Kitty Kwon

Class X ~HIATUS~

"I'm sorry, Yukwon, but I don't think it's working out. Maybe it's best for us if we see other people."

Yukwon opened his eyes and stared at the sky. The rooftop of the building Class X was in had become a regular hangout spot for Yukwon. He liked lying on his back and looking up to the blue sky with the white fluffy clouds above his head. Sometimes, it was so relaxing that he would just fall asleep there and miss the rest of school.

However, lately, every time he closed his eyes to relax, he started thinking about her. Her face would pop up in his mind and for the rest of the day, Yukwon could never get rid of thoughts of her. He didn't know why he still remembered her; she broke his heart into tiny pieces and scattered the pieces all over the place before stamping on them. 

"What the hell is this?" 

Yukwon sat up and looked over to the entrance to the rooftop. The one person who hated his guts stood in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest as she glared at Yukwon for no apparent reason: the devil herself, Yang Seung Yong.

"Nice to see you too, Seung Yong-sshi."

"What are you doing up here? Who gave you permission to be up here?"

"Permission? Since when did we need permission to come up here? I thought the rooftop was communal?"

"Communal my . The rooftop is mine, jerk," Seung Yong glared, walking up to him. Yukwon couldn't be bothered to get up from the floor so he tilted his chin up, staring up at her. Seung Yong stepped back a little and frowned, pressing her skirt down. "Are you trying to look up my skirt?!"

"Who would want to look up your skirt? You have problems," Yukwon sighed, finally getting up on his feet. He couldn't deal with talking to Seung Yong anymore, especially not with her still on his mind.

"My plants!"

Seung Yong pushed past Yukwon roughly and rushed to the little garden on the rooftop. The flowers in the pots were withered and the green plants were turning brown. Seung Yong panicked over them and looked upset to see them in their state. 

This was one of the many reasons why Yukwon found Seung Yong interesting. She acted as if she hated the entire world, with the exception of Hae Sung and Joo Yong, then she would show sides of her like this one, making one question Seung Yong's mental health. 

"Yah, what did you do to my plants?!"

"What did I do? Why would I touch them? I didn't even know they existed until you shouted."

Seung Yong pouted and her eyebrows knitted together as she frantically watered the plants. "I haven't been able to come up for a few days but it's only been a few must have been him. He must have been so mean to you. His aura must have killed you."

"You need professional help, Seung Yong-sshi."

Seung Yong ignored Yukwon, moving the pots into a shaded area so that the plants were out of the sun. She mumbled to herself, attending to the plants as if they were her own children. Yukwon watched her, his hands in his pockets. Somehow, Seung Yong reminded him of her.

When she was concentrating, she would mumble to herself as well, just like Seung Yong was doing. It would get to the point where she wouldn't even notice Yukwon anymore. Althought they liked different things, she was just as passionate as Seung Yong was about plants with writing. Her dream was to be an author and Yukwon supported her all the way.

"Kwonnie-ah, can you read this for me? I'd like to know what you think."

She handed her laptop over to Yukwon who made himself comfortable on the sofa. He adjusted the screen and moved his head from side to side, stretching his arm. She laughed softly and punched his arm lightly, telling him to be serious. Yukwon smirked and looked at the laptop screen. He didn't even have to read to know that it would be good.

He always enjoyed reading her works. Her writing pulled him into the story world and Yukwon was always yearning for more. She never showed him more than the first chapter though. She was always telling him to wait until she was an author and had published the books to read them.

"It's good," Yukwon nodded when he finished reading.

"You always say it's good, Kwonnie, I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

"You can always trust me."


Yukwon snapped back to reality and looked at Seung Yong who was now right in front of him. He stepped back a little, shocked to see her so close.

"What are you staring at?" Seung Yong asked, standing in his position and looked at the same spot that Yukwon had been staring at. "It's just the floor."

"I wasn't staring at anything. I'm going now, lunch is over."

"Oh damn...I totally forgot. Oh and Kim Yukwon, next time you come up here, water my plants for me. If they die, it's all on you."


Yukwon wasn't sure since when he started walking home alone. Jaehyo seemed to have found himself something new to do (annoying the hell out of Hae Sung and being buddies with Dong Nam) and Jiho was always walking Joo Yong home (Yukwon hadn't even known they were friends). 


Yukwon froze at the nickname. Only one person would call him Kwonnie and it was that one person whom he had been thinking about the past few days, the one person he didn't want to see at all.

"Kwonnie." The girl walked up to Yukwon who had no expression on his face. "How have you been, Kwonnie?"

"I've been well."

"Really? That's good. Kwonnie...I missed you."

"Sorry but I have something to get to."


"Kim Yukwon, player and heart-breaker. Don't you have a good side to you? Is this how you treat a girl?" Seung Yong walked up to the girl, siding with her and looked at Yukwon.

"Please stay out of this," Yukwon said. He was dead serious but Seung Yong didn't take him seriously. "You don't know our story so don't act like you know everything."

"I don't know your story but I do know that you're breaking the heart of a very pretty girl. I know that's not how a gentleman should be behaving."

"It's okay, I deserved it," the girl sighed, looking at Yukwon. "I'll see you around, Kwonnie."

"It's not okay." Seung Yong grabbed the girl's arm, stopping her from leaving. "No one deserves such treatment. Are you seriously going to be that heartless, Kim Yukwon? If you are, I'm looking down on you even more. I can't believe a guy like you exists."

Yukwon grabbed Seung Yong's hand, making her let go of the girl. "Look, I really have to go now. I'll talk to you another day," he said and walked off, dragging a complaining Seung Yong behind him.

As soon as they were out of sight and off the street in a creepy alley, Yukwon threw Seung Yong against the wall and slammed his hands on either side of her head. His glare was so intense that Seung Yong was actually beginning to feel pressured and fear. "Wh-what are you doing? I'm going to shout!"

Except, Seung Yong couldn't shout because Yukwon's lips were upon hers. 

The kiss was passionate; Yukwon kissed her roughly while Seung Yong just stood there, speechless, but she was soon kissing him back. Yukwon wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, he just wanted to get the girl out of his head and kissing Seung Yong seemed like a great idea. 

When he pulled away, Yukwon was breathless and Seung Yong's face was bright red. Although she enjoyed the kiss, Seung Yong didn't stop herself from slapping Yukwon hard across the face. She then grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, kissing him again.

The kiss lasted for about five minutes before they parted for good. They stood away from each other, not talking or even looking at each other.

"Who was that girl?" Seung Yong asked, breaking the silence.

"Why are you nosy? It's none of your business."

"Yah! Is that what you say after you kiss a girl? And what's with that kiss?! I'm not your girlfriend!"

"She's my ex-girlfriend."

Telling Seung Yong about his past with that girl was going to take the burden off his shoulders so Yukwon decided to tell her. He didn't know why but he found it so easy to tell Seung Yong whereas Jaehyo and Jiho still had no idea about the girl even though they were his best friends. "Ex-girlfriend?"

"She broke up with me. I was dumped. Two weeks later, I saw her with another guy."

"Is that why you became a player? Because she broke your heart, you're going around breaking all the other hearts?"

"That's not why I became a player. I don't want to go through that pain again so I break their hearts before they can break mine."

"My ex-boyfriend broke up with me because he was cheating on me with my best friend."

Yukwon looked at Seung Yong, surprised at her sudden comment. The two were now sat on the ground, next to each other. Seung Yong looked like a normal high school girl rather than the normally obnoxious, irritating Yang Seung Yong. 

"You know what his excuse for cheating was? I wasn't giving him enough attention. I spent all my time trying to impress him. I was constantly late for school and classes because I was forever making sure that I looked my best for him. He liked it when girls wore dresses so I spent a lot of money buying new dresses. He's a wannabe musician so I supported him, paying for his studio rent and general expenses. And what did my best friend do? Sleep with him."

"Is this a competition? Let's see whose life more?"

"I'm just trying to say, there's always someone with a sadder story, a worse life than yours. There's no need to beat yourself up just because she appeared in your life again."

"That's not what you were saying before in front of her."

"Th-that was before I knew what your story was."

"You still owe me a date, by the way."

"Why are you changing the subject?"

"I think it's time for me to move on and what better way to move on than go on a date with another girl?"

"This is the date, Kim Yukwon. Tadah! I'm going home now."

"Is this what you do? Kiss and run?"

"You kissed me first!"

"And you returned it."

"Bye, Kim Yukwon."


A few days later after school, Yukwon found himself outside the shelter that Seung Yong volunteered at. She wasn't at the shelter that day and perhaps that was why Yukwon decided to come at that time. He was about to do something very impulsive and he knew that he was probably going to regret it one day.

He stepped in, looking around to make sure that Seung Yong really wasn't volunteering that day. A staff came up and greeted, asking what he could do to help him.

"I'd like to adopt some kittens."

"This way then."

Yukwon was taken to where the kittens were kept and he instantly recognised the five kittens that Seung Yong took out to the park. The staff was going to let Yukwon take his time and choose but Yukwon told him it wasn't necessary. "I want those five."

"Five? Are you sure you can take care of them, sir? We would very much love it if the kittens have a loving home but we wouldn't want to see them back here again. Please make up your mind before you decide."

"I'm pretty sure. I want those five kittens."

So Yukwon left the shelter with the kittens in a huge box and a huge bag of essential necessities for the kittens. He arrived home and took the kittens out, putting them down on the floor. The kittens looked scared of the new environment but soon got used to it, running about playfully. Yukwon went to put the pet food and other necessities away before sitting down on the floor, watching the kittens.

One of the kittens walked up to him, climbed onto his lap and made itself comfortable. Yukwon smiled and its head, looking at the others. "I should name you guys..." He checked the gender of the kittens before deciding on the names. "You are Seung Yong," he smiled, talking to the kitten on his lap. "You are Jaehyo, Hae Sung, Jiho and Joo Yong."

Kitty Jaehyo was white all over with a dark patch on its right ear. Kitty Hae Sung was mostly black with white paws. Kitty Jiho had dark patches around its eyes and the tip of his tail was black too. Kitty Joo Yong had a dark patch on top of her head and a huge spot on her back. Kitty Seung Yong was the cutest of them all and was the only ginger one.

"This is your home from now on," Yukwon smiled. "I wonder what Seung Yong will think when she finds out someone adopted you guys."

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Chapter 11: Wahhhh!
This story is soooo freaking good!!
im in love with it right now!! >.<
I really like the pace of this story..
Not too slow, not too fast.
Just perfect.. hehehe.. ^^

but omg. my feels..
especially for block b.. T~T
I miss them so much.
reading this story isnt easing the pain either.. lolol..
but i guess it'll do for now.. kekkek.. ;)

And jiho and joo yong are soooo cute!! XD
heheh.. I hope they will end up with each other
at the end of this story..
And kwonnie oppa. omg. jus stop..
cant handle these feels.. hahahah..
all their stories are so sad.. :(
i can understandd why they act like how they do..
I really like the twist in the story with Jooyong, though.
Was totally not expecting her to have another personality..
But i like it.. ^^ Very creative.. :D
And Exo, OMFG.
Wow, just wow..
kekek.. ^^
I love the mini Mir cameos, though.. heheh..
I hope JY/JooYong will return back to Class X.
And i have a feeling that Kris is the one who's
developing feelings towards JY not her..

Ughhh. So many things to say,
but cant seem to put it down in words!! OTL
hahaha.. but i hope you can update this story soon.. :)
I will be waiting patiently~~ ;)
Chapter 10: Omg I checked out your other fics
And I found this
,_, exo are such idiots I can't even omg
And where's Jooyoung ;_; dorawaaaaa jusaeyo
update soon pleasee :'D
Chapter 10: WAH Jooyong came back for just a sec at the end! Ahhh Jooyong come baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! And noooo Seungyong don't get hurt wahh!
Chapter 9: Awww Class Exo~! I like them! Even though they're against Class X...but I get the feeling that in the end they'll all be one big happy family since JY is like a part of both of them loool
ChuRin #7
Chapter 8: Nooo JY~ i cant wait to see what happens next :o
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #8
Chapter 7: Haesung really struggle with her feelings huh xD zico and Jooyong are so cute~
Keep up the good work~♡
Poster and bg finally here! Isn't it cute?
Chapter 6: AW YES FINALLY CAUGHT UP! But so many other stories to catch up on ah well, I'll take my time. HAHA I KNEW IT! JY HAD A HIDDEN PART TO HER MUAHAHAHAHA well of course otherwise there's no way she could be in Class X. Awww...her's story's sad...AND SEUNG YONG'S AND UKWON'S AWWW WHY ARE THEY ALL SADDD TT_TT
Hehehe Ukwon and Seung Yong are so cuuuute! I admit i don't like JY as much as Joo Yong but i do like how she's so strong and protective and stuff. GIRL POWAH! I hope JY and Joo Yong can like morph together by the end so she has a healthy mix of strength and cuteness, lol.