All Bets Are Off

All Bets Are Off

Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee or the song mentioned in this fanfiction.

"It ends with the husband dying" Jonghyun stubbornly insisted. Minho threw a piece of popcorn at him "No, this is the second movie Jonghyun, this time the brother dies!" They were practically butting heads now, both refusing to even consider their separate opinions wrong and verify via Google. “Just accept it shorty, you’re wrong!” Biting his tongue Jonghyun got up quickly, opening the DVD case that was on the counter and going over to the player to pop it in.

“We’ll just have to see. If I’m right, which I know I am, than you have to do 200 push ups for our encore stage the next time we win for why so serious.” Minho grinned, practically giggling to himself. Keeping his calm he replied “And if I win, cause I never lose” Jonghyun laughed at that, and was going to list all the times Minho lost but he cut Jonghyun off before he could finish “than you will have to sing…” he thought about it for a bit. He was going blank for songs, but then Kibum walked in. Perfect.

“Hey! Kibum what’s the silliest song you know?” Kibum looked back from where he was standing from the fridge, taking a moment to think of a song. “Touch my body by Mariah Carey I guess. The bridge in the song sounds a little, odd. Actually the whole song is odd” with that Minho grinned and Jonghyun slightly cowered away. “Hyung” he said innocently. “Hyung what’s wrong? If you lose all you’ll have to do is sing touch my body by Mariah Carey the next time we win  for our encore stage” Minho’s voice lowered near the end of that sentence, worrying Jonghyun, making him question Minho’s sanity when it comes to competitions. “F-fine. No problem. I’m a professional singer. How hard could it be?” All Minho could think was ‘Thank you Taemin’

“But how! How did you know that the brother died! Minho you said you never watched this movie before.” Jonghyun was pouting and Minho was dancing all around the room, celebrating the fact that yes, he was right. He knew he was right from the beginning, there was no way he could be wrong. “Like I said Jonghyun, this is the second movie” Minho plopped himself on the couch, basking in the feeling of victory. While Minho was celebrating, Jonghyun was trying to figure out how Minho was right. He went to pick up the DVD case and showed Minho. “See, it says right here that it’s the first movie.” And that just made Minho laugh and call Taemin over.

 “Yea Minho what” Taemin answered from the other room, making his way over to them. “What did we do the other day with the DVD cases?” Minho asked him. “We noticed that some of the covers inside were ripped from when we moved into this dorm and taped them back together why?” and Minho asked “but didn’t you say you put the wrong cover on the wrong movie and that you would change it later?” Taemin stopped and tried to remember when he said that “Yea,yea I did. Do you want me to do it now?” Minho grinned, taking the case away from Jonghyun and going over to open the DVD player and show him the disc. “No need Taemin. Actually I’m happy you didn’t change it. See, the case may say the first, but the DVD” he tilted it towards him so Jonghyun could look at it clearly. Taemin just walked away because he felt like there was going to be some fighting going on that he doesn’t want to deal with. ”the DVD says” Jonghyun finished his sentence for him, defeated “the second”

Jonghyun had a moment of realization. He lost; he really lost in a bet of all things. Bets were his thing. He couldn’t admit defeat yet. Not now. “You cheater! You cheater mc-cheaterson! Your position in the group should be a cheater!” Jonghyun carried on but Minho was un phased by Jonghyun’s childish way of trying to justify his defeat. Minho sauntered away, bringing back his own laptop and going on YouTube. When Jonghyun finished his rant about how Minho was a cheater and how his last name should be changed to Cheater Minho and if he loves cheating so much why he doesn’t marry it, he hears the bane of his existence.  Minho is grinning from his side of the couch while the music video, now Jonghyun’s least favorite song in the whole world is being played right before him. “You better start learning the words now Hyung” Jonghyun covers his face with a pillow and groans. That just makes Minho cackle victoriously.


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Chapter 1: Is it wrong that I want this to actually happen...
Chapter 1: I want to see Jjong singing touch my body. hahaha.
Chapter 1: "Cheater Mc-cheaterson. Your position in the group should be a cheater [...] If he loves cheating so much why doesn't marry it."
This was precious. So funny. (:
I really liked it and your entertaining way of writing.