Chapter 8

The Artist in Spring

“So, what did you think?!” Jessica demanded as she and Sooyoung flopped down on her plush bed.

“I had so much fun!” Sooyoung squealed.

“Is that a gift he got you?” Jessica asked, gesturing at what Sooyoung had set down on the table.

“No, not really, just a take-out box with my favorite foods.”

“Wow, that’s nice,” said Jessica. “That’s also a bit surprising, considering the comment he made about your eating.”

“Yeah, I guess he felt bad though,” the brunette said, adding dreamily, “I think he’s very kind.”

Jessica agreed. “So what happened between you and him in the maze?”

“Nothing much,” Sooyoung admitted. “We talked for only a moment and then he ran away, but--”

Jessica interrupted, “What happened between you and Kris in the maze?”

“Me and Kris?” Sooyoung asked, taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“You were holding hands when you came out! And I was watching the monitor. I saw the way you smiled at him.”

The taller of the two blushed hard. “I didn’t realize I was smiling.”

“From ear to ear. What was said?”

“I don’t know…” Sooyoung began, still blushing furiously, “He just asked me what I liked, where I work, things like that.”

“Why would he ask you that?” Jessica confronted, sounding way less amused.

“Because he was being friendly, I guess,” Sooyoung answered, confused. Those seemed like pretty normal questions. “Haven’t you asked me things like that?”

Jessica ignored the question. “You need to stay away from him, Sooyoung. Stay far away. He is bad news.”

“What are you talking about? How can I stay away from him? He is Luhan’s best friend.”

Jessica adjusted her ponytail. “Can I tell you a story, Sooyoung?”

Sooyoung sat up straighter. This was interesting. “Sure.”

Jessica cleared , dramatically. Sooyoung giggled, anticipating. “Once upon a time, there were two, very popular, very handsome young men.”

Sooyoung interrupted, “When was the time?”

“About a year ago,” Jessica answered, adding jokingly, “Now don’t interrupt. Anyway, where was I? Yes, they were very handsome young men. The two had grown years before to be very close friends. They were at the very end of preparatory school. One of them was known for having plenty of girlfriends. He was very popular with the ladies and only the coolest of girls would ever be seen with him. The other never had a girlfriend, ever. Girls always talked about it. They would say, ‘He is so cute. Why won’t he date any of us?’ He was very choosy, you see. If he were to date a girl, she had to be the most special one in the room, always.”

Sooyoung nodded. “That sounds so romantic.”

Jessica nodded in agreement, continuing in her humorous tone of formality. “Indeed. Romantic, indeed. Well, one day everyone was shocked to see that the choosy one finally had a girlfriend. She was a beautiful new student, tall and lean and gorgeous beyond compare. He was quite handsome, but she was actually out of his league in the looks department.” You listened with avid interest. Had your new beau really been involved with a girl so spectacular, or was the story embellished? You felt self-conscious and actually a bit jealous. “His friend was none too happy about this new girlfriend. He was accustomed to being the one with the beautiful girls, but this girl was far better looking than any he had ever been with. His jealousy consumed him, and he decided he must have her. He waited until they were all drunk at a party, and he took advantage and seduced her. He broke his friend’s heart and ruined the only relationship he had ever had.”

Sooyoung was astounded. “So you’re saying that Kris ruined Luhan’s only relationship?”

“Yes,” Jessica adamantly assured, “I promise.”

Sooyoung started on a ramble. “I can’t believe Kris could be like that. How horrible! He seemed so shy and awkward…” An idea occurred to her. “What a second, if that really is so, then why are they still friends?”

“That is the great mystery,” Jessica said, as if she had asked herself that a million times and was fed up with thinking about it. “I have no idea. I would’ve never spoken to Kris again if I were Luhan. And about the shy, awkward guy, that is just a new rouse, I think.”

“So you’re saying that he acted awkward today for some plot that he has already concocted to steal me from Luhan?”

“Precisely!” Jessica cheered, putting her hands on her hips.

The brunetter opened her eyes really wide. “That is crazy talk! He only met me right then!”

“That’s simply how nefarious he is, I am sad to say,” Jessica explained, shaking her head. “With that man, I wouldn’t put anything past him.”

She wasn’t sure what to believe, but one thing was sure: Luhan was a nice guy to stay friends with Kris after a rumor like this was in circulation.

Luhan was nice guy period.



Sooyoung got up bright and early the next morning to go over to the hospital before work.  Her mother couldn’t wait to hear how her date had gone.

She was wearing a cute, flowing peach blouse and high-waisted sailor short outfit that Jessica had lent her. She decided to take the scenic route and cut through the town park.

There was a good-looking guy off the path near the fountain.

Yikes, it was Kris.

What should she do? She was supposed to stay away from him…

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Chapter 12: I got a little confused with the you pov. ㅠ ㅠ
lexy777 #2
Chapter 2: WOO! great story!
Chapter 12: I got confused? EH? I thought Sooyoung, herself is the main character here and there u goes the YOU pov??? What happened??
I'm sorry if you hate Luhan now ):
I am not a Luhan hater
he's not that bad I promise..
Chapter 12: UGH! I hate Luhan here! I know he's making a revenge towards Kris Oppa, maybe because of what happened in the past. I know Luhan knows that Kris Oppa loves Sooyoungie.
syoolove #6
Chapter 12: OMO...I felt sorry for Kris....T_T
Why she never realize his feeling for her....and why Luhan gets love and name for something that he never done..
i hope the truth will reveal soon...
Chapter 11: But what really happened in the past? :(
I really feel sorry for Kris T_T
biluvsoo #8
Chapter 10: this fic just too good >"<
thank you ^^
syoolove #9
Chapter 11: kris has such a beautiful heart
Soo so lucky..
hope she will know his kindness soon..
Chapter 10: ** hope you enjoy the rest of the story