sound of it reaching her ears. Her liking for him grew as of today, it grew a lot.


A/N: annyeong, sorry my updates are a little slow I know -.- but the reason is i've got a lot on my back right now, I thought my exams were finished but it turns out I have two more next month (groan) which , but anyway, I really appreciate your support on this story mi readers, keep commenting your thoughts and opinions :)

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minnakitty #1
Chapter 29: WAAAH!! DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM!! What a good fanfic! So sweet!! And the feels!! THE FEELS!! MyungU FTW!! =))
Chapter 29: sad yet amazing story..
KimHaeJung #3
Chapter 29: Oh my god. Thats soo sweet!! ITS STILL PLAYING LIKE AN ANIME MOVIE IN MY HEAD!! ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT! I love this story! Thanks for the updates author-nim!
theadorable #4
This is such a beautiful and great story! I like it a lot.. looking forward to your works! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 29: AWW~~~ o n o
Chapter 29: Aawww... So romantic. Great story and pls make MyungU's fic again authornim.... Pls pls pls...
4_EverLover #7
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
4_EverLover #8
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
Chapter 29: END :(
Wow! that's the true love! >.<
See you again in another FF,authornim!