

Summer 2009
Busan, South Korea

Daehyun finished his last sip of orange juice before pushing his dining chair with his feet. It was the third day of summer vacation, and Busan was really hot. He took his guitar from the couch in the living room and headed to the door. "Mom, I'm going out!" he exclaimed while wearing his shoes. After hearing a reply of Mmm, be back soon, my son! he stepped out of his house and took a stroll around.

He walked slowly on the side of the street. Wandering. Why do we have to stay in home when the weather is really hot, and have to be frustrated when the weather is nice? he asked to himself. Yup, Daehyun never liked summer. In his whole life, he always thought that summer is annoying. First, the weather is hot. Second, the mosquitos are annoying. Third, He hated his friends for being occupied with their girlfriends.

Daehyun didn't know where every steps he took would take him to. In times like this, he didn't care where he was going. Even if he walked out of the province, even if maybe he would go to Seoul by walking, or maybe until he got into the water in Gwangalli Beach, it didn't matter. As long as he had his guitar on his back, Daehyun would feel at ease.

That day, he often turned his back. A bad feeling creeping up his spine gave him a sign that something bad would happen to him. There was nothing following him, so maybe it was just him? So he turned back to look forward, but BUMP!

"Oh my God!"

Daehyun blinked a few times before realizing what he was doing. Sitting on the asphalt. What...? "Oh God, I'm really sorry! Are you okay? I swear I didn't ride my scooter with high speed, you should be okay, right? Are you okay?"

He looked up and saw a girl in a white tank-top and pink shorts, wearing a helmet, her wavy brown hair was tied in a low ponytail, and she was looking at him, worried. He still didn't get what had happened. He stood up, and the girl's face showed him that she was surprised, and also relieved. "You can stand normally, that means you're alright," she smiled.

"What's alright?"

"Huh? Did you hurt your head when you fell?" she asked, pulling him closer to her.

Daehyun shrugged her hand off in surprise. "Okay, I didn't get it. What happened?" Daehyun asked, kind of annoyed, because the girl kept on touching him all-over and asking him whether he's alright or not.

"Mm.. well... I was riding my scooter to take a stroll earlier. I was really enjoying the weather here, cause it has been a long time ever since I left Busan. When I was having fun, I didn't realize you were walking in front of me that I hit you with my scooter. Then you fell to the ground." she told him, and Daehyun's eyes widened. "B but I swear I didn't hit you hard! Please, don't sue me!"

Other than hearing what the girl supposed to say, Daehyun quickly took his guitar case off his shoulder. Opening it, he hoped there would be no scratch on it. Saved. He thanked his mom for buying him a hard-case days ago. "Yah, you!" he called. "Be careful when you're riding a scooter! Thank God my guitar was saved, if not..." he made a gesture as if he was cutting his neck off.

The girl shivered when he made the killing gesture. "I'm sorry, but aside from your guitar, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I can walk normally," he said. "Ah, I don't have the mood to stroll anymore. I'll just go back home,"

"Oh, do you need a ride? Here, I'll take you with my scooter!" the girl said, following Daehyun from behind. "Eh, but since you're a guy... you ride!" she said, giving her helmet for him.

Daehyun refused. "No, I can walk normally."

"Come on, I feel really guilty for hitting you earlier." she said, still following him. "Ah, I'll grant one of your wishes!"

"Okay..." Daehyun sighed. "Stop. From now on, we're going on our separate ways."

The girl looked at him for awhile. "Okay, I'm going back too, but I'm still heading the same way as yours, so... I'll stick with you for a little while,"



"So, this is your house," she exclaimed.

"Where are you going, actually?" Daehyun asked.

"Nowhere. I told you that I'm heading your way, but if you recall correctly, I hit you in front, that means I came from your opposite way." she said. "I lied to you, and you believed me. Pabo~"

Daehyun had his jaw dropped. He couldn't believe he got tricked by a girl who just hit him with her scooter. "Okay, so, you've seen me arrived home safely, now please go back!"

The girl pouted before nodding. "Okay, I'll go back."

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome," she answered, wearing her helmet back on. "See you~" she said happily as the engine of her scooter revved and she drove off.


He was surprised when he opened his door this morning. A girl stood before him, holding the soft pink helmet. Today, she wore a red, thin oversized sweater and shorts. The smile he saw the other day was still on her face. Even when he couldn't denied the fact that her smile was gorgeous, he didn't like her presence here.

"What are you doing in my room?" Daehyun asked.

Daehyun didn't even want to let her enter his house, but because of his mom, the girl he met yesterday was sitting on the carpet of his room. "Well, your mom let me in, so..." the girl shrugged.

Daehyun face-palmed himself. Why did his mom let a stranger enter their house. Ever since he met her, he didn't even know what's her name, but it didn't matter. He was too busy thinking of how to get rid of the girl in front of him.

"Oh, you attend Gwahakgo Deung High School?" 

Daehyun turned his head and saw the girl pointing at his high school uniform. "Well yeah, I'm still sixteen, so I have to go to school,"

"You're sixteen?" she asked. "No way! I'm three years older than you, I'm attending university in Seoul now!" she exclaimed. "So, Daehyunnie is three years younger, I see."

"W-wait, who told you that you can call me with my name? Especially calling me informally,"

The girl tilted her head. "Aigoo-ya, Daehyun-ah~ noona is just being nice to you!"

"Stop calling me, I don't even know you!"

The girl stopped. "Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself to you," she snapped her fingers. "I'm Sunhwa, Han Sunhwa. That is, Sunhwa 'noona' for you." she smiled.

This is the first time Daehyun met a girl who was so weird. She introduced herself, and asked him to call her 'noona' immediately. He didn't even know her. He just met her yesterday, by accident, just because she hit him with her scooter. He sighed. "I don't care that you're older than me three years or so, but please, what are you doing here? Can't you leave me  alone?"

Sunhwa shook her head. "I'm here to apologize, actually,"

"You've apologized yesterday. Apology accepted!"

"Not enough, I'm still feeling guilty!" she said. "I'll grant you a wish,"

"I already wished you to go separate way from mine."

"Yeah, but I didn't grant it, so change!"

Daehyun felt like he wanted to hit her so bad. Breathe in, breathe out. "I don't have any wish that I need you to grant,"

"Then, if you don't want to use it. I'll use it."

"Wait, I'm the one who was being hit by your scooter, why are you using my wish?"

"You said you didn't want it!"

"Okay, I'll use it" Daehyun was cut off by the older girl.

"No, no, no, no, no." she said. "You can't take back what you've said, Daehyun-ah," Sunhwa said, smiling. "Since I've been away for a while, let's go around Busan!"

Daehyun scoffed. "And how on earth can we go around Busan?"

Sunhwa threw her pink helmet towards Daehyun, who luckily caught it. "I have a scooter, idiot." she said. "Don't worry, I still have one more helmet on my scooter, and it's not girlish." she explained as if she could read Daehyun's expression when he looked at her pink helmet.

"Yeah, but, I'm not doing it." Daehyun said, passing back the helmet to Sunhwa. "I hate summer."


Daehyun looked at her with a questioning look. "Are you serious? Summer is hot, there are mosquitos everywhere, I don't really have things to do since my friends spend their times with their girlfriends, and especially this year... I met you. I can't tell which part of summer is beautiful." he pointed.

Sunhwa laughed. "Are you really mad at me because I hit you with my scooter?" she asked. "Come on, it'll be fun!" she said, pulling Daehyun's wrist. "Let's go to the beach? I really want to go to Haeundae." Sunhwa said as she pulled him up. Daehyun surrendered. He followed her down from his room and headed out to where the white scooter was parked.


Haeundae was crowded. Since it was summer, many people came to enjoy the summer breeze in Haeundae Beach, and Daehyun came up with another excuses to hate summer. He hated it when Busan got crowded. On second thought, nah, Daehyun was just a little anti-social. He stopped the scooter at the parking lot and Sunhwa released her grip from his waist. "Let's play in the water, or do you want to eat first?"

He frowned. "I'll go there and wait for you, go play with yourself."

"No!" she stopped him. "Daehyun-ah... summer isn't always about hot weather and mosquitos," she paused, looking around. "I'll show it to you!"

Sunhwa pulled his wrist once again as they entered the beach area. She pulled him to approach the water but he quickly refused. Releasing his arms from hers, it made Sunhwa pouted. She took off her shoes before heading into the water, step by step, her feet started to feel the cold water and wet coarse sand. Waving her hand as a gesture for Daehyun to follow, Daehyun only replied with a shook of the head.

She turned, making a strategy to pull him into the water. Ah! He wouldn't stay calm if I do this... she smirked. Pulling her sleeves up, she bent down. "Yah, Daehyun-ah!" she called, splashing water onto his pretty face. The younger boy ran a little to avoid it, but he was too slow. Sunhwa laughed.

"Hey, you, aish!" he cursed, running down the sand into the water. Being a guy, he couldn't accept it. He bent down and splashed her victory face some water too. "Take that,"

"Yah! Daehyun-ah!" she yelled, but in the other hand, she was happy.


"Uwah, I'm really having fun today~!" Sunhwa exclaimed happily. "I really thank you, Daehyunnie!" she smiled.

Daehyun stared at her while eating his ice cream. "I was going to thank you, but on second thought, today you made me got into the water without taking off my shoes... so, half thank you."

Sunhwa laughed. "So, you don't hate summer anymore?"

"I still hate it... but I had fun today, to be honest," he paused, thinking. "Thank you, 'noona',"

"What did you just say? You called me 'noona'?" Sunhwa's eyes brightened. "Yah, Daehyun-ah! Why are you like this," she slapped him on the arm.

"I only called you that to show you that I'm grateful." he lifted a brow, confused. He didn't get it why Sunhwa was happy when he called her 'noona'. "Anyway, let's get back, it's going to be dark soon."

Sunhwa lifted her head up to the sky. "Oh, you're right, let's get our Daehyunnie back home."

Daehyun just rolled his eyes as they walked together to the parking lot.


Daehyun decided to drop Sunhwa at her house and go back home using a bus. So, here they are, in front of Sunhwa's house. "Unexpectedly, you're a gentleman after all, Daehyun-ah," Sunhwa said as she patted Daehyun's shoulder, signing that she was proud towards him. "Thank you, for today, the ride, and you ended up buying me ice cream earlier. I wish we could go play together again,"

"Yeah, but if you're going to take me to a beach, remind me to bring spare clothes." he nodded.

"Oh? Is that mean you're going to accompany me tomorrow and next summer?"


"Aww, I'm really happy," she acted as if she was wiping her tears. "Noona will be back next year."

Daehyun shook his head and put his hand up in sign of surrendering. "Whatever," he said. "I'm going back,"

"Okay," she waved as Daehyun walked down the street. "Oh, Daehyun-ah! Next time let's meet in the third day of summer vacation. You fetch me next time!"

Daehyun turned around to see her and tilted his head at her before nodding and shaking his head. "I'm serious, Daehyun-ah!!" Sunhwa cried and Daehyun just laughed. He waved his hand at her before turning back. He won't guarantee that he would fetch her next summer, but he was happy that she said that.

Daehyun still hated summer. The mosquitos were annoying and his friends went out with their girlfriends for festivals and trips. He didn't know why, when he's with Sunhwa, summer didn't seem so hot anymore.



[Summer, 2013 The Present]

Daehyun knocks on the door. It has been some times after the last time he came to this house. This house brings him back to years ago when he usually played with Sunhwa. He misses that times, he misses Sunhwa. He wants to go back a year or two to be with her again. To play in Haeundae or Gwanggali, riding on her old white scooter.

"Daehyun?" an old woman calls him. She stands on the doorstep and Daehyun gets back from his thoughts.

"Eomonim..." he smiles. "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm good, how about you, my son?" she gives him a warm smile, as she holds his arms inside hers. "What are you doing here, hm?"

"I'm good as ever," he replies. "Ah, I'm here to greet you, eomonim."

The old woman looks at him, smiling motherly. "What is it, Daehyun-ah?" she asks, looking deep inside the young man's eyes.

Daehyun smiles, the Han family always reads his mind, no matter how hard he hides it. "I'm going to visit your daughter tomorrow, I'm going to fetch her up this summer."

"My daughter? You're going to Sunhwa's?" she asks. "Are you sure, Daehyun-ah?"

He nods as he holds Sunhwa's mother's hands tighter, reassuring her. "Yes, eomonim. I'm just thinking of fulfilling our promises from years ago."

"Even when it'll hurt you?" Sunhwa's mother asks once again.

"Promise is a promise, eomonim." he smiles.

©2013, kkkey031110 story


So, chapter 1, their first encounter!
How do you think? I'm sorry if it's kind of boring or anything!
That's why, guys, please comment, don't be a silent reader~~
Please share your thoughts with me....... ;_;

Anyway, please subscribe, all of you who haven't
and please comment, comment, comment~~


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I'M SORRY! >< I told you I'll post it before April, but I'm wrong. I'm still trapped in tests until early May, so I doubt that I can finish before May ;_;


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Chapter 1: did something bad happened? woth sunhwa? seems like that ㅠㅠ pleasee this was 2015, and thor nim, you didnt update it ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: wheres the next part authornim? omo i love this cutie pie love, like this on. i hope you have a time to update this
charmingchacha #3
Chapter 4: hurry and update more author-nim ^^ i'll be waiting for the end~
tsekyi21 #4
Chapter 4: Awh this was a really cute chapter. I wonder if they'll still be as close in 2013.
Chapter 3: I love this story,really;_; Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon!~
Chapter 2: I really love this! Sunhwa is so herself in this, the characterization is good!
And irritated daehyun at the start hehe. <3
And the last line, "Promise is a promise" I suddenly had goosebumps all over idek why. It just yeahh orz. had that impact because of what Sunhwa's mother said I guess, about him getting hurt :c

I wonder what it is.. I will be looking forward to your next update!
tsekyi21 #7
Chapter 2: I really, really, like your story! <3 <3 <3

Esp how insistent Sunhwa is, and her personality really matches herself in real life too! :D Great story, authornim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: Sunhwa's character really fit herself~^^
And it's really sweet when they started to make their own promise..
But I wonder what is happening in the 'present'.
Seems like a bad thing has happened ><

Thanks for the update, author-ssi~
Please update soon ^^
Annyeong! I Love Daehyun, also Sunhwa~ I'll wait for your update.. Fighting!! :)