stay away from me.

Don't touch me Yoon Dujun.

"YAHH! STOP TEASING ME!!" a young boy stand up from his chair. "Yong Junhyung Loves Haraaaa!!!!" then the older boy in front him laughing. " ME, YONG JUNHYUNG, NEVER LOVES A GIRL NAMED HARA!"  the boy named junhyung want to hit the older boy.
Then comes  4 boys to hold junhyung.
"y-yah, hyung....calm down..." the blonde hair boy said.


"wh-what?" Dujun  said.

"i said...i- i hate you..." then Junhyung leave.

"so a girl..." the another boy said.

"aish.." dujun followed him,
junhyung walk to the school's coridor. then he don't know dujun followed him...
"yah...Yong junhyung.."
junhyung suprised, but he keep silent.


"Yong Junn..."


junhyung was really upset, then he looked back to dujun with a red face.

"What do you want?!"

"ish...i'm sorry junhyung. plz forgive me...."

"no! never!"


"guys...hurry up, go to the soccer field, we gonna play soccer!"


the boys run out from class and changes their clothes in the school's toilet.

when junhyung's turn to changes his clothes, a boy holds his hand.

"huh?" he lookd dujun was holding his hand.

"i'm sorry junhyung...."

junhyung just ignore him.
"Don't touch me, yoon dujun." he said coldly. and, he entered the toilet.

'aish~~what should i do??' dujun tought..

whenever dujun looked at junhyung, junhyung always pretend not see him..

then...when the sport ends..(they're finished playing soccer)

Hara was take a sit on the bench, take a fresh air..then she feel someone take a sit beside her.

"oh~ Yoon Dujun..." she said.

then dujun said. " Hara...are you...junhyung's girlfriend...?"

"hu-huh? are you joking with me..? of course not...i never loved him, and also he never loves me, he hates me...coz, long time ago...he asked be his girlfriend..but i rejected him..haha.."

"r-really..?.so..y-you not loved him?."

" wrong...i loved Yoseob..." she said shyly.

"what?! seobie..?!"

she nodded.

"ough..hara, thanks..for spending your time to talked with me..."

" yes...umm..  by the way...why you asking me bout Junhyung?" hara asked with a serious voice.

"n-nothing..bye..." dujun said, and run.

"what's wrong with him..?" she asked herself.

Dujun was wrong, really wrong...he never know that junhyung is hurt to heard hara's name..
cause of...hara rejected him,,,

'im sorry jun!' dujun run to school to search for junhyung

and finally he found junhyung in front of his locker.

"Y-YAH...Y-YONG JUNHYUUUNG!" he shouted,
then junhyung looked at him with a oh-my-god looking.

"what?" he said.

"I-i'm so sorry jun...i never know..that heard her name.."

"huh? her? who??" junhyung try to not look at dujun's eyes..
"Goo hara...yeah..her...i never know, that if you rejected by'm sorry..." he hold junhyung's hand tight.

he starts to sob.

"stop,,d-dujun...and....d-don't touch me...if you keep touching me...i'm hurt...same hurt like goo hara's doing to holding my hand..p-please.."

Dujun shocked and let go junhyung's hand.

junhyung was run away.

Junhyung POV

Dujun!!! why you doing this to me..?!
I'm hurt...why you keep saying that i loved hara?!
i'm not loves her, dujun!!!

i never loves her, yeah.....she rejected i started to forget her...i never loves her!!!

you don't know that...
i love you?!
~~~~~~~~end of JH POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dujun is walked in shocked. he ruffle his head.

'why..i'm so stupid...' he tought to himself.

junhyung cried, cried a lot...
he's really really hurt, he wants to tell dujun that he loves him. but..he can't.

just the same....Dujun..loves Junhyung too....

from yesterday...he teasing junhyung for only looking at junhyung's cute face...but he don't know, his word really hurt junhyung's feeling.

dujun called junhyung, but junhyung rejected it.

"! he rejected it....aish...jun where are you?!"

junhyung was at the kids playground...he still crying...

dujun search him for a long time...dujun was almost hit by the car.
he do this for his junhyung, yes...just for him...

~2 hour past~
dujun found junhyung on the swings at kids playground..
he take a sit on the next swing.
junhyung keep look down.

'jun...don't cry..."
junhyung's eyes was wide open, and he looked beside him...

"hhu-hhuh *sob*?"
dujun wipe junhyungs tears with his thumb.

"i'm sorry, jun.."
junhyung just nodded.

"b-but don't said her name again ne..."

"okay...." dujun silent for a while then he open the conversation.
"jun......i- i...."
junhyung looked at the older..




"i...L-love,.that's all..."

junhyung suprised...he blushing.

"b-but...actually, dujun....i...i like if you teasing you pinch my cheek..but sometimes, i don't like said her name (hara)..."

they both silent.

" i..i-i love you too dujun..."

he burried his face with his hand..

dujun smiled...

"don't angry with me again ne..? i promise, will never said her name again...."
Dujun hug junhyung tight.. junhyung sobbed again..."y-you...promise? but....don't leave me too, don't let me to be alone, dujun..."

"i will never let you alone..." Dujun kissed junhyung's forehead.
"thank you, dujun,,,"


Finally, finished!!!!

what do ya think?!
and...sorry...i make hara loved seobie in this fic....TT.TT
don't angry with mee...

sorry for the bad write....i cant using english very well..and i know this fic really bad.

okay...this is it...hope ya enjoy..
plz comment and subcribe.

byeeeee!!! ^^



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Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwww~~ their shy confession just..,kdagfsdjgf awww~ so sweet~ xD
OMG I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!! Your beginning was really good >.< please update soon!! Kamsamida author ^.^