OO3. Lucky

Even If We're Apart


chapter three; {lucky}

listen; a thousand years {christina perri}


Finally, it was the day they had all been waiting for; it was showtime. Sleeping Beauty was ready for the world to see, and the Princess and Prince couldn't be more nervous.

"What if I mess up or my voice cracks?" Miyoung whispered. She and Yixing were backstage, their fingers laced, their foreheads knocked against each other. Their lips were barely brushing as they spoke, eyes closed.

"It won't crack. You have a strong voice. Let it out, and carry your emotions in it. You're a Princess. Not only that, you're my Piglet." Miyoung felt him smile against her lips. "Meixing, you'll do amazing, alright? Don't worry about it. Just breathe. Listen to my voice. Calm down." Miyoung obeyed, easily melting into his sweet scent, the intoxicating feel of his lips against hers, the soft lull of his voice.

"Our parents are going to see us kiss," she whispered, already feeling calmer.

"Ah well. They'll see us kiss at our wedding too, right?" He chuckled softly, pecking her lips as if to prove a point. She smiled shyly, giving his hands a gentle squeeze that he returned. "You'll do great," he repeated, slowly rubbing his nose across hers. "Don't mind anyone. On the stage, it's only you and me, right?"

"Right," Miyoung repeated with a nod.

"Good." Lay began to pull away from her as the director called them too attention, but Miyoung quickly stole another kiss from Yixing with a happy smile. He rolled his eyes playfully, tugging her to the group circle that was formed around where the director stood.


* * * * *


The musical was a success. Even for a small-scale production like their school's. There were a mix of 'awww's and giggles at their kiss. Her mom thought it was cute though, not that Miyoung cared all too much of what she thought about her kissing Yixing.

"Great job!" Yixing called as he pulled away from his parents, going to Miyoung again with a bouquet of beautiful purple roses and lilacs. She smelled it and smiled softly. Yixing raised his eyebrows, questioning.

"Thank you," she said, hugging him tightly. "They're beautiful, Yixing."

"Not as beautiful as you," came his soft reply, quiet enough that only she would hear it. Miyoung's smile broadened, and she pulled back, remembering both their parents were there. "I'm glad you like it," he said with a nod.

"Thank you again, my prince," she said, almost shyly, as she smelled the flowers. "My Pooh Bear."

"My Piglet." Yixing patted her head affectionately, careful not to mess the curls that were twisted into her hair as part of her costume. "My parents want to invite you and your mom to dinner. Is that alright?"

Miyoung looked back at her mother, asking her. She nodded and beamed at them. "You two look cute together, Miyoung," she said to her daughter in Korean. Miyoung's cheeks flamed, and she refused to translate when Yixing asked her what her mother said.

"Let's go," Miyoung grumbled, embarrassed, taking Yixing's hand as habit.


* * * * *


"It's pretty out," Miyoung sighed on content. She rested on Yixing's chest, her eyes closed. It was finally summer, and they were on break. They laid out under a somewhat small tree in the park, finding a relief in the coolness.

"It is," Yixing agreed in his usual gentle voice, gently tracing patterns on Miyoung's arm. "And you only make the park even more beautiful." Her cheeks flushed in pleasure, causing Yixing to smile.

That smile suddenly faded as she thought of something. "Pooh Bear..." she began. "What would you do if I told you we can't be together forever?"

His pattern-tracing paused. "I would say you're being ridiculous. Even if we're separated, the red string of fate ties us together. And though our strings may tangle and knot, they never break. And they lead us to our soul mate. I believe our strings have led us together. So if you have to leave me, or I have to leave you, it doesn't matter. Since we're connected, we'll always find each other in the end." He nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"Because..." she whispered. "Umma said we might have to move back to Korea at the end of the summer."

Yixing stopped and tilted his head. "Back to Korea, huh?" he whispered, his eyes closing. For a while it was silent, the only noises the distant sound of children playing, and the constant buzz of the cicadas.

"I don't want to go," Miyoung murmured, breaking the silence. "I don't want to leave you." She wrapped her arms tightly around Yixing's waist, closing her eyes.

"I know. I don't want you to leave either. But you might not have to, right? Just stay optimistic. Even if you leave, we'll find each other. We're fated to be together." He nodded, running his fingers through her hair, the words comforting not only her, but himself as well.


* * * * *


In the end, Miyoung learned she really had to go back to Korea. And she was torn about it. She missed Korea, missed her grandpa, missed the food, missed the language, missed the streets of Seoul. A part of her heart would always be in Korea.

But now China was her home. She had grown to love China. The fact that Yixing was here, in China, gave her all the more reason to love China, simply because the one her thirteen-year-old heart loved with everything it had was there. She wanted to stay with Yixing.

"Shh," Yixing kept murmuring to her as she laid on his bed with him, cradled in his arms as she cried to him, repeating over and over 'I don't want to leave.' It took nearly everything Yixing had to not cry. His heart was leaving him, his one and only Piglet. Running his fingers through Miyoung's hair, he swallowed hard. "It'll be okay."

"Pooh Bear," she whispered.

He smiled. "Yes Piglet?"

"How do you spell love?" She looked at him, her honey-brown eyes glazed over with tears.

"You don't spell it, you feel it," he replied, following the quote.

"Yixing?" she continued, lacing her fingers through his above their heads. This was it. It was time for him to know, even though it'd only break their hearts even more.


"...I love you." Miyoung closed her eyes slowly. There. She had said it. And it didn't break her heart; it lifted it. Made her feel light, like the world's weight was off her shoulders.

Yixing smiled softly, cupping her cheeks. "I love you too," he murmured softly, pressing his lips to hers sweetly.

"I don't want to leave you," she murmured, for the thousandth time. "I love you. I don't want to leave."

"I know." Yixing closed his eyes, holding her against his chest once more, rocking her gently side to side. "I know. I know. I love you too. I don't want you to leave either."


* * * * *


Miyoung whimpered. "Oh my," she nearly squeaked, hand tightening around Yixing's. They were in the airport; it was time. Her large eyes looked at Yixing, feeling her heart crumble. Her love. She was leaving him behind. Who knew if she'd ever see him again?"

"Don't," Yixing whispered, nearly begging her. "Don't cry. You're stronger than that, Piglet. It's okay."

Miyoung's mom cleared , dipping her head and walking away, letting them have their privacy.

Miyoung's eyes closed as she felt him cup her cheeks and kiss her sweetly. "Shh. We'll find each other. One day. Somehow, some way, we'll find each other. I guarentee it."

"You're so forgetful though," she said, biting her lip. "You'll forget me, Yixing! You'll forget all about me and I won't have your heart! What happens if you don't remember me?"

"I will," he whispered. "I'll remember you."

"I bet you won't." Miyoung sniffled.

Yixing sighed. "How about you remember something instead? If there's a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there. Now we can't be together...so keep me in your heart, alright?"

"Promise me you'll never forget me," she whispered desparately. "Ever. Not even when I'm one hundred."

"I promise," he said with a nod, kissing her forehead with a sad, slow smile. "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

Miyoung swallowed hard, tears streaming down her face. "I love you."

"I know." Yixing nodded. "I love you too. I love you, okay? Don't forget that. Don't forget me. Our string of fate ties us together. It's about to stretch, but it will never break." She nodded frantically, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"You have to do this," he whispered, holding her arms. "I'll wait for you. You'll always be the only one in my heart. Forever. We're still engaged, remember?" He smiled softly.

Miyoung nodded, hugging him again. They came together for one more soft kiss before parting slowly. And she finally found the strength to walk away from Yixing. But...she wasn't walking away. She just had to leave for a little while.

Yixing watched her retreating figure, waving and smiling the whole time, noticing how small she looked within the crowd moving towards the gate. Though, he figured sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.




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Chapter 3: Awwww~this is sooooo sweet<3
Chapter 2: I'm going to melt due to his sweetness XD
It's so cute<3