



Tao stormed through the flat, grabbing his things and shoving them into a bag, Kris trailed after him sounded words of an apology that fell onto deaf ears.

“Tao, baby, please.” The younger grabbed at his clothes, angry tears building up in his eyes.

“You sure had me fooled Wufan. Making me think that you actually loved me.” Kris spun the other around, making him face the taller.

“But I do love you Taozi.” Tao used his strength to push the other away, slapping the other hard across the face.

“Love me? Tch, if you love me than why did you sleep with him?!”

“I was dru-“ Another slap.

“For him, then what about the others? Huh!” The tears streamed down the younger’s face. “Why must you always lie to me Wufan?! I thought I could give you another chance, but this time was the final straw.”

The elder’s eyes widened, his own tears forming.

“No, baby please. I promise I won’t do it again.”

“Tch! You say that every time and you broke my trust Wufan, and my heart.” Tao looked at his left hand before pulling his ring off and placing it in Kris’ trembling hand. “I hope you won’t treat him like you did with me.”

The younger quickly kissed the elder’s cheek before grabbing his bag and walking out the door, slamming it closed. Wufan just stared at the door before slowly looking at the ring placed in his hand, slumping down onto the bed. He could hear his phone vibrate on the bedside table, lighting up with the name that he didn’t wish to see right now.


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Chapter 2: this could've been perfect... if only it was a lil bit longer.
Nevertheless these twoshots are awesome.
Chapter 1: This is so daebak. Continue plz plz plz.
Chapter 1: You made me cry again! TT^TT I'm gunna go sob over there *points to a random spot and runs away*