
The Storm

            The day was somber and damp. It was raining on and off, but you could hear the drops rattling on the rooftop of the funeral home like church chimes.

The boy was only twenty-two years old when had passed away in a car accident. It was so unfortunate, too unfortunate. I, myself, had never known him personally, but he sounded like a good kid.


            "Anyone who knew Myungsoo knew he was a good hyung, and very special to me.” The best friend’s speech started.

“He was not just a hyung, but also a friend, a guardian, and my lover.” The last part came out in a strained whisper. “I remember there this one distinct day in my childhood; he taught me not to be afraid of the rain."

The rain started up again and rattled the roof of the funeral home as he started her story.



There was a playground my best friend and I would go to every Tuesday. It was a marvelous playground constructed of wood. We loved it because it was the only playground that had a tire swing. We adored tire swings. One of us would sit on the big, round donut and the other would grab the chains and run around in circles, dizzying ourselves silly. It was my turn to get onto the tire when Myungsoo, and his deep brown eyes looked at the sky. He stood there for a moment in a trance before he remarked, "Whoa."
            "What is it?" I responded. He pointed at the sky, where a giant cloud that stretched for miles as grey as night slowly hovered over and blocked the sun. Several more threatening clouds followed and combined.
            "Looks like there's going to be a storm tonight. A big one," Myungsoo muttered.
            "How big?" I asked in a suddenly worried tone.
            "I don't know. We'll see," he smiled genuinely. Then he grabbed the chains and spun me around faster then before. We laughed and soon headed back. The light was fading and the dark clouds drew closer. We walked back, and I held his hand.

            The storm was proven to be worse than I, or anyone for that matter, anticipated. When it was time to go to bed, no one was more terrified than I. Everyone else grumbled about the rain crashing down with the hail mixed in, already sick of it. But not me; I lay in my bed next to Myungsoo, shaking uncontrollably. The roar of thunder or the clash of lightning every couple of seconds drowned my sobbing out. I shook violently now as the thunder, lightning, and winds grew louder and stronger. I was sure that if the winds became any more ferocious that they would tear the roof right off.

            A loud boom of thunder had me kicking and screaming under the covers. Another and another followed, and finally the loudest had me ing off the covers and running frantically to hide in the closet. Another crash of thunder rang through my ears and caused my entire body to vibrate. Lightning bolt after lightning bolt threatened the house, and the strong winds sounded like freakish groans that rattled the glass of the sliding doors. All of this combined sounded like a massacre.

            Finally, the closet door peaked open and I looked up from the ball I was crouched in to find myself looking at none other than Myungsoo-hyung. Saying nothing, he extended his hand to me, eyes full of care and sympathy. I shook my head as my whole body continued to vibrate uncontrollably. He retracted his arm and stood there for a few moments as the rain continued to rattle the roof like a tin can on prison bars. In pure silence, he couched down next to me, wrapping his arms around my petite body like the wings of a dragon.

            Soon the thunder died down but the rain continued to fall. The worst of the storm was over. I still cried and shook in Myungsoo’s arms.

            “Come with me,” he murmured, smoothing my hair and wiping my tears away with his thumbs. My vision was blurred with tears and my face felt puffy like a blowfish. I sobbed and sobbed, leaning into his shoulder. Myungsoo slid his arms under my legs and around my back, lifting and carrying me to my bed. He placed me down tenderly on the bed sheets, wrapping the covers over both of us as he slid in next to me.

            “I’ve always liked the rain,” Myungsoo continued, “the power of it, the energy of it, the peace that comes after it. I love the quiet it brings once everyone has scurried inside to get out of it, and the ripples it makes as it hits the puddles. It’s like the rain slows everything down as it falls from the sky.”

            For a moment we both listened to the rain on the roof. It sounded different this time. It was not intense and ferocious, but sorrowful and delicate.

            “There’s no need to be afraid of the rain, Sungjongie. In the end, it will wash all your problems away, and your tears,” Myungsoo justified. He again gingerly wiped my last tear away and hugged me closer. The sound of the rain melted away, and it was like the storm’s distant sounds never existed as I drifted to sleep.




            The funeral home was eerily quiet. The rain had magically dissipated as the boy’s story finished. Each breath in the audience was being held onto, like it was a crime to be the first to let out a breath. Tears silently trickled down the Sungjong’s face. Poor thing.

            “Ever since that night, I had realized something: the rain was comforting. I felt all my problems being washed away like Myungsoo-hyung had said. All I focused on was the soothing music of the rain on the roof and the warmth of hyung’s arms engulfing me.” Sungjong said, breaking the silence.

            “Myungsoo-hyung, I love you.” Sungjong said to no one in particular.


            And as if he was answering, the rain tapped on the roof again.




i need to edit the last part, because it sounds a bit awkward.

and this spacing is weird. need to do something about that too.


i should be doing my english proj... or math hw... but no...


feedback is much appreciated. thank you<3


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AznDuckies #1
Chapter 1: OMG NOO why did Myungsoo died NOO . Lol I was hoping it would be fluffy lol but this is amazing I like it a lot hehe