
I miss Jonghyun so much due to his absence... I really wish for his recovery. Maybe some people feel the same way as I am, as I described below... Despite of what everybody says, my feelings toward Kim Jonghyun will never change. He's the brightest light that SHINees my day ^^


Kim Jonghyun.

The name I had known for quite sometimes now.
At the first gaze, I was thinking, "He's a cute boy..."
When I saw him crying as the MC announced his group, SHINee, as the winner of the show, "...What an honest and sensitive person he is..."
"I want to know more about him'", my next thought as his powerful clear voice mesmerized me.
"He's funny", I laugh as I know that he seems to be the mood maker in the group.
"He's an ideal family man", this thought came across my mind as I found out how much he loves his mom and sister, and of course all of his fellow members too.
"He's so childish", I smile when I see how he makes such childish expressions and attitudes toward his fellow members.
"My God, he's so y!!", sometimes I only screamed secretly everytime I see him showing his well-built abs and gorgeous body.. God Almighty, he's one of Your perfect creations..
"He's so kind...", his kindness and polite gestures toward everyone is heartwarming me.

"Do you love him?"

"Have you ever thought of being his girlfriend?"

"You're delusional"

"No matter how much you love him, you can never be together with him in real life"

"Stop living in a dream"

Those statements, questions...they're not new to my ear.
What's the matter of loving him as a fan?
Is it wrong if I sometimes imagining of him being my boyfriend in my daydream?
Yes, of course I know we can't be together in real life.
I know the border clearly between me and him.
Reality bites, yeah, I know.
But the truth that he's still a person who just happen to live in the different part of the world, is real.
Someone who lives in the same planet and breathing the same air as me, is real.
The man whom I can see directly in front of my eyes whenever I get the chance to see his live performance somewhere, is real.

Yes, they are real...but yes, I know the border.
So I choose to love him as his best supporter instead of building castles in the air.
"He doesn't even know you're exist"
Yes, I guess it's true...but maybe..not really.
The fact that he knows and loves the SHINee World with all of his heart, is real.
And I'm the part of his SHINee World, it's also real!

Kim Jonghyun.

One of the shining man I've ever known, who will always be the sunshine of my days and the starry skies of my nights.
His voice always warms my heart.
His silly acts always brings me laughter.
His smiles always brings me happiness.
And his tears always brings me sadness.

I don't know whether all of my words will get through to you but I just want you to know that you have someone out there you barely know is supporting you whole-heartedly and that she's very proud of being the part of your beautiful yet colorful SHINee World!

Forever loving you as Kim Jonghyun!


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SHINeeBlinger99 #1
awwwwww this letter is soooo sweet! ^^ so you're a blinger too? from my name, you can probably tell i'm a die hard fan of jonghyun too <3 knsdjbfkdjbfksjdbfks he's just so... hot, y, cute, heart-warming, funny, retarded, has such an awesome voice, such a nice personality, his smile is so perfect. he's just... PERFECT. I LOVE YOU OPPA!! <3 <3 <3 he's my ultimate bias (and also my wallpaper for everything - my phone, my mac, my ipod, EVERYTHING.)
Aw this is so heart-warming din, how I wish he can read this.And this is exactly what all fangirl in the world feel, me towards Taemin and Kai ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I miss him too,so hurt to see 4 SHINee in why so serious without Jjong :(