2- Stopping to drink some coffee

The story of an alleged Mafia


Aksel knew it wouldn't be easy. But he wouldn't give up. He would do his best until the end of the week to form a group. That was what he thought when he left D.J.L. building. But...
It was hard than he thought. People didn't walked around with signs saying "I can sing" or "I know how to sing". They also didn't sing all the time as life was a musical movie. And he couldn't ask everyone he meet if they wanted to join him in a group to save a label close to bankruptcy. He found out it wouldn't work in the worst way: trying.
After a long morning of search and unsuccessful attempts, Aksel decided to stop to eat something and revise his strategies. He stoped at the nearest store, a patisserie and coffee shop named "Lovely chain".
As soon as he got in, he regreted it. His eyes hurt because of all the pink that was there. Also, he soon noticed that he was the only male costumer as far as he could see.
Aksel was welcomed by a handsome waiter that wore a suit.
-- Welcome, master. Let me conduce you to your table. -- he said, gently taking Aksel's hand and taking him to the main room, showing him a table richly decorated.
Aksel sat down, and soon noticed that the other costumers were staring at him. Some even giggled. The young man sighed. "Well, I'm already here anyway...", he thought, before taking the menu and making his order.
While waiting for his "Love Puding", with a "Sweetheart Chocolate" to drink, he observed his surroundings and people there. That was an habit he has always had. Some waiters chatted with the costumers, that laughed and whispered to one another. Others came from the kitchen with trays with sweets, cakes and tea, served in decorated porcelain dinnerware.
Than, an employee that stood out came. He was tall, red-head, his strong arms showing under his short sleeved shirt. It seemed his whole body was strong as well. His blue eyes catched anyone's attention even from far. He had in his right hand a tray with a three-layered cake with pink and white icing. He didn't seem to be touching the floor. Aksel noticed it was because he wore roller skates.
The employee spinned and at the same time he dropped the tray in the air and quickly took it with the other hand. The cake only moved a little to the side. After that, he bowed a little and put the tray on a table, where three girls with different ages applauded. His expression, that until then was serious and concentrated, changed to a honest smile.
All the costumers, even Aksel, were impressed. The boy made some bows and went back to the kitchen.
"I need someone like this.", Aksel thought. "Handsome, talented... If he can sing, he is perfect."
The trainee only needed a chance to talk to that guy. Unfortunately, that wasn't the best place for that. Aksel had no time to lose. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. So, the boy decided to get up and make a little investigation on the table beside him.
-- Hello, ladies. Could I sit here with you?
The girls at the table, four that seemed to be the same age as Aksel and a younger one, giggled and let him sit. One of the olders whispered to other, without Aksel hearing:
-- What a waste... He is so cute...
-- They're always cute... -- the other said. 
The younger one, that didn't seem older than 7, wasn't this discrete:
-- Do you like boys, big brother?
Aksel's face got red when he heard the question, the reason for him being there had nothing to do with that. But he couldn't say anything, he got really shy next to girls.
-- Hey, you shouldn't ask something like that! -- another girl said. -- I'm sorry for this. You don't need to say something so particular to us. -- she apologised to Aksel.
-- A-actually... -- Aksel said, trying to hide his shyness(and failing on that). -- I don't mind...
The girls thought it was a confirmation of their suspect
After some silence and many cookies, Aksel decided to go to the subject that got him there:
-- So... T-this is my first time here and... There are some things I would like to know...
-- Really? Don't be shy, you can ask us anything!
-- We will answer it all!
-- Weeeell... It's about that waiter that was here earlier...
-- Soren? The handsome red-head that brought the cake?
-- Yes, this one. -- Aksel confirmed.
-- He is amazing, right? He started working here a while ago. And he makes an wonderful dance performance.
-- Dance performance? -- he asked, interested. "That's even better than I thought.."
-- You're lucky. It will start in some minutes. Actually, we all came to see him.
"Luck is really on my side. ", Aksel thought, smiling.
Meanwhile, Soren Intet, the waiter, was getting ready for the performance, clueless to all the attention he was getting. Positive and negative. Since his first day working on Lovely Chain, he impressed all the costumers with his dance. Actually, it was thanks to this ability that he was hired in first place. He even got the shop's manager attention, becoming her "favorite". This caused much envy among his colleagues.
-- Who does he think he is? He only got here, and already wants everything?
-- This kind is the worst...
-- He should notice this is no place for him.
This kind of mischievous dialogue continued for several days, until one of them commented:
-- If he can't notice by himself, we should give him a little "push".
Back to Aksel, that now didn't know what to say while the girls talk about... girly things. He just kept looking to his cellphone screen, almost counting the seconds for Soren's performance, until he noticed they got to a subject he knew too well;
-- Did you heard about [A]'s hiatus?
-- What?
-- How come?
Without thinking, Aksel said:
-- They already announced?
This surprised the girls.
-- How would we know if they didn't?
-- Oh, it's just that... you know, I saw something about this on internet... I thought it was only a rumour or a lie... -- he said, trying to cover his mistake.
Fortunately for Aksel, before they could ask any more, a waiter appeared announcing that the dance performance would start.
The main lights turned off. One of the waiters appeared on the center, under the only light, and a slow melody started playing:
My princess
Your smile shines like the stars
Your eyes leave me speechless
You are
The most beautiful person in earth
More perfect than imagination could create
It was obvious that it was only lipsync. Even so, many girls applauded.
"You will never be as good as me, Intet!", the "singer" thought. "Even because your time here is over."
After the last line, the melody changed to a more upbeat one and Soren came to the center and started dancing. He executed the steps with an amazing precision, and had a very serious expression. Everyone could see his concentration, but you could also notice he was having fun. After all, Soren was doing what he loved the most.
However, when he was almost finishing, something that he couldn't expect happened: a puddle of milk. No one saw, or the ones that saw pretended they didn't, when one of his colleagues "accidentaly" poured a whole jar of milk on the floor, in the place where the peformance was taking place. Soren was too concentred on his dance to notice, and only did it when he stepped on the puddle and slipped, falling on a table, putting his elbows on a birthday cake. It was an amazing "coincidence" that it was the cake of the little Soile, youngest daughter of the politician Kunz Olander, that was celebrating her 3 years birthday with her older sister Benya, many little friends and some baby sitters
The little girl got scared and started crying. And in a group of little children, cry is contagious. Soon, about ten little girls were crying really loud while the baby sitters tried to calm them down. Soren got up and tried to apologize, but slipped again on the milk, this time falling on the floor. Benya Olander, bothered by the cry, got up and went to him:
-- You fool! Look at what you have done! You ruined my sister's party!
Soren started apologizing again, but he always spoke low and Benya always shouted. The authoritative tone the girl, who was only twelve years old, was using, made him lower even more his voice.
Not too far from there, the other employees were watching the scene trying not to laugh. Their plan worked, no one saw them, and Soren was in trouble. Even if he managed to get out of that, they only needed to do that again and again until Soren lost his job.
No one saw them, except the young D.J.L. Trainee. Aksel was outraged by wht he saw, and even more seeing the young girl yelling at Soren, that had no fault at that.
Benya's shouts got louder and louder. No one tried to stop her. Soren gave up on trying to defend himself, he only stared at the floor ashamed, wishing that could stop soon. He didn't even get up from the floor.
So, a very elegant lady entered the room. It was impossible to imagine her age. Most of the costumers had never seen her, but the employees knew her well. Lovely Chain's manager.
-- What is happening here?! -- she asked, with an accent from a far, far away place.
Benya stopped yelling. The other costumers stopped gossiping. Someone stopped the song. Even the children stopped crying.
-- Won't anyone explain me what's the meaning of this?
-- This fool ruined our party! -- Benya was the first one to speak. -- How can you have such a "fool-handed" guy working here?
-- A what? -- the manager asked.
-- "Fool-handed" guy! He can't do anything right. Soile and I are going to tell Dad everything!
-- Wait, wait. I'm sure he can explain this.
-- Explain? Look at this! He destroyed our cake! And instead of apologizing, he sat down on the floor"! He is a big "fool-handed"!
-- Is it true, Soren? You destroyed this adorable brats, I mean, little girls' cake?
-- ... Yes, madam.
-- I'm disappointed in you.
-- I apologize, madam.
-- You're going to fire him, right? -- Benya asked.
-- F-fire?
-- Of course! He ruined the party! The place for "fool-hande" is the street! 
Soren looked at the manager, hoping she wouldn't fire him. Without that job, he was lost. However, he couldn't say that, as he thought it was all his fault.
-- It seems I don't have a choice... Soren Intet, you are fired. Go to my room to finish this. -- the manager said, a little sad. -- I apologize for all this mess. Everyone will have a discount, and will also get free cookies!
With this, the matter was finished. Soren got up, and with an expression of defeat, went with the manager to her room. His colleagues silently celebrated it, without noticing Aksel was watching them.
"Damn it! When he gets out of here, I will never be able to see him again! I got to talk with him now!"
-- Is everything alright, Aksie? -- one of the girls with him asked,
-- If I walk outside, I may be able to find the service entrance... -- he murmured to himself.
-- Aksie?
-- That's it! -- he exclamed, getting up. -- I've got to go, nice to meet you all. -- he put some money on the table to pay for his food and ran to the exit, to look for the service entrance.
The girls only watched.
-- The love run started! -- one of them announced.    
Meanwhile, Soren was on the changing room for the last time, changing his uniform for normal clothes. He put his things in his backpack, and before leaving, looked at his cellphone screen. The wallpaper was a picture taken in a small town, in front of a house that now was probably demolished. In the center, there was a couple that seemed very proud, and between them, the reason of their pride: a young man, their son, that had just made it to enter a famous dance academy. They were never against it when he decided to follow his dream, instead of going to college to try a more traditional and safe career. The things were never easy for them when it came to money, but the couple didn't mind working twice, three times more, only to pay the expensive costs for their son. But everything changed when that sickness took them. Now all by himself, he was forced to abandon his studies and start working to live.
Soren was alone, and too far from his dream. And, judging by the way things were now, it seemed impossible for him to someday reach it, unless a miracle happened.
He didn't noticed it then, but the miracle came, as a sweaty, tired blonde boy  that ran the whole block looking for the service entrance. Aksel got there in the exact moment Soren was leaving.
-- Wait! -- he yelled, almost breathless. -- I need... to talk to you... please, wait!
Soren looked at him surprised and a little worried.
-- Is everything okay?
-- Yes... And it will get even better if you listen to me. -- Aksel said, already recovered from all the walk.
-- Sorry, but... Do we know each other? -- Soren asked.
Aksel wasn't sure of the best way to tell him. But that was his only chance. He simply decided to say everything at once:
-- No. But I saw you at Lovely Chain and... wow, you're amazing! Your dance was incredible! So, I have to say: I need you!
His words scared Aksel a little.
-- Y-you ne-need me? B-but we just meet and... and... Well, I'm... I'm...
-- Please, I have only one week!
-- What?
-- What?
The two kept staring at each other for some awkward silent moments.
-- What exactly do you need me for? -- Soren asked.
-- Do you know D.J.L.? The label, which [A] and co. Are from?
-- The one that is breaking?
-- Weeeell.... It's only a marketing strategy... -- Aksel said, creating the lie while speaking.
-- Oh... cool...
-- Well, I work there and... We have this new project, you see... They gave me one week to form the group I will be in. And... I want to invite you to be a part of it.
Soren didn't even have to think about it, his answer was fast:
-- No, thanks.
N/A: So, what are you thinking? Liked it? Hated it? Please, leave a comment! :D
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Foreword update, picture added ^^


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Look interesting ! Update soon :>
multishipper_sheep #2
Sem querer apressar você nem nada, mas... Quando sai o primeiro cap? :P