
Class X ~HIATUS~

"I'm not having this argument with you again, Dong Nam, I told you no," Hae Sung frowned.

She had been on the phone the entire lunch time, talking to Dong Nam. Seung Yong and JY acted as if it was normal for Hae Sung to talk on the phone with a guy for such a long time while Jaehyo glanced over to their table every so often, wondering who this Dong Nam was. 

How was it that this Dong Nam captured Hae Sung's attention so easily? Jaehyo did everything that he could and Hae Sung wouldn't even bat an eyelash his way. Could it be that this Dong Nam was Hae Sung's long term boyfriend? In that case, Jaehyo would have to up his game.

Seung Yong got up from her chair, going to throw her rubbish away when Jaehyo pushed Yukwon up, making him go to Seung Yong and drag her to their table. Seung Yong was caught by surprise and dropped everything.

"Yah, Kim Yukwon!"

"Shout at him, he wanted you here." Yukwon pointed his finger at Jaehyo, blaming everything on him.

"I thought you were interested in Hae Sung? Were you just joking around? What a jerk..."

"I'm not interested in you," Jaehyo frowned.

"What? You're not interested in me? Then why did you pull me over here? My time is very precious and you're wasting it."

"I just wanted to ask you about Hae Sung. Who is this Dong Nam?"

"'re jealous?" Seung Yong grinned. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, smirking at Jaehyo. "Dong wonder who he is..."

"Just tell me."

"I don't know. I only know that his name is Dong Nam. You'll have to find out yourself."

"How can you not know?"

"Because I don't want you to know. Oh this is going to be so much fun."

~Next Morning~

Jaehyo let out a huge yawn, resting his head on his desk. He was up all night, looking up anyone and everyone with the name Dong Nam but came up with nothing. There wasn't a single Dong Nam he could find who was remotely related to Hae Sung in any way. Jaehyo knew that he was being like a stalker but he wasn't going to give up on Hae Sung just because she had a boyfriend.

Hae Sung, on the other hand, was napping on her sofa. She was up all night arguing with Dong Nam but resolved nothing. She was even frowning in her dreams thinking about Dong Nam.

"Yah, wake up," Kahee said, walking into the classroom. Apart from Joo Yong and Jiho, the rest of the class looked dead. They pushed themselves up from their desks and looked at Kahee. "We have a new student today. What is with everyone transferring at this time? Please welcome...Lee Dong Nam."

Hae Sung shot up from her sofa, shocking everyone because they thought she was still sleeping. "LEE DONG NAM?!"

"Ah, Noona, annyeong."

Jaehyo stared at the new student, taking in all his features. He called Hae Sung noona which meant that he was younger than Hae Sung. No wonder Jaehyo was going nowhere, Hae Sung liked younger guys.

"Please introduce yourself, new student," Kahee sighed, going to sit down.

"Annyeong everyone, I'm Lee Dong Nam. I am Hae Sung's younger twin brother, nice to meet you."

Jaehyo suddenly stood up and laughed. Everyone turned their heads to him, thinking that he was crazy. Jaehyo made his way to the front of the classroom, taking Dong Nam's hand and shsking it. Dong Nam, confused, shook his hand back but smiled, thinking that Jaehyo was just being nice.

"Did you say younger twin brother?" Jaehyo asked and Dong Nam nodded. "Welcome to Class X, brother. I'm Jaehyo."

"Nice to meet you, Jaehyo-sshi."

"There's no need for honorifics, just call me Jaehyo. You are now my new favourite person."

"Thank you?"

"Don't touch him," Hae Sung frowned, pulling Jaehyo's hand away from Dong Nam's. "You, follow me. We need to talk."

Hae Sung left the classroom and Dong Nam shrugged, following after her despite Kahee's disagreement. "Yah! We have a lesson! You set the rules yourself, Hae Sung! Dong Nam!"


"Dong Nam is her younger twin brother...her younger twin brother..."

"Aren't you a little too obsessed with that fact?" Yukwon asked.

Jaehyo had been chanting the same thing over and over again ever since he found out about Hae Sung and Dong Nam's relationship. Yukwon was starting to get annoyed listening to 'Dong Nam is her younger twin brother' over and over again. He was probably going to have nightmares about it if Jaehyo continued to chant like that.

"But isn't that so exciting? Dong Nam is her younger twin brother! Nothing else, just her twin brother!"

Yukwon shook his head; Jaehyo was too far gone. He had never seen Jaehyo so interested in a girl before but then again, most girls would fall for him the instant they laid eyes on him whereas Hae Sung prayed every night to have Jaehyo removed from the face of Earth. 

While walking home with Jaehyo, something caught Yukwon's attention. It was such a sight that he even tuned out Jaehyo's chanting.

In the park they were walking past, Seung Yong was crouched down on the grass. From afar, no one would be able to tell what she was doing but since Yukwon was standing at the entrance to the park, he could see everything.

Yukwon nearly didn't recognise her because Seung Yong was smiling so brightly and she was surrounded by kittens. Yukwon turned into the park, walking up to Seung Yong and clearing his throat. "You need some help there, miss?"

"I'm fine, thank you," Seung Yong said, looking up. 

Her reaction was priceless. 

When she suddenly recognised Yukwon, Seung Yong was looking for a place to hide or something to hide her face with at the very least. While failing to do so, she tripped over herself and fell, nearly crushing the kittens. 

"I'm not scary, am I?"

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

Yukwon sat on the ground and picked up a kitten in his arm, kissing its head and its back gently. "Stalking you? I know I have a big head but I didn't know it was infectious. I was just walking home with Jaehyo and happened to see you in here with kittens."

"So you weren't stalking me?"

"I just thought that it was interesting that for someone who doesn't like kitties, you sure do love them," Yukwon smirked, holding another kitten in his arm. "Where did all these kittens come from? Are they all yours?"

"They are kittens from the shelter," Seung Yong explained, taking the kittens away from Yukwon and kissing their heads. "It's my job to take them out to the park for some fresh air."

"All these kittens? There's like...ten of them."

"There are five of them. I can handle five kittens. And they are good kittens because they listen to me," Seung Yong smiled, hugging the two kittens in her arms. "If only I was allowed pets at home, I'd adopt all of you."

They spent about two hours sitting in the park with the kittens. They didn't really talk to each other but Yukwon was having the time of his life. Seung Yong didn't seem to mind Yukwon as much as she did in school and she was totally different from herself in school. 

"It's time to go home, kitty," Seung Yong pouted, looking at the kittens. "I know...I'll miss you too but I'll see you next week."

Yukwon helped carry three kittens and Seung Yong led the way back to the shelter which wasn't too far away. They were greeted warmly by the staff and they took the kittens back.

"Thanks for volunteering, Seung Yong-sshi," they smiled. "It's so nice to have someone care so much for the kittens. They adore you."

"I know...and I love them too...I just wish I could adopt them."

"You can always come back again next week to volunteer."

"I will!"

After saying her goodbyes, Seung Yong reluctantly left the shelter with Yukwon. They walked in silence for a while before Seung Yong suddenly turned around and grabbed Yukwon by his shirt. 

"Don't you dare say a word about this in school or else I will murder you in your sleep."

"Why not? It's a good thing."

"I don't want people to know!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have played with the kittens in the park where everyone could see you."

"Yah, Kim Yukwon! What do I have to do for you to keep this a secret?!"

"Go on a date with me," Yukwon smirked.

He had been waiting for this moment. He was every girl's dream yet Seung Yong was like Hae Sung with Jaehyo with him. How could she possibly not fall for him? After all, he was cute like a kitten and she loved kittens. He was sure that after one date, Seung Yong would be part of the KittyKwon club.

But Yukwon was not interested in her whatsoever. He just wanted her in his fanclub.

"Just one date."


Joo Yong strolled happily behind Jiho. Ever since he had saved her from the delinquents from their rival school, Jiho had been walking Joo Yong to and from school. He didn't mind her at all since she didn't speak much and for some reason, she was always happy. Like today, Jiho couldn't help but imagine what her smile looked like behind him because she was exceptionally happy.

"Do you want ice cream?" Jiho asked, stopping in front of the convenience store. He was going to buy himself a Red Bull but Joo Yong was with him so he thought he would be polite and buy her something as well.


Jiho went inside and Joo Yong waited outside for him, sitting on the steps. Jiho went straight to the drinks section and picked up two cans of Red Bull. He then went to the freezer and opened it, searching for a vanilla ice cream for Joo Yong. It was difficult to choose between two brands but Jiho finally chose one in a tub for her and went to pay.

When he came out, drinking from his can of Red Bull, Joo Yong was nowhere to be seen. Her bag was still on the steps but Joo Yong was not there and there was no evidence where she went. 

Jiho picked up her bag and started jogging off, looking around the area. Maybe she saw a cute bird or a stray dog and left to see them up close. He walked past an alley and stopped. Three people were on the ground, groaning and whimpering while a figure stood over them. That figure wore the same uniform as Jiho except she was wearing a skirt.

She squat down and grabbed the hair of one of the three on the ground, lifting his head. Jiho recognised him as the leader of the trio who was going to hurt Joo Yong before he rescued her. 

"Remember, everyone in Class X knows how to fight. Don't pick on someone without knowing anything about them. Understood?"


"I can't hear you."


The girl let go of his hair, getting up and turned around. Jiho frowned, seeing Joo Yong but she felt different. Her eyes were cold and emotionless but the Joo Yong that Jiho bought ice cream for had kind eyes (unless you stole her chocolate cake). She looked back at him, taking her bag and the ice cream tub from him. She put her bag on her shoulder and opened the ice cream, eating a spoonful.

"Joo Yong-sshi?"

"I'm JY," the girl said, looking back at Jiho. "Hm...good choice, by the way," she pointed to the ice cream and took another spoonful. "I know who you are, new guy in Class X. Woo Jiho, right? Woo Jiho...what a proper name. I'm going to give you a new name, I'll call you...Zico. Don't tell anyone that though, that's my exclusive nickname for you."

Jiho frowned, staring at this stranger. She looked exactly like Joo Yong and she was wearing what Joo Yong had been wearing all day. Her personality though...was the total opposite. 

She was talkative, very talkative. Joo Yong never said more than five words to Jiho in an entire sentence and JY was ranting on and on to Jiho, not giving him a chance to in. JY also knew how to fight. Jiho didn't see for himself but the fact that three big guys were on the floor and JY was threatening them meant that she was a pretty good fighter herself.

"Who are you?"

"I told you, I'm JY," she said, finishing the ice cream.

"Where's Joo Yong?"

"She's asleep. She doesn't know about my existence."

"How can she not know about your existence?"

"I only come out when she's in trouble. I was going to appear the other day but then you came along. I saw those guys just now and couldn't help myself. I had to teach them a lesson. Ssh, don't tell Joo Yong though, I think she'll freak out."

"I am very confused right now."

"It's such a shame...I don't think I'll get to come out often now that you're here to protect Joo Yong," JY sighed, tilting her head as she looked at Jiho. She smirked softly before she suddenly grabbed him and pulled him down, kissing him. "That's your reward for protecting Joo Yong. You better protect her properly from now on or I will have to come out and kick your ."

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Chapter 11: Wahhhh!
This story is soooo freaking good!!
im in love with it right now!! >.<
I really like the pace of this story..
Not too slow, not too fast.
Just perfect.. hehehe.. ^^

but omg. my feels..
especially for block b.. T~T
I miss them so much.
reading this story isnt easing the pain either.. lolol..
but i guess it'll do for now.. kekkek.. ;)

And jiho and joo yong are soooo cute!! XD
heheh.. I hope they will end up with each other
at the end of this story..
And kwonnie oppa. omg. jus stop..
cant handle these feels.. hahahah..
all their stories are so sad.. :(
i can understandd why they act like how they do..
I really like the twist in the story with Jooyong, though.
Was totally not expecting her to have another personality..
But i like it.. ^^ Very creative.. :D
And Exo, OMFG.
Wow, just wow..
kekek.. ^^
I love the mini Mir cameos, though.. heheh..
I hope JY/JooYong will return back to Class X.
And i have a feeling that Kris is the one who's
developing feelings towards JY not her..

Ughhh. So many things to say,
but cant seem to put it down in words!! OTL
hahaha.. but i hope you can update this story soon.. :)
I will be waiting patiently~~ ;)
Chapter 10: Omg I checked out your other fics
And I found this
,_, exo are such idiots I can't even omg
And where's Jooyoung ;_; dorawaaaaa jusaeyo
update soon pleasee :'D
Chapter 10: WAH Jooyong came back for just a sec at the end! Ahhh Jooyong come baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! And noooo Seungyong don't get hurt wahh!
Chapter 9: Awww Class Exo~! I like them! Even though they're against Class X...but I get the feeling that in the end they'll all be one big happy family since JY is like a part of both of them loool
ChuRin #7
Chapter 8: Nooo JY~ i cant wait to see what happens next :o
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #8
Chapter 7: Haesung really struggle with her feelings huh xD zico and Jooyong are so cute~
Keep up the good work~♡
Poster and bg finally here! Isn't it cute?
Chapter 6: AW YES FINALLY CAUGHT UP! But so many other stories to catch up on ah well, I'll take my time. HAHA I KNEW IT! JY HAD A HIDDEN PART TO HER MUAHAHAHAHA well of course otherwise there's no way she could be in Class X. Awww...her's story's sad...AND SEUNG YONG'S AND UKWON'S AWWW WHY ARE THEY ALL SADDD TT_TT
Hehehe Ukwon and Seung Yong are so cuuuute! I admit i don't like JY as much as Joo Yong but i do like how she's so strong and protective and stuff. GIRL POWAH! I hope JY and Joo Yong can like morph together by the end so she has a healthy mix of strength and cuteness, lol.