


[Summer, 2013 The Present]

Daehyun doesn't budge when the cab driver tells him that he has arrived. He is really distracted today. A lot of things comes into his mind as he's only a day, no, only some hours apart from the day he's been waiting for. He's going to meet her soon, and he can't hide it that his heart thumps faster than any other day. He doesn't think that something bad would happen, he just can't stop wondering. When he meets her, what should he say?

"Mister, we've arrived!" 

Daehyun turns his head and he sees the cab driver, thinking for a while, he finally realizes what happens. "Oh yeah, I'm really sorry," he says, massaging his temples. "I was distracted," he takes out his wallet and pays the cab driver before going out of the car.

He has arrived in Nampo-dong, he straightly goes to the shop he and Sunhwa went to years ago. He wants to buy a present for her. So he picks some lady's stuff and observes it one by one. Even the store manager gives him his opinion. After while of picking, Daehyun decides to buy her a necklace. Daehyun doesn't know if she would like it or not, but he just hopes that she would like it. They went here a couple of years ago, but since Daehyun was just a high schooler, he couldn't buy it for her. So, he thinks, tomorrow, he can give this to her.

After buying her a necklace, Daehyun goes to a picnic equipment store. They both always wanted to go picnic together. So, tomorrow, why don't they go on a picnic? Like when they go to Haeundae? That was fun. Daehyun buys the mat, picnic basket, and also the ingredients for the food. He wants to surprise her, and he hopes that she would be surprise.


Summer, 2011
Busan, South Korea

Daehyun cringed his nose when he saw what Junhong just did. Drinking one liter of coca cola wasn't a good idea, especially like what Junhong just did. Drinking them all in one go. Daehyun knew that the younger boy was having trouble. Because this morning when he just woke up, he got a call from Junhong who asked him to open his door. When he opened his door, Junhong was there, bringing lots of soda bottles. He said he wanted to kill himself.

"Hyung, you drink too," Junhong said as he opened the other bottle for Daehyun. "Here," he passed him the big one liter bottle.

Daehyun received it, he didn't know what to do. "Junhong-ah, you're alright?"

Junhong felt his head spun. Okay, drinking the whole bottle in one go wasn't really a good idea. "No, of course I'm not alright!" Junhong exclaimed. "Noona... noona dumped me yesterday!" he yelled and swapped the bottle from Daehyun's hand with his empty bottle. Ready to drink the whole bottle once again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Daehyun quickly pulled the bottle away from the younger boy before it could touch his lips. "You had enough, big guy, you'll get yourself drunk with cola, and that's not cool,"

He couldn't tell what made Junhong think of ending his life by drinking three liters of coca cola. Summer vacation was coming sooner and Busan just got hotter and hotter, day by day. Daehyun thought that maybe the hot weather may had affected Junhong's mind a little bit. Because he looked miserable today. 

"Well, that's fine! I'm here to kill myself anyway," Junhong said.

Daehyun patted the younger boy's shoulder. "What did Hana noona say?"

"She just dumped me," Junhong answered. "It's really painful, I can't believe noona did this," he said as he gripped on his chest.

"Well, falling in love is painful, Junhong-ah," 

"No, falling in love is beautiful, Daehyunnie hyung,"

Daehyun turned his head to the side, staring at the knocked out sixteen years old boy. He's drunk... he thought. 

"Falling in love is beautiful, the painful feeling came from another complicated case. The problems those come afterwards make it painful." Junhong said. "When you fall in love, it seems like everything around you is beautiful."

"Junhong, you're hurt right now, and how did this happen? It's because you love someone,"

"I'm hurt, but I admit that I don't regret falling in love." he smiled. "Hana noona made me smile, she cheered me up, she was like my sunshine, without her, I'm doomed... and I am now," Junhong hung his head low. "You feel it too, right, hyung?"

Daehyun raised a brow. "I don't have a girlfriend," he stated, sipping on his cola.

"It's not always your girlfriend, a close friend, maybe?" Junhong said, giving him a clue. "That girl... Han Sunhwa-ssi, you like her?"

"What?" Daehyun choked on his own word. He coughed, the cola stung his throat because of it.

Junhong laughed when he saw Daehyun's reaction. Even when he was knocked out, he found it funny to see the older boy choked because of embarrassment. "Tell me, hyung, how do you feel when you're with her?"

Daehyun shrugged. "I'm... happy, it's always exciting to be with her, she's fretful, but her words aren't annoying,"

"See, hyung?" Junhong said, leaning back. "How would you feel if she didn't accompany you last summers?"

"I would be lonely," he answered. "If this is a dream, I'll travel around Korea to look for her."

Junhong nodded, he was satisfied. "You're in love."

"You're drunk, Junhong,"

"Nah, I'm just a little bit knocked out." Junhong replied with a grin. "We'll see, hyung."


Sunhwa pressed the door bell once again before shouting loudly, "Yah! Jung Daehyun! Open the door for me, hurry up!" she didn't have to wait long before the locked key opened and a familiar guy stood before her. "I'm here, so let's play!"

"I thought we've played enough last summer," he said, letting her in. "Where do you want to go today, noona?"

She pursed her lips and shook her head. "I'm not sure, actually," she said. "I'm here to play at your house~"

"Why is that?"

"Last year, we spent the whole summer at my house, then we went to Nampo-dong several times, we visited Haeundae and we went passed Jalgachi when we went to Nampo-dong, we've gone around Busan for sure," Sunhwa said, recalling her memories with Daehyun last year. "This year, let's spend it in your house!"

Daehyun nodded. "Okay, I'm paying my debts." said he. "You've taken me around Busan, then, let's spend this year in my house?"

"Let's go to a movie, maybe," Sunhwa suggested.

He turned to her. "We're going to a movie today?"

"If you want to, that'll be a pleasure~" Sunhwa cheered happily. "Though, I'm not here for having fun, today," she said.

"Oh, that's rare,"

Sunhwa shot him a glare before continuing. "Daehyun-ah, you can play guitar, right?" she asked. "Help me with my music assignment!" Sunhwa said. "I helped you last year, you help me this year."

Daehyun wondered. Should he? he thought. "Okay, I'll help you, but what is it?"

She smiled. "Just a simple one, but I have to make my own song." she paused. "I've decided to play my harmonica, but I need something to complete it, so I thought, maybe you can help me with the guitar."

"So, I have to go to Seoul to play my guitar?" he asked.

"No, of course not," Sunhwa said. "Just help me with the keys and play it for me to test it. I can ask my teacher to play it when I'm in Seoul."

"Okay, then, I'll take my guitar upstairs, you wait here," he said and headed upstairs.


"We don't need to make it long!" she exclaimed when she caught a glimpse at Daehyun's music sheets. The younger boy had wrote the whole song by himself, but she wasn't happy. She didn't know how would that song turned out. "Ah, stop, stop, don't add more!" she said as she pulled his worksheet.

"Why? Standard songs are three to four minutes!" 

"It's too long, and you should think of me!" she said.

Daehyun was taken a back. "Wha- what do you mean by thinking of you?" 

Sunhwa stared at him. "Of course think of me," she said, throwing his music sheets back. "I would pass out because I'm out of breath after I play this song!"

"Well, I'm sorry," he said.

Sunhwa tilted her head. "Okay, apology accepted, geez, why is your face so red? are you mad at me?"

Daehyun covered his face. "No, no, I'm not mad," 

"Okay, okay," she said. "Give it here, I'll try making the notes now."

He gave her the sheets she threw earlier. He sighed, he was starting to get embarrassed when he's with Sunhwa. Ever since Junhong accused him to have a crush on Sunhwa, he started to think about it. Moreover, because of it, every general things she said about both of them would made him blushed. He shook his head, trying to get over it, before grabbing his guitar and started to make some noises. He played some keys, as he replayed them, over and over again. Making his own song.

"Oh, what's that?" she asked suddenly. 

He turned his head to her. "What's what?"

Sunhwa took her harmonica before asking him to play the keys once again. "Please," Daehyun nodded and started to play the song. She listened to it carefully, before joining in with her harmonica. As the song kept on going on, both of them made their own keys and made a perfect harmony together. As soon as the song ended, both of them quickly looked at each other. "A success?" he asked.

She nodded  happily. "A success!!" she exclaimed and ran to him, hugging him tightly. "Thanks, Daehyun-ah, what can I do without you?"

Daehyun's eyes widened when he realized what was happening. She was hugging him. He couldn't move, no, he didn't want to move. He felt his heart thumped crazily inside his ribcage, he imagined as if the sound could be heard by Junhong who's currently three blocks away from him.

"Did you hear that sound, Daehyun-ah?" Sunhwa asked suddenly, making him surprised. 

He quickly gripped on his chest, trying to stop his heart from beating. Is it really that loud? he asked to himself. 

"It's probably just a cat," she said and turned to him. "Are you okay, Daehyun-ah?" she asked, bending down in front of him. "Why are you gripping on your chest? Is it hurt? Do you need something?" she looked at him in worry. 

He could only nodded his head, he didn't want her to be near him. Or else, she would hear his heart thumping. "Aii, Daehyun-ah, you made me worry," she said, cupping his face before turning around and went to the backyard.

He's going to die. What is this?


Daehyun ran three blocks away after Sunhwa's mother picked her up earlier. He couldn't concentrate after Sunhwa cupped his face. After that, his face would glow red automatically every time Sunhwa turned her head just to look at him. He didn't know what to do, because it never happened before. So, he decided to ask this to the expert of reading problems who lived three blocks away from him. His junior, Choi Junhong.

"Junhong!" he called, when he saw the tall boy sitting comfortably in his terrace. Enjoying a glass of iced tea and eating fruits on his own.

The younger boy brought down his sunglasses to his nose bridge and lifted a brow, before realizing who was it. "Daehyunnie hyung!" he called back when Daehyun entered his terrace. "Do you want to join with me?" he asked, pointing the seat next to him.

Daehyun shook his head and pulled Junhong from his chair. "I've got something to ask, and it's really important."

Junhong stared at the older boy's face for a while, until he nodded and took his tray. "Okay, let's get in," he said, bringing the tray inside as Daehyun followed him.

When they got into Junhong's room, Daehyun quickly sat down on the wooden floor as Junhong sat himself on his bed. Before the younger could ask what his problem was, Daehyun had already spilled out what his problem was. "I didn't know what to do! Every time she looked at me, it felt like my brain had stopped working. Then all of my systems went, I don't know, I don't understand what is going on," Daehyun told him, yelling here and there, talking about his problems. "I didn't get a woman allergy, right?"

He lifted a brow. He's weird... "Hyung, there's no such thing as woman allergy," Junhong stated. "There's no way you'll get a woman allergy, especially when your mom took care of you ever since you're a baby."

"Then what is it, Junhong?" he asked. "What's wrong with me?"

"You don't know?"

"Of course I don't, that's why I came here."

"Okay... Hyung, you're in love."

There was a small silent before Daehyun let out a chuckle. "Good one, but I don't need that,"

"Seriously, hyung," Junhong shook his head, signing that he wasn't joking at all. "You feel numb when you're with her, your system would gone crazy when you're with her... You're overload with happiness and excitement to see her."

Daehyun looked at the tall boy who was laying before him. He was three years younger than him, the junior who would always asked him to come over when he's troubled with homework, the person who ran to him if some petty problems hit him. He couldn't believe that he's the one who taught him about love. "Can't you explain it to me more detail?"

Junhong shook his head. "No, because you don't have to understand it to have it. When you love someone, then love like there'll be no tomorrow,"

He calmed down while processing the words said to him. He didn't know what to do. "So.. if I'm in love with noona, then what should I do?"

"Confess to her, of course," Junhong answered and Daehyun's face turned red.

"What should I do if she doesn't feel the same way?" he asked, panic.

Junhong tilted his head. "If she doesn't like you... it's okay, just let her know. Because telling how you really feel will make you at ease."

"I have my guitar that makes me at ease,"

"It's different, hyung, please,"

Daehyun sighed. "Then, what should I do to confess to her?"

Junhong sat up from his bed and looked at Daehyun. "Why don't you do something that she likes?"

"Like buying her ice cream?"

"Yes, but, doesn't she have a lot?"

"Mmm.. Playing, shopping, eating.. I've only seen her did that." Daehyun admitted, he didn't know Sunhwa really well. But he can't help it that he already fell for this girl.

Junhong checked on his clock before turning to his hyung. "Could you stay till late? I'll help you if you could."

Without thinking Daehyun replied, "Okay, I'll stay."


The next day, Daehyun went to Sunhwa's house. He was dressed well, but not too conspicuous, so he wouldn't startled her. He was really nervous, he didn't know what to do, now that he already in front of her house. He tried to hide his nervousness as he inhaled a deep breathe and exhaled it. Calm yourself down, Jung Daehyun! You can do it! he encouraged himself and pressed the bell.

After a moment, the door was opened and Sunhwa appeared. It kind of made Daehyun surprised. "Daehyun-ah," she uttered when she saw him.

He smiled. "Noona," he greeted. "Um, going somewhere?" he asked when he realized that she was wearing a really nice clothes. She was beautiful.

"I'm going to shop with my mom, do you need something?" she asked. He doesn't usually show up if I didn't call him... Sunhwa thought, kind of confused.

Daehyun scratched the back of his head. "I was about to ask you to go out, but it turns out that noona has to go... So..." he shrugged, didn't know what to say.

"Really? You're going to ask noona out?" Sunhwa's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've rejected my mom's offer!" she said, hitting him on the arm. "Aish, really, Jung Daehyun,"

"Ai, noona, you don't have to hit me!" he exclaimed. "Then, I'll just change the date?"

"No, no, don't! Today is really nice, and I actually have been waiting for the day where you will ask me out," she said. "Ah! Come here!" she said and pulled his arm, dragging him inside her house. She took him into the kitchen and they found an old lady was enjoying cooking on her own. "Eomma," Sunhwa called, and the lady turned her head from her cook.

"Hello, eomonim," Daehyun greeted as he bowed. 

The old lady stepped a bit closer to them. "Is this your boyfriend, Sunhwa-yah?"

Daehyun's eyes widened as his face flushed red in an instant. "No, eomma, he's my friend."

"Your friend? I believe that you're so close,"

Daehyun gave out a questioning look before following where Sunhwa's mother gaze went. Then he realized, it headed straightly to his and her arms. He forgot that Sunhwa linked her arm with his earlier. "I.. uh, I'm just her friend," he said, embarrassed. He slipped his hand out of her grip.

Sunhwa's mother chuckled. "I don't think so," she said.

"Anyway, eomma," Sunhwa said, cutting off her mom and Daehyun. "I'm going out with him, so.. let's cancel our trip for today," she said, pleading her eyes like a puppy asking for food. "Okay?"

The lady smiled as she nodded her head. "Okay, but you have to bring her home before sun down," she turned her head to Daehyun. "Watch her out for me,"

"Yes, eomonim," Daehyun exclaimed quickly. "I'll watch her for you."

"Good, thank you, Daehyun-ah,"

"Then, eomma, I'll take my bag upstairs," Sunhwa said as she ran to the staircase. "Don't ask him weird questions!

As soon as her slim figure disappeared from their sights, Sunhwa's mother turned her head to Daehyun. "What surprise that you've prepared, Daehyun-ah?"

Daehyun turned his head. "Um, isn't this includes in weird questions?" he asked, didn't know what to reply

"Ey, please, Daehyun-ah," Sunhwa's mother said. "I can read you easily."

Daehyun's face glowed red when the crimson blood rose up his head, and he quickly hid it. "Eomonim, it's a secret."

The old lady's eyes widened when she heard him. Nonetheless she smiled. "Okay if it's a secret," she said. "My daughter is really hard to surprise, because Han family reads people... You have to surprise her, okay?" she asked as she pointed the staircase, where Sunhwa stood while leaning on the wall.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing. I'm just telling him to be careful to you."

Sunhwa nodded, not sure. Still, she ran to her mom and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going, eomma~"

"Mmm, be careful, my daughter," she smiled, returning the kiss.

"Come on, Daehyun-ah!"

"Ah yes, we'll be going, eomonim," he bowed.


Sunhwa smiled when they arrived at the Gyeongju World Amusement Park. The last two years of her summer was spent at Busan. Even when she got everything she wanted from Daehyun in the last two years, she couldn't hide it that sometimes, she really wanted to go out of Busan. She was happy when Daehyun asked him to go to Gyeongju with him.

"Noona, let's go, I've bought the ticket." he said, flapping the ticket in front of her face to get her attention.

Sunhwa blinked a few times when the air dashed her eyes. "Okay, okay, cut it out!"

Daehyun smiled happily as he walked ahead of her.

"Daehyun-ah, why do you take me to a amusement park?" she asked. "It's weird."

"Why?" he asked as his smile faded away.

She shrugged before saying, "I don't know, usually, couples go to amusement park in summers."

"Ah, noona, what are you saying? I, I'm just trying to have fun with you!" he denied.

"Okay, okay," she laughed. "But it seems to be fun if we're dating,"

"Uh, are you asking me to date you, noona?"

"What? I didn't say that!" she said, as her face turned red in an instant. "I said, it seems to be fun if we're dating!"

Daehyun laughed. This is the first time he saw her embarrassed face. Because, usually, Sunhwa would be the one who made him embarrassed like crazy. "This is the first time I saw you blushing, noona, you're cute," he chuckled, but as soon as he realized what he just said, he covered his mouth.

"Wh- what?" Sunhwa asked, afraid that she just mistakenly heard Daehyun called her 'cute'.

He looked away, eyes wandering. "I, I said noona is cute," he sheepishly said. "Yeah, noona is cute," he repeated.

Sunhwa's eyes widened because of the sudden praising. The crimson blood made its way to her face, making her face turned redder than it had. She hit him lightly as she quickly hid her face. "Thanks..." she answered shyly

"Anyway, noona, let's go inside, eomonim asked me to bring you home before late," he took her hand and walked into the park.


He didn't feel that well. The roller-coaster had him feeling nauseous and dizzy. After going around with some kiddy rides and attraction, Sunhwa suddenly asked him to ride the roller-coaster. Daehyun wasn't the type of person who liked those extreme rides, but he wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of the person he liked. He was forced to do it. By who? His pride as a man.

"Are you okay?" Sunhwa asked as she sat beside him, giving him a cup of hot tea. "If you don't like to ride those kind of rides, you don't have to join me,"

He received the cup. "Sorry," he uttered.

She sighed and patted his back. "It's okay, it's not your fault after all." she smiled. "Beside, I know that you're fighting for your pride,"

Daehyun sighed as he drank the tea Sunhwa gave him earlier. "I'm so lame," he mumbled.

"Ei, what are you saying?" she interrupted. "A man fight for something, even when it's his own pride, I find it cool. You're cool, Daehyun-ah," she grinned at him.

The handsome young man's face flushed when he heard her words. He never had a girl called him cool. Well, he didn't really hang out with girls except for Sunhwa, so he didn't really know. Still, her words affected him a bit more, since she was, after all, the person he liked. "Thanks, noona,"

"You're welcome," 

The blue color of the sky had turned to the mix of red, orange, yellow, slightly pink, and lavender colors, for the clock had already showed six in the evening. Soon, their little 'date' would take its end. He stood up, ready to take her home with an hour long bus ride. She also stood up and walked beside him, when suddenly, she saw something. She stopped, pulling his arms. "Before we go home, we still have twenty minutes before the bus depart, am I right?"

Daehyun nodded. "What's wrong?"

"I want to go somewhere," she said. "And you're coming with me!"

"Wait, noona! The bus, we'll be late,"

Sunhwa just ignored his worries and dragged him along with her. She made some turns, passing through some attraction and rides, also some restaurants. After some left, right, and straight, they reached the place Sunhwa meant. 

In front them, stood a giant circle made of concrete steel. Lights coming from its body was blinding, it seemed like they took the biggest electricity bill. The lights changed their colors every five seconds. Carts with different colors were hung in some corners of the giant thing. A young lady, wearing a costume welcomed the people and invited people to come and join in the ride.

"A ferris wheel?" he asked.

The older woman smiled and pulled him to the entrance where the staff welcomed them and let them to ride. "Hi, good evening, a cart for two happy love birds?"

Daehyun's face quickly shone the crimson color of blood, unlike Sunhwa, who wasn't listening because she was too excited to go up. "We're not dating," he said sheepishly. 

The staff chuckled and opened the door for them. "Let's see after you come down," she winked at him.

He looked at her, embarrassed. But before he could say something, the excited twenty-one years old girl dragged him inside the cart. "Have fun," as the staff closed the door, the wheel started to spin, bringing them to the top.

The sun started to set as the colorful sky started to darkened. "It's more relaxing than roller coaster," Sunhwa said as she leaned back to her seat. Watching the beautiful sunset, she sighed and closed her eyes. "It's nice to be able to relax once in a while." her beautiful eyes fluttered open. She turned her gaze at him and smiled. "Thanks, Daehyunnie,"

"Ah, I didn't do anything special." he awkwardly said, scratching the back of his head. "You should thank me if I bring you to a famous fancy restaurant... I would take you there, but a boy who just entered college couldn't afford it." Daehyun said, looking outside of the window, enjoying the scenery.

Sunhwa shook her head. "I like this better, I like this side of yours very much," she beamed at him

The college boy was surprised, and he turned away in embarrassment. When would he stop getting embarrassed every time she praised him? he wondered. "Thanks, noona,"

"You're funny, Daehyun-ah," she giggled to herself. It made him turned back at her. Sunhwa smiled at him, before she shifted her gaze back to the window, waiting calmly for the cart to bring them down.

"Noona, I like you,"


Daehyun quickly covered his mouth. He blurted those words without thinking, it was a reflex. "I- I mean,"

"Aww, that's cute, I like you too." Sunhwa replied to him, smiling brightly.

He was relieved that she didn't take it that way. But the atmosphere surrounding them made his heart wanted to say the truth to her. He clenched his fist tightly, gathering the courage to say the truth. To confess to her how he really felt about her. "No, noona," he said. "I mean I like you.. like that." he once again confessed. Clearer for her to understand his true intention. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

The beautiful young woman looked at him in surprise. Her eyes widened and her pink lips were agape. She frowned, looking bewildered and detested. Daehyun was surprised to see her expression. I shouldn't have confessed to her... he thought. "Ah, I'm sorry, noona!" he quickly said. "What was I thinking? How could you like a kid like me. You must like a handsome, mature man, right?"

Sunhwa didn't reply. Her brows were still furrowed, but her eyes looked at the ground. "Don't decide it on your own!"


"I said don't decide it on your own." she repeated. Sunhwa lifted her head up and faced him. "I like you too,"

Daehyun was surprised and happy at the same time, but... "Ah.. you've said it," he said. "I thank you for being courteous to me, but"

He stopped his babble when he felt her soft lips on his own. His brown orbs splayed and his body froze in an instant. She pulled away from the quick brief kiss she gave him. She giggled when she saw his confused face looking at her, waiting for an explanation about the tragedy. "Idiot, I like you like that too." she smiled.

Suddenly, the big iron circle stopped. The staff opened their door and welcomed them back. Sunhwa stood up and went out of the cart first. As soon as he got his senses back, he followed her out. The staff who spoke to him before they got on was there, thanking them for riding the ferris wheel. Daehyun saw her and she gave him a thumbs up. He sheepishly smiled and ran after Sunhwa.

They walked in silence, a little bit awkward too. She hasn't said anything after the kiss and confession, but on second thought, he's the man. So he should be the one who take the first step, right? He glanced at his watch. Only five minutes left before their bus depart, they should be running down the sidewalk by now. He took a deep breath.

"Noona," he called to her and she turned to him. He cleared his throat, giving her his hand to hold.

She smiled at him, and took his hand, holding it tightly.

As they walked down the sidewalk in silence, Daehyun started a conversation. "So... noona, we're official now?"

"I don't know, are we?" she asked back.

"Judging by the kiss and your confession, we are."

Sunhwa chuckled, shaking her head. "You're cute, Daehyun-ah,"

He smiled at her words. The young boy never thought that he would admit this. He hated summer because he was alone when his friends were away with their girlfriends. Now, he didn't have any reason to hate summer anymore. So what if his friends went out with their girlfriends? Now he had one too. And from that day onwards, Summer was the season he waited for the most.


©2013, kkkey031110 story


Finally! After the long wait!
I'm very sorry for the late update, huhu ;_;

Actually, after my final exam ended, I was about to post the story. But I got accepted for a student exchange to Japan, and it was fun!
After the exchange I went back, but then my holiday started, and I was so lazy and tired, that I always woke at noon -_-
When I was going to write, my dad took our family for a holiday to Singapore, and I left my laptop in Indonesia. So... yeah...
Back to Indonesia, new semester started and I'm now in my last year of middle school, preparing my best for my national exam.
That's why I just updated now, sorry ._.

Sorry for the long babble, sorry for the late update...
Please keep on supporting, click the subscribe button and comment!
Adios, sayonara, I will be back with a new chapter after some time, and I hope not this long ^^;



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I'M SORRY! >< I told you I'll post it before April, but I'm wrong. I'm still trapped in tests until early May, so I doubt that I can finish before May ;_;


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Chapter 1: did something bad happened? woth sunhwa? seems like that ㅠㅠ pleasee this was 2015, and thor nim, you didnt update it ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: wheres the next part authornim? omo i love this cutie pie love, like this on. i hope you have a time to update this
charmingchacha #3
Chapter 4: hurry and update more author-nim ^^ i'll be waiting for the end~
tsekyi21 #4
Chapter 4: Awh this was a really cute chapter. I wonder if they'll still be as close in 2013.
Chapter 3: I love this story,really;_; Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon!~
Chapter 2: I really love this! Sunhwa is so herself in this, the characterization is good!
And irritated daehyun at the start hehe. <3
And the last line, "Promise is a promise" I suddenly had goosebumps all over idek why. It just yeahh orz. had that impact because of what Sunhwa's mother said I guess, about him getting hurt :c

I wonder what it is.. I will be looking forward to your next update!
tsekyi21 #7
Chapter 2: I really, really, like your story! <3 <3 <3

Esp how insistent Sunhwa is, and her personality really matches herself in real life too! :D Great story, authornim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: Sunhwa's character really fit herself~^^
And it's really sweet when they started to make their own promise..
But I wonder what is happening in the 'present'.
Seems like a bad thing has happened ><

Thanks for the update, author-ssi~
Please update soon ^^
Annyeong! I Love Daehyun, also Sunhwa~ I'll wait for your update.. Fighting!! :)